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Where to Farm in Destiny 2: Farming Guide

Figuring out where to farm in Destiny 2 is often an annoying process. From finishing catalyst quests to bounty farming, this guide will cover the best ways to farm a wide variety of enemy types and objectives. We’ll also do a roundup of more specific enemies you may want to farm in Destiny 2.

Let’s get started!

Where to Farm Taken

Where to Farm Taken in Destiny 2
Image: Acitivision & Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss
  • Shuro Chi checkpoint (Last Wish raid, accessible through Wish Wall)
  • Thrallway checkpoint (Shattered Throne dungeon)
  • The Corrupted (strike)
  • Dares of Eternity (playlist activity)
  • Dreaming City (planet, free roam and lost sectors)

You have quite a few great options for where to farm Taken in Destiny 2. In fact, it’s likely that the Taken are the easiest enemy type to farm. If you’re going for maximum efficiency, then the Shuro Chi checkpoint from Last Wish is your best bet. This checkpoint is well-known amongst Destiny 2 players — not only is it the best place to farm Taken, it’s also one of the best overall farming locations if you need to kill lots of enemies fast.

If you don’t like that method or can’t access it, the Thrallway checkpoint from Shattered Throne is a very close alternative. If you’re specifically farming kills on primary ammo weapons, it might even be better since you don’t have to spend Raid Banners like you will in Shuro Chi. But it is a more annoying checkpoint to get since there’s no shortcut there. It’s also pretty rare to find people giving the checkpoint out in LFGs, while Shuro Chi checkpoints can be grabbed there fairly often.

Outside of those encounters, you could also just run the Corrupted strike, play Dares of Eternity, or roam the Dreaming City looking for ad-spawns or lost sectors.

Where to Farm Cabal

Where to Farm Cabal - Destiny 2
Image: Acitivision & Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss
  • Proving Grounds (strike)
  • Nessus (planet, free roam and lost sectors)
  • Dares of Eternity (playlist activity)

Cabal are not the easiest enemies to track down, which makes sense given their story at the moment. However, there are still some easy ways to find Cabal to farm. The Proving Grounds strike is the best place to farm Cabal at the moment, as it’s easily repeatable, not difficult (on low difficulty, at least), and features seemingly endless waves of Cabal.

Doing this strike on higher difficulties can be very challenging, though. If your only goal is to farm cabal, you might as well stick with the lowest difficulty.

If Proving Grounds isn’t your thing, you could also roam Nessus and participate in activities there or do lost sectors. Dares of Eternity also offers good Cabal farming if you don’t mind fighting other enemy types as well.

Where to Farm Hive

Where to Farm Hive
Image: Acitivision & Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss
  • Altars of Sorrow (public event on the Moon)
  • Moon (planet, free roam and lost sectors)
  • Dares of Eternity (playlist activity)

The Hive are a pretty common presence in Destiny 2, so it isn’t hard to find a good farming spot. The best by far is Altars of Sorrow on the Moon. This activity requires Guardians to progress through a series of challenges, all of which involve killing swarms of Hive. One or two runs of Altars is usually enough to finish up any bounties involving Hive, and it’s also great for catalyst completions due to the abundance of ammo spawns. If you don’t want to go into a raid or dungeon checkpoint to farm enemies, this is one of the best alternative places to go.

Other than Altars of Sorrow, you could also venture off to other places on the Moon to get a great amount of farming done. As with the others, Dares of Eternity is also an option.

Where to Farm Scorn

Where to Farm Scorn
Image: Acitivision & Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss
  • The Throne World (planet, free roam and lost sectors)
  • Birthplace of Vile (strike)

Scorn can be one of the more annoying enemies to farm, but thanks to The Witch Queen, we have some solid new places to farm them. The best place to farm Scorn is either on the Throne World or in the Birthplace of Vile strike.

While on the Throne World, lost sectors are some of the quickest ways to grab some Scorn kills. The Throne World is full of Scorn, so no matter where you go you’re likely to find a bunch of them. Birthplace of Vile is another option, and it’s a great one at that. In addition to being a great strike, Birthplace will give you more than enough Scorn to take out.

Strangely enough, Dares of Eternity does not include Scorn like it does the others, so that’s not an option here. Why Bungie chose to include every other enemy type but not Scorn is a mystery, but it’s really unfortunate.

Where to Farm Fallen

Where to Farm Fallen
Image: Acitivision & Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss
  • Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (strike)
  • EDZ (planet, free roam and lost sectors)
  • Dares of Eternity
  • Ketchcrash* (seasonal activity, will likely be removed when Lightfall releases)

Fallen are an extremely common enemy type in Destiny 2, so they aren’t too hard to find. Doing pretty much anything on the EDZ will likely lead you to groups of Fallen, or you could do strikes. There are a ton of strikes featuring Fallen, but the best for farming is the Fallen S.A.B.E.R. strike.

At the start of this strike, there is an objective to protect a fallen warsat. As you do this, massive waves of Fallen will spawn and rush you. This is the perfect opportunity to chain Fallen kills, and if you do it at higher difficulties the objective will take even longer, thus causing more Fallen to spawn. (Do be careful, though, because this part of the strike can be really difficult at high levels.)

Dares of Eternity also remains a possibility for farming Fallen, as do general activities such as lost sectors and public events, especially on the EDZ. Ketchcrash, the Season 18 activity, is another incredible farming spot for Fallen, but since it will likely be removed at the end of February with Lightfall, we won’t get to use it for much longer.

Where to Farm Vex

Where to Farm Vex
Image: Acitivision & Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss
  • Perdition (lost sector on Europa)
  • Vault of Glass (raid)
  • Dares of Eternity

There are a decent amount of places to farm Vex, but the easiest and quickest is the Perdition lost sector on Europa. This is a relatively short lost sector packed with Vex enemies. You could run this lost sector over and over again and have an effectively infinite source of Vex to farm. It’s also not too difficult on Master/Legend difficulty, so you could also farm Exotics while you’re at it when it’s the daily lost sector.

If you don’t want to farm lost sectors all day, you do have other options. Dares of Eternity provides lots of Vex enemies but also other types as well, and the Vault of Glass (VoG) raid is all about Vex. The introductory encounter (Opening the Vault) of VoG has great potential for farming if you don’t wanna play through the whole raid.

Farming Round-Up

This roundup section features a few extra farming locations, getting into more specifics than simply enemy types.

Where to Farm Kills and Catalysts in Destiny 2

The best overall kill farming location in Destiny 2 depends on what you want to do. If you’re farming primary ammo kills, the Thrallway checkpoint from Shattered Throne is the best. If you need special or heavy ammo, the Shuro Chi checkpoint from Last Wish is better since it has a rally banner. These are also your best options for where to farm catalysts in Destiny 2 as well.

Where to Farm Champions in Destiny 2

Farming Champions is usually pretty simple. If you need to farm Champions, just go into the weekly Nightfall strike at whatever difficulty you’re comfortable with and kill all the Champions that spawn. The higher the difficulty, the more Champions that spawn. If you want a solo method, you could either launch a strike at non-matchmaking difficulty (Legend or higher) or go for one of the Exotic quests. For example, master difficulty Vox Obscura has two Champions at the start that can be easily killed solo.

Where to Farm Powerful Enemies in Destiny 2

Powerful Enemies spawn pretty much everywhere in the game, so you can farm them wherever you’d like. Perhaps the best place would be Dares of Eternity, but there’s not one specific best place. (The one in the image above is near the northern spawn point on Europa and it respawns constantly, so that’s a good place to go if you just need a couple.)

Where to Farm Public Events in Destiny 2

If you need to farm public events, just look at the various destinations/planets to see which currently have public events ongoing or beginning soon (just check the map for blue diamond symbols with orange outlines). Public events usually don’t take too long, so you should be able to bounce from destination to destination, completing them back to back.

Where to Farm Specific Enemy Types:

  • Minotaurs (Vex): Perdition lost sector on Europa. There are several in this lost sector so you can just repeat it to farm the minotaurs.
  • Servitors (Fallen): Concealed Void lost sector on Europa. During the boss fight for this lost sector, servitors will spawn regularly as you fight the boss. If you stall the boss, however, the servitors will continue to spawn. Just don’t damage the boss and farm servitors as long as you want.
  • Wizards (Hive): Altars of Sorrow. Altars is basically a one-stop farming location for everything Hive.

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Thanks for reading this farming guide for Destiny 2! Hopefully you’ll be a more effective farmer going forward, now that you know where to farm. Be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for more content on Destiny 2 and other titles.

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