Destiny 2: Crota’s End Armor Sets

Crota’s End has returned after all these years, and with it comes fantastic Hive-themed armor sets. The armor sets themselves are nothing special since they’re just standard Legendary armor pieces with no guaranteed high-stat rolls, but they’re amazing for cosmetic/fashion purposes.

In this article, we’ll take a look at how to get each new piece of Legendary armor offered in Crota’s Raid across all three classes! There’s a decent bit of variety this time around, so there’s plenty to look at.

Let’s get started with how to get the Crota’s End armor.

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Where & How to Get the Crota’s End Armor Set

The Crota’s End armor is associated with the raid of the same name. To do Crota’s End, you just need to be at 1790 Light. It’s free for all players, so you won’t have to own any expansions or DLC content to play it. From the raid, you’ll be able to get the full set of armor for your class! Each class’ armor set has its own name and style, which we’ll check out in the next section.

But first, if you want to know which encounters in Crota’s End drop each piece of armor or about the weapons you can get from the raid, then check out the related links just below.

Crota’s End Hunter Armor Set (God-Knight Suit)

The Hunter armor set, the God-Knight Suit, is a mixed bag. The style of Hive aesthetic they went for in this whole set makes it stand out, though, so even though the Hunter’s version isn’t the best, it’s still really fun. And of course, it has a cool cloak.

Unyielding Casque (Hunter Helm)

Unyielding Casque (Hunter Helm) God-Knight Suit Crota's End Armor
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

It looks like the rock ship from Dares of Eternity. For that reason alone, we love it. Other than looking sort of funny, this helmet doesn’t really have much to offer. It’s very subtle, especially for what you expect for Hunter armor at this point.

Dogged Gage (Hunter Gauntlets)

Dogged Gage (Hunter Gauntlets) Crota's End
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Big spiky things on the shoulder? Sounds perfect for a Hunter armor piece. Honestly, the rocky look of this set is what makes it all worthwhile. That, plus the nice glowing spikes coming off so many of the pieces, this one included. Dogged Gage is the second best piece from the Hunter set, easily.

Relentless Harness (Hunter Chest)

Relentless Harness (Hunter Chest)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

This chest piece is entirely boring, other than the glowing spikes. The spikes do make it memorable, though, so at least there’s that. It just doesn’t seem like the rest of this chest piece will work well with anything other than this full set. It certainly doesn’t seem like one you’ll be using for transmog anytime soon.

Tireless Striders (Hunter Legs)

Tireless Striders (Hunter Legs)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Just like the gauntlets, the legs have the glowing spikes heavily featured on one side. Thankfully, it’s the same side as the gauntlets, so they work perfectly together. Will this be great on random sets? Maybe, but it stands out most when paired at least with the gauntlets from this one. But between the fun spikes, the rusted knife on the side, and the bulky knee pads, it has a ton of promise.

Shroud of Flies (Hunter Cloak)

Shroud of Flies (Hunter Cloak)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Now this is what we’re talking about. Every raid has to have a cool Hunter cloak, or the whole set is a bust. The Shroud of Flies combines the rustic vibe you expect from the Hive with the softly-lit glowing spikes featured throughout all three sets. Having horns on the cloak is an excellent touch, and it really carries the entirety of the Hunter set.

Crota’s End Warlock Armor Set (Deathsinger Suit)

The Warlock set, Deathsinger Suit, has a more grandiose feel than the others. While it maintains the Hive aesthetic and the greenish-blue accents, it leans more into the “fancy” or elegant space. It’s a great contrast to the other two sets, but it doesn’t feel too different to where it would be a problem.

Deathsinger’s Gaze (Warlock Helm)

Deathsinger's Gaze (Warlock Helm) - Deathsinger Suit Crota's End Armor
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Bungie loves giving Warlocks big, nasty-looking horns, don’t they? This looks like a Hive-themed ornament for The Stag, but that’s not really a bad thing (the horns aren’t that long, but still). This is definitely a love-it-or-hate-it type of helmet, but we lean towards loving it.

Deathsinger’s Grip (Warlock Gauntlets)

Deathsinger's Grip (Warlock Gauntlets)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Nothing all that special here, other than the glowing fingertips. It fits really well into Strand builds, but the glowing fingertips are cool enough to work with anything. It’s also worth noting that the rest of the gauntlets actually look nice too, with a elegant style of design that matches the rest of the Warlock set.

Deathsinger’s Mantle (Warlock Chest)

Deathsinger's Mantle (Warlock Chest) - Crota's End Armor
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Here’s where 90% of the “elegance” we mentioned earlier comes from. The long cloak with its glowing trim is absolutely beautiful, and the glowing spikes on the shoulders make it more eye-catching. Even the high-collared neck part is nice, where those often just take away from the helmet. This chest piece is very similar to the Reverie Dawn one for Warlocks. Not bad company to be in at all.

Deathsinger’s Herald (Warlock Legs)

Deathsinger's Herald (Warlock Legs)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

There really isn’t much to say about these legs. The leather pants are pretty nice and will likely work with many fashion builds, but the shoes do stand out. Having glowing spike toes is pretty cool, so this is definitely an armor piece worth picking up for some funny looks.

Bone Circlet (Warlock Bond)

Bone Circlet (Warlock Bond)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Warlock bonds are rarely ever that exciting, and the Bone Circlet isn’t much different. However, we will say that it will likely work better with other sets than the one it’s from. We have enough of the glowing spikes on the rest of the set, so we don’t need a random one on our arm. But if you have a different Hive look that you like, this might be just what you need to complete it.

Crota’s End Titan Armor Set (Willbreaker Suit)

The Titan’s Willbreaker Suit is bulky and in-your-face, but it is a Titan set so that’s to be expected. As with all good Titan sets, this one gives you a lot to talk about. From the amazing helmet to surprisingly subtle mark, this is a great set for any Titan.

Willbreaker’s Watch (Titan Helm)

Willbreaker's Watch (Titan Helm) - Willbreaker Suit Crota's End Armor
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Is this just Majora’s Mask, or am I going insane? Regardless, this is easily the coolest individual armor piece from the whole raid. It certainly won’t work with every look, but if you can base your whole style around it, it’s perfect. You could even stray away from the Hive aesthetic for something more unique and odd if that’s what you’re going for.

Willbreaker’s Fists (Titan Gauntlets)

Willbreaker's Fists (Titan Gauntlets)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

There’s always something fun about Titan gauntlets with huge shoulder pieces, and this is certainly one of those. This one actually has a much better look than most of them do, as it’s large enough to really show off the small details of this set. You can actually see the rocks breaking apart and hovering around the glowing spikes, which you don’t get on any other class. This is definitely a piece worth grabbing.

Willbreaker’s Resolve (Titan Chest)

Willbreaker's Resolve (Titan Chest)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

For every great piece of armor Titans get, they get at least one like this. This is just a standard, bland chest piece with a bit of bone thrown on it. The neck part gets a little more interesting, but not enough to bring it up at all. For a piece of raid armor, this isn’t much to talk about.

Willbreaker’s Greaves (Titan Legs)

Willbreaker's Greaves (Titan Legs)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

The Willbreaker’s Greaves aren’t amazing, but they are at least very unique. The actual greaves themselves are pretty basic, but the glowing spikes are kind of fun. We think they’d look better if the ones on the knees were smaller, but it’s Titan armor. And Titan armor always takes the more “unique” route.

Mark of the Pit (Titan Mark)

Mark of the Pit (Titan Mark)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

This mark is definitely one of the best pieces from the Titan set. The cloth and waist parts are very standard/average, but the glowing ends give it a purpose. The glowing spikes on the waist are also a nice addition, and they don’t take away from the rest of the overall set too much. This is a better than average mark, so you’ll want to check it out once you get one.

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And that concludes all the armor pieces and sets you can get from the remasted Corta’s End raid in Destiny 2. Which pieces are your favorite and have you mix-and-matched any of them to create a unique look?

Let us know in the comments and make sure to subscribe to the High Ground for more Destiny 2 content and news on all your favorite games.

Remember guardians, fashion is the true endgame.

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