Destiny 2 is full of cinematic finishing moments. Watching the health bar on a Raid boss empty out after landing that last crucial shot. Unleashing your Super at just the right moment to clear out a full Fireteam in Crucible. Oh, and of course there are actual finishers that let you take down enemies in style.
Finishers truly are one of the most gratifying and slick methods of dispatching enemies in Destiny 2. They can be crucial for taking down Champions or shielded enemies in end-game content.
Now that sounds all well and good, but you may be asking, what exactly are finishers in Destiny 2? How do I unlock and use them? And which of these visceral final moves should I be running? Don’t worry, we have all the answers you’re looking for in this guide on Destiny 2 finishers.
What Are Finishers in Destiny 2?
Finishers are a melee combat mechanic in Destiny 2 that allows you to take down certain enemies once their health bar is low enough. Once an enemy is glowing, you’ll see the prompt appear above their heads to execute it and take down the enemy. Now, rather than being just a quick melee hit or other general combat ability, the camera will actually pull back to showcase a canned animation. The only thing worth noting is that this doesn’t provide invincibility, so you can still be killed in the process.
Originally introduced as part of the Shadowkeep expansion with just a handful of Destiny 2 Shadowkeep finishers, the feature has evolved into more than just a way to finish enemies. Thanks to the addition of specific finisher mods, you can gain additional ammo, replenish abilities, and even boost health regeneration.
How Do You Use Finishers in Destiny 2?
All it takes to use a finisher is depleting an enemy’s health and hitting down on the right thumbstick (if you’re playing controller). Along with Cross Play, this next season of Destiny 2 will introduce further custom mapping options, meaning you could switch this prompt to a different key.
Now finishers will not automatically be assigned to your character. Instead, you need to enter your inventory menu scroll down to the second page, and select your finisher collection. Here you can favorite as many finishers as you want to randomly cycle through. There’s, unfortunately, no other personalization here, so either add a bunch for a surprise every time or just favorite the one that you really like the most.
How To Unlock Finishers in Destiny 2
While finishers directly affect combat in Destiny 2, they’re actually classified as cosmetic items. This means that like most cosmetics, there’s no real tried and true method to unlock them. Some are just general drops, others are exclusive to certain events, and the rest are purchasable. However, if you’re really looking to expand on your collection, here are a few methods that will guarantee you get a finisher.
Season Pass
Every new season pass includes an Exotic weapon, Armor Ornaments, Shaders, and one exclusive finisher. You can typically expect to unlock a Legendary finisher early on around Tier 8-10. Just keep in mind that you’ll have to purchase the season pass to unlock them.
There are plenty of finishers available for purchase through the Eververse. Some are weekly offerings that cost Silver and rotate out upon reset. Others are seasonal exclusives that last throughout a season and cost Silver. All of these cost different amounts depending on rarity and if they’re being discounted.
Bright Engrams
The only other way to earn finishers in Destiny 2 is to unlock Bright Engrams. You can gain these by upgrading your Season Pass or as random reward drops. These are directly tied to the Eververse (and it’s where you turn them in) and you, unfortunately, cannot choose your reward. So just stack up and hope you land a finisher, which pulls from the pool of Eververse items no longer available for purchase.
All 32 Destiny 2 Finishers Ranked Best to Worst
Now you know the basics of Destiny 2 finishers. However, we still haven’t answered the most important question—what are the best Destiny 2 finishers? Well, let’s take a look at the full Destiny 2 finshers list to find out. Just a note, there were some other finishers exclusive to specific seasons that are no longer available
1. The Kellbreaker
- Source: Season Pass
- Appearance: Season 9
- Availability: All Classes
Embrace the strength of legendary Guardian Saint-14 with a finisher that literally has you use your head.
2. Sure Shot
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 9
- Availability: Hunter
If there was ever something that perfectly describes a Hunter, it’s this finisher.
3. Security Breach
- Source: Season Pass
- Appearance: Season 14
- Availability: All Classes
Enter the Vex Network to dispatch your enemies with a tool once claimed by the Darkness.
4. Shield Slam
- Source: Season Pass
- Appearance: Season 13
- Availability: All Classes
While we all wanted a massive drop pod finisher, this shield slam is a close second.
5. By My Blade
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 13
- Availability: Warlock
This Warlock exclusive finisher briefly empowers you with Dawnblade for a fiery finisher.
6. Silencing Shot
- Source: Season Pass
- Appearance: Season 12
- Availability: All Classes
This is the type of finisher you reserve for that one guy who is bound to betray you.
7. Slice and Dice
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 11
- Availability: Hunter
Show off your knife handling expertise with this Hunter exclusive finisher.
8. Bulwark Hurl
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 11
- Availability: Titan
Captain America couldn’t have done it any better than this Titan finisher.
9. Gladiator’s Bladerush
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 10
- Availability: All Classes
Take one of the most obnoxious Cabal enemy attacks and dish it right back out.
10. Clock Cleaner
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 9
- Availability: All Classes
Sometimes an old-school wind-up is all you need to clean an enemy’s clock.
11. Flash Kick
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 9
- Availability: All Classes
Is this the sequel to flash dance? Well, there’s no chair or rain… but it sure looks flashy.
12. Golden Age Dropkick
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: All Classes
The perfect finisher when one foot just isn’t enough.
13. Electric Slap
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 14
- Availability: Titan
Build up that static electricity and unleash it with a high-five to the floor.
14. Ionic Spear
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 14
- Availability: Warlock
Treat your enemies like a lightning rod and spear them with electricity.
15. Whirling Edge
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 13
- Availability: Hunter
Stabbing an enemy in the face isn’t enough, why don’t you kick it instead?
16. Arctic Edge
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 12
- Availability: Hunter
Practice your mountain climbing by unleashing a Stasis-filled pickaxe.
17. Fracturing Slam
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 12
- Availability: Titan
Take down enemies with a giant spiky slab of ice.
18. Shatterpierce
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 12
- Availability: Warlock
Shatter enemies from within by nailing them with this lengthy staff.
19. Nova Pulse
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 11
- Availability: Warlock
Unleash the power of a violet sun by dropping a massive energy bomb.
20. Crackling Flourish
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 10
- Availability: Hunter
Disrespect your enemies by backhanding them with an electric staff.
21. Stormbreaker
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 10
- Availability: Warlock
Unleash your inner Emperor Palpatine and light up your enemies. Do it!
22. Nail On the Head
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 9
- Availability: Titan
Always thought our enemies were pinheads, better nail them down.
23. Overhead Heel Crush
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 11
- Availability: All Classes
Show off your agility that could double as a solid windmill kick.
24. Thunderclap
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 10
- Availability: Titan
You know how Hulk shatters stuff by clapping? This is kind of like that.
25. En Garde
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 9
- Availability: Warlock
This one is for the fencing enthusiasts out there.
26. Belgian Flying Kick
- Source: Season Pass
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: All Classes
They do serve something better than waffles, and it’s a void-infused spinning kick.
27. Whirlwind
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: All Classes
Pull of an impressive gainer that distracts the fact that your foot is about to hit their face.
28. Skull Crasher
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 14
- Availability: Hunter
Hunters are usually more subtle, but there’s nothing wrong with the direct approach.
29. Savage Haymaker
- Source: Eververse
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: All Classes
An old classic that leverages raw power.
30. Blade Carnival
- Source: Earned while leveling
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: Hunter
The original Hunter finisher that embraces your blades.
31. Palm of Wen Jie
- Source: Earned while leveling
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: Warlock
The original Warlock finisher that tells enemies to talk to the hand.
32. The Focused Fist
- Source: Earned while leveling
- Appearance: Season 8
- Availability: Titan
The original Titan finisher that’s really just a jumping punch.
Armor Mods — Finisher Options Explained
There are a handful of Armor Mods that apply special perks to your finishers. These are Class Mods, meaning that they are applied to your Class Armor, except for the Empowered Finisher, which is listed as a Combat Style option. Any of these can be fairly useful if combined with the right weapon, ability, and Mod options. Just keep in mind that you’ll use up portions of your Super whenever you decide to finish an enemy, but it does provide a guaranteed perk in exchange.
Here are all of the current Class Mods that influence your Finisher:
- Bulwark Finisher — Consume one-fourth of your Super to generate an Overshield by finishing a combatant.
- Empowered Finish — Consume one-tenth of your Super to become Charged With Light by finishing a combatant.
- Explosive Finisher — Consume one-fifth of your Super to restore grenades by finishing a combatant.
- Healthy Finisher — Consume one-tenth of your Super to regenerate health by finishing a combatant.
- One-Two Finisher — Consumer one-sixth of your Super to regenerate melee abilities by finishing a combatant.
- Snapload Finisher — Finishers generate Primary ammo and reload all your weapons. Requires one-tenth of your Super energy.
- Special Finisher — Finishers generate Special ammo for the whole Fireteam. Requires one-third of your Super energy.
- Utility Finisher — Consume one-tenth of your Super to restore class abilities by finishing a combatant.
Become a High Grounder
We hope this guide on Destiny 2 finishers has helped you find some slick new finishing moves to unleash upon the Darkness. Be sure to let your Fireteam know which finishers you’ll be running by sharing this article on your favorite social channels, and sign up for our newsletter for the latest on Destiny 2.
Happy gaming!
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