Destiny 2: How to Get Slayer’s Fang

New exotics are always exciting, but nobody said they were easy to fully upgrade.

Slayer’s Fang is the new Exotic Shotgun available via the Kell’s Fall quest. As always, if you want to truly unlock it’s power you’ll have to do more than just complete a run of the mission, though. In this article I’ll go through how to get Slayer’s Fang, as well as its catalysts and extra intrinsic traits. Then we’ll also look at the best places to use it. Let’s get started with a quick overview of how to unlock it in the first place!

How to Get Slayer’s Fang

Slayer’s Fang is a guaranteed reward for completing the Kell’s Fall exotic mission. This mission is fairly standard and doesn’t require you to do anything too cryptic, and it’s also not very hard. Most of the difficulty comes from the open-ended nature of the level designs, but once you figure out where to go it’s smooth sailing from there. The boss fights aren’t that hard, but there are quite a few of them in the mission. It’s not a quick mission, but it’s one that you’ll get much faster at once you figure out the quickest route to and from each area.

Slayer’s Fang Perks and Intrinsic Trait

As always with Exotic weapons, Slayer’s Fang has unique Exotic perks that set it apart from Legendary weapons. Let’s take a look at them, as well as its Exotic intrinsic trait.

Exotic Perks:

  • Barrel: Arrowhead Brake
  • Magazine: Flared Magwell
  • Trait: Heart Piercer
  • Stock: Composite Stock

The Heart Piercer standard trait is an interesting one. It gives Slayer’s Fang’s rounds a shatter-and-rebound effect similar to that of Sleeper Simulant, which is pretty fun. It also gives this weapon a built-in Overload mod, so it’ll always be strong against those Champions in Nightfalls or other high-end content.

Intrinsic Trait: Nightsworn Sight

The Nightsworn Sight intrinsic trait allows final blows with Slayer’s Fang to grant you “nightsworn sight”. This buff gives you Truesight against nearby enemies, and also increases reload speed and precision damage for the duration of the buff. In addition, it also allows the submunitions (shattered/ricocheted rounds from the Heart Piercer trait) to weaken targets. There are a number of benefits to this, but it all boils down to more damage.

How to Get the Slayer’s Fang Catalysts and Intrinsic Traits

Slayer’s Fang follows the format many Exotic weapons have followed as of late in having multiple catalysts. Slayer’s Fang actually has four different catalysts to unlock, so we have a lot of options. Only one can be attached at a time though sadly, but I guess that’s probably for the best. There are also extra intrinsics to collect if you want to unlock all of this weapon’s options. Here’s an overview of the catalysts, intrinsics, and how to get them.

Catalysts (Must Be Completed in Expert Difficulty)

Each of the four catalysts for Slayer’s Fang allows you to equip a new trait to the weapon. The four traits are Repulsor Brace, Loose Change, Stats for All, and Cascade Point. If you want to unlock all of these, you have to complete the four quests you get upon receiving the weapon itself.

The first step is to kill enemies while under the effects of a tonic. Tonics are a seasonal item that you can make at the Last City and then use via your inventory (over on the far right side where you can see Exotic Cyphers, Engrams, etc.). This is a really easy step, as all it really requires is for you to use a tonic and kill some enemies.

For all four catalyst quests, the next step requires you to destroy “Illusory Anchors” (pictured above) in different areas of the Kell’s Fall mission. This must be done in the expert difficulty version of the mission, and you’re required to shoot them with Slayer’s Fang itself. You’ll be able to see them with it equipped. Here are all four areas you’ll have to destroy these anchors in (there are three of them in every area listed):

  • Mirror Gallery (the first revenant plane in the mission)
  • Fighting Pit (first boss fight room)
  • Sanctum (revenant plane after the Vestibule area)
  • Throne Room (final boss room)

The last quest steps for all four quests is just to complete the mission on expert difficulty and then go talk to Edo at the Last City.

Intrinsics (Can Be Done in Normal Difficulty or Expert)

Piano Organ numbered 1-13, left to right.
Bungie / Brett Moss

In addition to unlocking those catalysts, you’ll also be able to unlock extra intrinsic traits. To unlock these, you’ll need to enter “codes” at the piano organ in the first room of the mission. It’s the area with all the random symbols you probably noticed on your first run through the mission. You can find the codes in various locations throughout the quest, but the codes are always the same. If you don’t see all of the notes pictured above, you might have to do multiple runs of the mission before unlocking them all. They were already there for me when I started this guide, so I’m not sure how many runs it took me before they showed up.

Here are the codes for each intrinsic upgrade:

  • Nightsworn Intrinsic II: 2-11-1-10-7-6
    • After putting this code in, you’ll find the intrinsic nearby. Go up the stairs to the right and go down the hallway to where you see an open door. You can pick it up in there.
  • Nightsworn Intrinsic III: 1-4-11-1-4-10
    • The intrinsic pick-up this time is in the Mirror Gallery. Go along the path until you find a newly-unlocked door and pick it up in there. Don’t leave the main room with the pipe organ yet though because you’ll want to put the code for the fourth one in before leaving.
  • Nightsworn Intrinsic IV: 1-8-1-6
    • The pick-up for this one is in the room where you’ll place your banner before the second encounter (the room is called the Vestibule). Directly to the right of the banner spot, you’ll see a closed door with three lanterns. Light the braziers (the pots you can interact with) in the room behind the rally banner to unlock this door, and if you put the code in at the pipe organ, the last intrinsic will be in a vase in that room.

Where to Use Slayer’s Fang (and Best Catalysts to Use)

Slayer’s Fang is certainly an interesting exotic. Being able to easily weaken enemies is going to be good in high-level content, especially with this season’s artifact mods involving Void mechanics. Since it has an Overload Champion mod as well, it’ll be even better in content with Overload Champions. The damage it does is respectable, especially with the catalysts. For PVE, I like Repulsor Brace and Cascade Point the most. Repulsor Brace is good on Void builds, but Cascade Point can be used with any builds. I won’t say it’s going to be an absolute top-tier meta weapon (it is a shotgun after all), but it’s certainly one of the best shotguns and one you can definitely use if you want to. And in certain activities with lots of close-range fights and/or Overload Champions, it’s going to be pretty strong.

For PVP, I don’t think it’s that great. Truesight seems like it would be awesome, but it doesn’t really do much. Especially since it requires a kill to activate. Since it’s a slug shotgun it does have solid range, but the damage isn’t as good as I’d like it to be. If you’re really good with shotguns you might be able to make it work, but I don’t think it’ll be making a huge impact in Trials anytime soon. But that being said, I’m not much of a PVP player, so maybe I’m missing something here.

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