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Destiny 2: How to Get Pinnacle Rewards in Episode: Revenant

Pinnacle rewards are the most important loot for increasing your light, but where should you seek them out?

If you want to make it past the powerful rewards Light cap of 2000 (up to 2010), you’ll need Pinnacle rewards. You’ll want as many of these as possible, and luckily there are quite a few available each week. Every week, Pinnacle rewards reset on Tuesday, so make sure and get them all done before then to maximize your profits. But where to get these rewards? In this article, I’ll cover each way to gain Pinnacle rewards currently in Destiny 2!

Pathfinder (Core Playlists)

Requirements: Free-to-play.

The Pathfinder is a node-based system where you complete multiple objectives to progress further down the path. Each objective gives you some XP, and the final node grants a Pinnacle Reward. This system replaces the old one of getting bounties for Vanguard Strikes, Gambit, and Crucible. After a while with this new system, I have to say that I definitely prefer it over the bounties. Not only is it quicker, but it also doesn’t require you to go gather bounties at the start of each week. Plus, if you want to maximize your XP gains, you can wait before claiming your Pinnacle to finish more of the nodes first. Once you’re ready to get your Pinnacle, just reset the path and go through the whole process again. You can get up to three Pinnacles across the Vanguard, Gambit, and Crucible trees. (You cannot get three from each tree, but this way does at least make it where you can skip up to two of the core playlists entirely if you want to.)

Nightfall Strike (200k Combined Points)

Requirements: Depends on the strike, but many are free-to-play.

This one is pretty simple. All you have to do is gain 200,000 points in Nightfall strikes, which can be accomplished at any difficulty. You’ll get more points at higher difficulties, but if you’re not high enough light level it’s best to go with an easier one. You can usually get this done in just a couple of runs, so it’s not one of the Pinnacles that takes a long time to get. This is probably my personal favorite one as a huge Nightfall fan (probably my favorite game mode at this point), as the variety of modifiers which promote unique builds makes it a ton of fun.

Weekly Rotator Dungeons

Requirements: Dungeon keys (if the dungeon isn’t free). Changes week to week.

Each week, you’ll have several ways to gain Pinnacle rewards in the older dungeons. There are two “rotator” dungeons (which just indicates that it changes each week) that you can get a single Pinnacle reward from. The Pinnacle only comes from the last encounter in each of these. You can either play through the whole thing or hope to find a group via LFG which is already on the last encounter, but either way it’s a good way to get rewards. It does a bit of time if you do the whole thing, but it’s worth your time.

Cooperative Focus Campaign Mission

Requirements: The Final Shape expansion.

To be honest, the cooperative campaign mission is one of the more tedious Pinnacle reward sources. These missions can take a while to do, and sometimes you might struggle to find someone to help with it. This is one of the only Pinnacle sources that requires at least multiple fireteam members, though, so you won’t be able to do this one alone. Once you get a team together you might still have some difficulty since they’re not easy and have complex mechanics. Make sure your fireteam members are ready for the challenge before going in.

Weekly Exotic Mission (Complete Twice)

Requirements: Some require expansions, but some do not.

The weekly Exotic mission is a great way to get a Pinnacle reward, but they can take a while to do. Some of them are much quicker, while others will have you spending a lot of time for just one reward. I usually save this one for the end, but it’s still worth doing. The main downside is that you have to do the mission twice to get the reward (a change that I really don’t understand), but nonetheless, it’s still a way to get a Pinnacle reward without too much effort.

Trials of Osiris (Win 7 Matches)

Requirements: Free-to-play.

Trials of Osiris is the premier competitive PVP experience in Destiny 2. Due to that, you might struggle with this Pinnacle reward. You have to get 7 match wins to get the Pinnacle, but luckily they don’t have to be in a row or on a single card. Even if you end up losing 50 times, each win counts for the 7 you’ll need. If you’re more of a PVE player, don’t just run in here with the same old weapons as always and expect to win. Make sure and use a good, meta PVP build and weapons so you don’t have to do a million matches. I recommend finding a fireteam to cooperate with via voice chat if you can, but matchmaking is also an option here.

Weekly Rotator Raid (Final Encounter)

Requirements: Depends on the raid (some require expansions but some are free-to-play).

Similarly to the weekly rotator dungeons, the rotator raid also grants a Pinnacle reward from its final encounter. Unlike dungeons, though, it’s a lot easier to find an LFG group that’s already on the final encounter here. Whether you plan to do a full run or just the last encounter, this is one of the more fun Pinnacle sources in my opinion. Especially on raids that have a fun final encounter, this is always a good Pinnacle challenge.

Newest Raid – Salvation’s Edge (All Encounters)

Requirements: The Final Shape expansion.

As always, the newest raid is the most bountiful source of Pinnacle rewards. You’ll get a Pinnacle-level piece of raid loot for every encounter completed, which is amazing. Salvation’s Edge is a very difficult raid, though, so I’d highly recommend watching some how-to videos if you haven’t done it before. If you’re prepared for a challenge, though, Salvation’s Edge will leave you with more Pinnacles than anything else will. You’ll only get these on the first completion of each encounter each week, though, so you can’t grind infinite Pinnacles sadly.

Newest Dungeon – Vesper’s Host

Requirements: The Final Shape dungeon key (included in TFS deluxe edition but separate from base edition).

Vesper’s Host is the newest dungeon, so it has Pinnacle rewards for each encounter. Just like in the raid, you’ll only be able to get these on your first completion. It’s not too hard to find an LFG group to help with this, so I’d definitely recommend doing it earlier in the week so more people will be playing. You do have to have the Final Shape dungeon key to play it, though, which sucks. I still don’t understand the justification of requiring a separate $20 USD purchase just for a dungeon, but alas, it is what it is. I guess a single dungeon is worth half the cost of the whole expansion.

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