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The Best Grenade Launchers in Destiny 2

Grenade launchers have had an interesting history in Destiny 2. They were first introduced as a lackluster alternative to rocket launchers, then expanded into a Special weapon option. In many ways, they’re still an explosive weapon option, but they require a bit more finesse to pull off, making them more useful for strategic play over other AOE-type weapons.

As of Beyond Light, grenade launchers are in a fairly good place. The perk options are interesting, the damage output is consistent, and some of the new weapons represent a nice change of pace for the weapon-class. But which is the best grenade launcher in Destiny 2? Let’s dig in and find out.

10 Best Destiny 2 Grenade Launchers

Since Beyond Light, most of the top-tier kinetic grenade launchers have been sunsetted. That system will be removed next season, meaning that these weapons will most likely return, but it’s hard to know how useful they’ll be. For now, these are the current grenade launchers worth checking out in Destiny 2.

1. Salvager’s Salvo

The best grenade launcher in Destiny 2 overall

Salvager's Salvo
Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? This handheld grenade launcher allows you to fire single shots that remotely detonate after releasing the trigger. This works incredibly well with the high velocity, handling, and reload stats, which allow you to quickly switch between weapons and accurately layup a finishing grenade shell. The accuracy and efficiency alone are incredibly useful, but it’s the perk pool that elevates this new grenade launcher to the best of the bunch.

Thanks to the Spike Grenade perk, any direct hits cause increased damage. This works seamlessly with the Ambitious Assassin perk, which continues to expand your magazine upon successful kills. And depending on how you want to play, rolling either Vorpal Weapon or Chain Reaction makes this an excellent option for both PvE and PvP. 

Unfortunately, Salvager’s Salvo is locked behind an incredibly lengthy seasonal quest, but luckily it’s worth grinding out.

What’s it good for?  It’s perfect for PvE, PvP, and Gambit due to the solid perk combinations and focus on speed. 

How do I get it? Complete the “Messy Business” questline for Banshee-44.

2. The Colony

The best Exotic grenade launcher in Destiny 2

The Colony
Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? If you’ve checked out my top PvP weapons list, you know that The Colony has a special place in my heart. And while there have been plenty of new grenade launchers since it arrived in 2017, none have replicated this weapon’s unique targeting ability. 

On top of dealing damage as long as you shoot vaguely in the vicinity of a target, this weapon allows any spider bots that cannot find a target to return to your magazine while using other weapons. This lets you throw out a handful of grenades, keep firing with another weapon, and immediately switchback with a potentially full clip.

The AOE range is impressive even if the damage output isn’t top tier, but the overwhelming amount of shells helps make up for it. Hopefully, this will get a reissue at some point that includes a Catalyst, but for now, it’s still a fun and useful weapon to use in PvE events.

What is it good for? It’s ideal for PvE, Crucible, and Gambit due to the impressive targeting abilities that require no accuracy whatsoever. 

How do I get it? Acquire it as a random Exotic engram drop or purchase it from Xur when available.

3. Anarchy

The best PvP grenade launcher in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? Anarchy is a classic grenade launcher that focuses more on chaining Arc bolts over vast explosions. It’s built to be fired accurately while moving and switching between weapons, meaning that you can fire multiple mines and layout a massive Arc trap before switching out for a higher DPS weapon. 

That’s really how this weapon is meant to be used — as an elemental AOE attack that slows and damages enemies over time. It lacks much of the damage output seen in future Arc chaining weapons, such as the excellent Trinity Ghoul bow, but it makes up for it with the longer-lasting field effect and speedy firing/weapon-switch rate. 

As a bonus, the Catalyst allows you to generate orbs, so you can stack class abilities on top of your Arc trap to quickly take out groups of minor enemies or chip away at larger health bars.

What’s it good for?  Use it in PvE and Gambit due to its synergy with other weapon types. 

How do I get it? Acquire it from the Exotic Kiosk in the Tower.

4. Witherhoard

The best Special grenade launcher in Destiny 2

Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? If Anarchy is about accurate trapping, Witherhoard is about expansive and growing AOE. But rather than applying Arc damage, it sends out a blight after the shell impacts an area. This blight then sticks to an enemy and gradually damages them over time. If that enemy dies, they explode into an additional blight which can then do the same process to other enemies in the area.

This makes Witherhoard perfect for taking out large groups of enemies, blocking choke points in Crucible, and applying consistent damage to more powerful enemies. It once again includes a Catalyst that generates orbs, which seems like a bit of a waste. However, it can still be an excellent benefit for ending enemies and allowing your explosive blight to take hold on repeat.

What’s it good for? Try it in PvE, PvP, and Gambit if you’re looking for a solid immediate DPS option that can expand on its damage over time. 

How do I get it? Acquire it from the Exotic Kiosk in the Tower.

5. Deafening Whisper

The best Legendary grenade launcher in Destiny 2

Defeaning Whisper
Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? The Deafening Whisper has a lot going for it. First, it’s a Wave-Frame weapon, meaning that any impact sends out pulses of energy versus a typical explosion. Second, it has a ridiculous perk pool to roll from, but a combo of Ambitious Assassin with either Wellspring or Rampage is likely your best bet.

However, the real benefit of this weapon is your ability to reroll it. You can play specific Wrath Hunts to narrow down the reward pool or continue to increase favor with Crow. It’s a relatively simple (if lengthy) method for farming, but well worth getting a perk variation you’ll actually use.

What’s it good for? It’s perfect in PvE and Gambit for rapidly taking out groups of enemies. 

How do I get it? Acquire it by completing Wrathborn Hunts or ranking up with Crow.

6. Truthteller

The best Special grenade launcher for PvP

Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? It’s challenging to find explosive weapons that toe that line of powerful and accurate. Luckily, Truthteller has relatively high base stats, a remote detonated one-shot Lightweight Frame, and a deep perk pool to do just that. With a handful of reload speed perks and the potential to roll Disruption Break or Multikill Clip — you can easily leverage that strong stat base with quick attacks that can be followed up with your Kinetic weapon to land greater damage.

The only drawback is that you acquire this weapon randomly, so actually getting a variation you want will take a while.

What’s it good for?  It’s great for PvP with the right perks.

How do I get it? Acquire it from random Legendary engrams.

7. Berenger’s Memory

The best PvE grenade launcher in Destiny 2

Berenger's Memory
Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? Berenger’s Memory may be a Heavy weapon, but it’s built to be light and fast. The Rapid-Fire Frame immediately grants faster reload times and a deeper ammo reserve. That does mean that your base stats, aside from the velocity, are all fairly low and must be augmented by perks to take advantage of this machine gun-like build.

Luckily, the perk pool is once again incredibly deep, providing the chance to roll multiple grenade types, Quickdraw, and Disruption Break, among others. The only issue is that it only drops randomly after being tied to Umbral Engrams from an earlier season, so it’s harder to get a combo you want than it was a few months ago.

What’s it good for? Use it to effortlessly mow down lesser enemies in PvE. 

How do I get it? Acquire it from random Legendary engrams.

8. Salvation’s Grip

The best single-shot grenade launcher in Destiny 2

Salvation's Grip
Image: Bungie, Inc via HGG

Why is it one of the best? It may be controversial to put Salvation’s Grip on this list, but it’s too unique not to. This grenade launcher ditches traditional explosives for a variety of proximity grenades that creates Stasis crystals. These will either be single, small Stasis pieces or larger crystal barriers, depending on how long you charge up before firing.

At first glance, this seems far less helpful than other grenade launchers. And while it may be difficult to use at first, opting to play it as a spread-fire option can quickly change your perspective. You just need to be sure you’re running Stasis with it to take full advantage of the crystals you’re laying out, either sliding or shooting through a handful in a given area to build Stasis energy and rapidly execute shatter damage.

What’s it good for? Use it in PvE and Gambit if you plan to run Stasis. 

How do I get it? Acquire it by completing the “Stasis Prototype” Exotic questline.

Tick Tick Boom Goes the Grenade Launcher

Grenade launchers are a diverse explosive weapon option that can serve you well in your Special or Power weapon slot. Be sure to share this article on your favorite social channels to let your Fireteam know which grenade launchers they should be running. For more on Destiny 2, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter.


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