Destiny 2: Crota’s End – All Weapons Ranked & God Rolls

Crota’s End has already proven not to be the easy speedrun raid that it was in Destiny 1, but do the rewards match the newly increased difficulty? In this article, we’ll be taking a look at all the raid weapons from Crota’s End in Destiny 2, ranking them from worst to best, and going over their god rolls.


If you plan on farming Crota’s End for its weapons, you’ll naturally want to know the loot table and where all the secret chests are located. You’re also probably interested in what the armor sets look like. If that’s the case, check out the related links just below.

Crota’s End Raid Exotic – Necrochasm

Necrochasm - Crota's End Raid Exotic
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Intrinsic Trait: Cursebringer – Precision final blows with this weapon trigger a Cursed Thrall explosion. Final blows with Cursed Thrall explosions refill the magazine.

Basic Trait: Desperation – Reloading after a precision final blow or a final blow with a Cursed Thrall explosion increases your rate of fire and improves stability and aim assist.

Necrochasm is definitely a raid Exotic worth farming for, as it has potential as one of the strongest Exotics for add-clear. Being able to spawn Cursed Thrall explosions is a deadly ability, and it’s also a very unique ability befitting an Exotic weapon.

It feels like many times there’s too much emphasis on balance and “usefulness” over giving Exotics one-of-a-kind mechanics, so it’s nice to see a return to those more fun designs. Let’s just hope it all works out and Necrochasm is as strong as it seems as well.

All Crota’s End Weapons, Ranked Worst to Best

While we haven’t been able to personally test out all of these weapons yet since you can’t really farm (effectively) during contest mode, we can get a good idea of which weapons are the strongest. Our rankings for each weapon will be based on how worthwhile it is to seek out and farm them.

Before we get into that, though, here’s the origin trait for all of the weapons from this raid.

Origin Trait – Cursed Thrall:

  • After defeating a target with a melee attack, final blows with this weapon cause targets to explode for a short duration.

NOTE: For the perks, we’ll be including PVE god roll ideas for all weapons, but we’ll only do a PVP god roll when a weapon has good perks for it. Also, Perk 1 refers to the third column perk and Perk 2 refers to the fourth column.

6) Swordbreaker (Shotgun)

Swordbreaker (Shotgun)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Which Encounter to Get Swordbreaker: Second Encounter – Bridge.

We’ll have to wait and see, but this Shotgun doesn’t seem much more exciting than any of the others out there right now. It is a lightweight frame, so it’s bound to be better in PVP where the movement speed boost is more likely to come into play.

Slideshot + Opening Shot is a great PVP Shotgun god roll, so it’s absolutely worth trying once you get that roll. If you want to try it in PVE, Pugilist and One-Two Punch both give bonuses based on/around your melee ability, so Solar Titans might have some interest in that roll.

PVE God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Pugilist
  • Perk 2: One-Two Punch

PVP God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Slideshot
  • Perk 2: Opening Shot

5) Word of Crota (Hand Cannon)

Word of Crota (Hand Cannon)
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Which Encounter to Get Word of Crota: Final Encounter – Crota.

Word of Crota is a 120 RPM precision frame Hand Cannon, which means you’ll either love or hate it. Either way though, with this season’s hand cannon buffs, it’s hard to deny they’re not at least viable.

Word of Crota has a great pool of perks which synergize with what precision frame weapons want to do–sustained damage. Enlightened Action gives reload speed and handling bonuses after dealing damage, and Precision Instrument grants precision damage bonuses after dealing sustained damage in general. It’s a perfect Hand Cannon for taking out high-HP powerful enemies or Champions, which is ideal for all those Unstoppable Champions this season (S22).

However, there are also some good options for both add-clear (Repulsor Brace + Destabilizing Rounds), and of course, PVP! Rangefinder isn’t as good as it once was thanks to the changes to how the zoom stat effects range, but it’s still great for PVP. That, along with Rampage for some bonus damage after kills, allows Word of Crota to remain viable for PVP. That being said, we wouldn’t be expecting to see it in Trials anytime soon.

PVE God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Enlightened Action or Repulsor Brace
  • Perk 2: Precision Instrument, Focused Fury, or Destabilizing Rounds

PVP God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Rangefinder
  • Perk 2: Rampage or Precision Instrument

4) Fang of Ir Yût (Scout Rifle)

Fang of Ir Yût (Scout Rifle) - Crota's End Loot Table
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Which Encounter to Get Fang of Ir Yût: First and Second Encounters.

Precision Instrument is the star perk for this weapon. It’s fantastic in PVE since it’s so easy to activate (just get sustained precision shots) and grants up to a 25% damage bonus at maximum stacks. In PVP it isn’t quite as strong, but it’s still a great option which provides a similar stacking effect as Target Lock. If you can land shots without missing any, it might work out great.

To accompany Precision Instrument in PVE, Rewind Rounds is the most consistent option. It allows you to refund rounds to the mag, so it’ll always be good in any PVE content. Shoot to Loot is another option, but it’s more niche.

If you need all the Orbs and ammo drops but don’t want to run over to them, Shoot to Loot is perfect. With that in mind, any content where you find yourself hiding behind a rock for a while (Grandmaster Strikes and Master Raids), Shoot to Loot can really bail you out of some tough situations.

The PVP roll here is fairly straight-forward. You can go with Keep Away for consistent advantages when fighting at range, or Killing Wind if you plan to play more aggressively. Opening Shot pairs well with Keep Away since it helps with ranged fights, but it’ll work with anything. Kill Clip is really better for the Killing Wind build since the two synergize, but you could use it with Keep Away if you really felt like it.

PVE God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Rewind Rounds or Shoot to Loot
  • Perk 2: Precision Instrument

PVP God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Keep Away or Killing Wind
  • Perk 2: Opening Shot or Kill Clip

3) Oversoul Edict (Pulse Rifle)

Oversoul Edict (Pulse Rifle) - Crota's End Loot Table
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Which Encounter to Get Oversoul Edict: Second and Third Encounters.

Oversoul Edict is the most exciting weapon from Crota’s End for PVP. Keep Away is one of the easiest perks to use in PVP, since all it requires is that you stay away from enemies to get bonuses to range, accuracy, and reload. It’s perfect for any ranged PVP weapon, which this certainly is.

Perpetual Motion can also work in the first slot, but only if you’re planning to stay moving. In the second perk slot, Headseeker is the easy pick. It allows you more leniency with your shots, as body shots increase your precision damage and aim assist.

For PVE, there’s really not much going on with Oversoul Edict. Demolitionist and Adrenaline Junky can be a fun combo for add-clear builds, but it doesn’t offer much else. Voltshot is good as always, but it can’t carry the whole weapon.

PVE God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Demolitionist
  • Perk 2: Adrenaline Junky or Voltshot

PVP God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Keep Away or Perpetual Motion
  • Perk 2: Headseeker

2) Abyss Defiant (Auto Rifle)

Abyss Defiant (Auto Rifle) - Crota's End Loot Table
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Which Encounter to Get Abyss Defiant: First and Final Encounters.

360 RPM auto rifles haven’t gotten a ton of attention lately, but hopefully Abyss Defiant can help bring them back into the meta. For PVE, Abyss Defiant seems well-positioned as an add-clear weapon that can deal with powerful enemies fairly well if needed.

The Heal Clip + Incandescent roll is perfect for add-clear, as it allows you to easily proc the Heal Clip perk and Incandescent is one of the best perks overall for burning up adds. But if you want a better roll for higher-HP enemies, feel free to try out Enlightened Action / Subsistence + Sword Logic / Incandescent.

For PVP, there are a couple rolls you could use. The most obvious PVP god roll is Zen Moment + Target Lock, but you could also try out Heal Clip and/or Kill Clip. The double rhyming clips is a really fun combo, so it’s worth trying out if nothing else.

PVE God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Heal Clip, Enlightened Action, or Subsistence
  • Perk 2: Incandescent or Sword Logic

PVP God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Zen Moment or Heal Clip
  • Perk 2: Target Lock or Kill Clip

1) Song of Ir Yût (Machine Gun)

Song of Ir Yût (Machine Gun) - Crota's End Loot Table
Image: Bungie, Inc. via HGG / Brett Moss

Which Encounter to Get Song of Ir Yût: First Encounter – Abyss.

As a 450 RPM Machine Gun, Song of Ir Yût has a lot of potential. It joins Commemoration as one of the only adaptive frame Machine Guns as well, so it’d be a massive disappointment if this weapon was bad. Luckily, it has amazing perks that seem to back up its high potential.

Reconstruction + Bait and Switch is the best roll for boss DPS, but Demolitionist could be used instead of Reconstruction if it’s better for your build. For add-clear, Feeding Frenzy / Demolitionist + Sword Logic is the best roll you could go for. This roll allows for decent reload speed and a solid stacking damage bonus, which is always strong on Machine Guns.

PVE God Roll:

  • Perk 1: Reconstruction, Demolitionist, or Feeding Frenzy
  • Perk 2: Bait and Switch, Target Lock, Sword Logic, or Voltshot

Join the High Ground!

And that wraps up the ranking for all the weapons in the new Crota’s End raid in Destiny 2. Are the new weapons suited to your liking? Do you think one of the weapons deserves to be ranked differently? Let us know in the comments below!

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Good luck on your drops guardians!

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