Destiny 2: Osmiomancy Gloves Stasis Warlock Build Guide

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Destiny 2: Osmiomancy Gloves Stasis Warlock Build Guide

Freeze all who stand against the Last City with these really "cool" Exotic Gauntlets.

For me, the Stasis Subclass can often feel pretty underwhelming. Even with the Artifact mods this season I can still struggle to find the fun when running Stasis on my Titan and Hunter. The only class I don’t have that problem with is Warlock and it’s all thanks to the Osmiomancy Gloves Exotic. If you’ve been struggling to find a Stasis build that feels like it can compete with end-game content, look no further because I’ve got the perfect build for you.

Osmiomancy Gloves Exotic Overview

Osmiomancy is a pretty simple exotic which is probably why I like it so much. These gauntlets grant you an extra Coldsnap Grenade charge, increased Seeker distance and strength, and grenade ability energy whenever you hit targets with your Coldsnap grenade. 

This build entire focus is on spamming Coldsnap grenades as often as possible and Shattering as many enemies as possible. We will also be making use of some powerful Fragments to improve our stats and ability regen whenever we freeze targets.


Much like Void and Strand, we don’t have very many options to choose from when it comes to abilities so I’ll only highlight Abilities that are important to the build.

  • Healing Rift: Pretty much my go-to when it comes to Rift abilities. Having access to healing and Overshield on demand can 100% be a lifesaver.
  • Penumbral Blast: A great source of Freeze and by extension Shatter.
  • Coldsnap Grenade: The focus point of the whole build and legitimately one of the best grenade abilities in the game.


The most important Aspect that you must run for this build is Icefllare Bolts. This Aspect spawns additional Seekers that Freeze targets whenever you Shatter a Frozen target.

Your second Aspect is really up to preference, I know many people like the Stasis Turrets but I prefer Frost Pulse because it makes our Healing Rift a healing ability and a strong crowd-control option. It also provides another source of Freeze.


This build’s Fragments are all focused on improving our Shatter damage, improving our ability regeneration rates, and improving our stats and weapon performance whenever we Freeze a target.

  • Whisper of Refraction: Generates Class Ability energy whenever we defeat a slowed or frozen target.
  • Whisper of Torment: Grants a significant amount of grenade energy every time we take damage.
  • Whisper of Hedrons: Improves three of our ability stat by 60 points for a few seconds after Freezing a target. Also provides weapon performance buffs for a few seconds.
  • Whisper of Fissures: Increases the size and damage of the burst generated from Shattering targets.

Armor Mods

Our mods for this build are all about Orbs of Power and ability energy generation. You can mostly run what you like here but I have a few hard requirements for this build that we need to touch on.

  • Thermodynamic Siphon (Artifact): Combine Stasis and Solar Siphon mods for more consistent Orb generation.
  • Charged Up: Grants an additional Armor charge slot, increasing the potency of Explosive Finisher.
  • Fast Ball: Increases grenade throw distance. This is super useful for any grenade-heavy build and since this build really needs use to hit our targets with the actual grenade, we want as much distance and precision as we can get.
  • Fire Power: For Orb generation on grenade kill.
  • Grenade Kickstart: If you don’t want to run any surge mods, this is a high recommendation, you already get a lot of energy back with our exotic, but this makes sure you’re constantly topped off with grenade energy.
  • Explosive Finisher: This is a great option if you find Grenade Kickstart isn’t providing you enough energy. Generates a rather large chunk of Grenade energy when you perform a finisher with 3 or more Armor charge stacks. 
  • Outreach and/or Distribution: Grants ability energy whenever you use your class ability near a target.

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