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Destiny 2: Coolest Exotic Armor Ornaments for Each Class

No matter how many weapons there are to obtain in Destiny 2, for many players fashion will always be the most important goal. Finding the right ornament is always a difficult task, but we aim to make that decision easier. In this article, we’ll take a look at the five best Exotic ornaments for each class in Destiny 2.

Let’s get started!

5 Best Warlock Exotic Ornaments

Warlocks get some pretty nice options when it comes to Exotic ornaments in Destiny 2. Let’s check out the top five!

5) Path to Convergence (Transversive Steps)

Destiny 2 Best Warlock Exotic Ornaments | Transversive Steps
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Any time the Infinite Forest aesthetic (or the Vault of Glass aesthetic) is used for an ornament, it’s guaranteed to be awesome. Path to Convergence is one of the best uses of this style, as the hard light effect looks amazing on leg pieces. It’s also bright enough to stand out even under the longer Warlock robes (we used a default one here to show the legs better), as it’s enough to still be noticeable and have a great impact on your fashion. Alongside the Vault of Glass class item and a good bronze shader, you can make a truly incredible outfit with Path to Convergence.

4) Phoenixfall (Phoenix Protocol)

Phoenix Protocol
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Phoenix Protocol is one of the strongest Warlock Exotics for high-end content, so it’s nice to have some good ornament options. While the standard Phoenix Protocol look is kind of messy with all the wires going across it, Phoenixfall provides a nice alternative. It’s far more flashy than the default look, and has a lot more character by default. Phoenixfall has much more of a “phoenix-like” look, so it’s also more thematic and far more easily recognizable. The lights on the left side are a nice touch as well, and the only real downside here is that it doesn’t really shade that well.

3) Eyes of Mercury (Sunbracers)

Destiny 2 Best Warlock Exotic Ornaments | Sunbracers
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Eyes of Mercury isn’t all that flashy, and in fact, it’s really closer to a re-shade than a fully unique ornament. However, it’s one of the best examples of that in the game. Where the default Sunbracers have a more traditional Solar-themed orange glow, Eyes of Mercury switches it to a fiery blue. While Sunbracers are only ever going to be used on Solar builds, that doesn’t mean you have to fully commit to the orange color scheme. With Eyes of Mercury, you can make a really slick gold and blue outfit that’ll look far more unique while you’re spamming Solar grenades all over the place.

2) Coiled Lasso (Ophidian Aspect)

Ophidian Aspect
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Ophidian Aspect is one of the best “generic” Exotics (meaning it can work on any build), and Coiled Lasso gives it far more character. The base Ophidian Aspect look is a bit overdone with the large piece sticking out from the elbow, but Coiled Lasso helps correct that. In terms of “cowboy-themed” armor, this is probably the best Exotic to accompany the rest of that aesthetic. Just throw on the TM set (the cowboy armor from Spire of the Watcher) and it’ll go perfectly with that build. For fashion and general use, you can’t go wrong with this one.

1) Grasp of the Void (Contraverse Hold)

Destiny 2 Best Warlock Exotic Ornaments | Contraverse Hold
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

If you like Contraverse Hold but want something more likely to grab others’ attention, Grasp of the Void is the perfect ornament. It’s bright purple with lighting coming from the gaps, making it perfect for any on-color Void look. Also, it literally has a hand covering up your actual hand. Nobody can say that isn’t awesome, so we had to put it on this list. It’s the perfect ornament to look at while you’re consuming all those grenades, so why not give it a shot?

5 Best Hunter Exotic Ornaments

While Hunters are invisible half the time anyway, it’s still important to look your best when not invisible. Here are our top five Exotic ornaments for Hunter in Destiny 2!

5) Nano Redux (Raiden Flux)

Destiny 2 Best Hunter Exotic Ornaments | Raiden Flux
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Nano Redux might take away the Arc aesthetic from Raiden Flux, but it’s an absolutely worthwhile trade off. Throughout all of Destiny history, the nano/SIVA aesthetic has always been one of the best. And since there isn’t very much of that in Destiny 2 other than Outbreak Perfected, it’s great to see it here. The red and black looks amazing together, and it can easily turn your standard Arc look into something far greater. If you like spamming Arc Staff on enemies but don’t want to look like every other Arc user, Nano Redux is a great route to go.

4) Beastly Visage (Mask of Bakris)

Mask of Bakris
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Mask of Bakris is already a great-looking Exotic, but Beastly Visage just makes it even better. The default Mask of Bakris look awesome, but it does kind of look more like a maskless Darth Vader than the fast-moving monster it really is. Beastly Visage gives it a far more frightening look, much more akin to an Alien-like creature. From the thin-lighting around the eyes to the menacing teeth hanging out the front, this is one of the best ornaments for a horror- or alien-themed look.

3) Deathwish (Shards of Galanor)

Destiny 2 Best Hunter Exotic Ornaments | Shards of Galanor
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Every version of Shards of Galanor looks great, and they all even have a similar design with the “shard-like” parts going all the way up the forearm. Deathwish is our pick for the best Shards of Galanor ornament, as well as one of the best overall for Hunters. Instead of the more metallic look of the default armor, Deathwish turns this into a piece that looks straight out of Last Wish or elsewhere on the Dreaming City. The deep blue pairs perfectly with the gold trim and upper part, and the bones are the perfect way to represent the pointy look of the original.

2) Victorian Silverhawk (Celestial Nighthawk)

Celestial Nighthawk
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Celestial Nighthawk might not be the must-have Exotic that it once was for Hunters, but it’s still very strong in the right circumstances, and it looks awesome. However, there are actually several really great ornaments that make it look even better. Victorian Silverhawk is our favorite, as it adds an eerie vibe that few other ornaments are capable of. It looks like something from a classic drama play or perhaps a Renaissance festival, but the eyes make it almost sinister. It’s like it’s staring straight at you, which is exactly what we’d expect from an Exotic based around high-impact precision damage. It’s perfect for a sharpshooter build…or for scaring away others at the Tower.

1) Acolyte’s Ambition (Wormhusk Crown)

Destiny 2 Best Hunter Exotic Ornaments | Wormhusk Crown
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

We’ve had a few ornaments on this list that fall into the “horror” category in terms of aesthetic, but Acolyte’s Ambition might just be the best. It takes one of the ugliest Exotics (sorry Wormhusk Crown), and changes it into something that would look right at home in a Hollywood special effects studio. It’s quite reminiscent of the Xenomorph from Alien, and can easily be used to make just about any horror-themed look you want. We won’t pretend that it makes any sense in terms of lore, but honestly, who cares. If you wanna look cool as hell, Acolyte’s Ambition is perfect for you.

5 Best Titan Exotic Ornaments

Titan armor often ends up looking a bit too large and blocky, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have some awesome ornaments! Here are five great Titan Exotic ornaments in Destiny 2 that will help you look your best.

5) Anchorage (Point-Contact Cannon Brace)

Destiny 2 Best Titan Exotic Ornaments | Point-Contact Cannon Brace
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Anchorage is a great ornament if you want to cosplay as a Scorn enemy. With this thing on, you could blend right in with an army of Scorn. The rustic look is also good for other looks as well, as it can go nicely with some of the more “worn” sets. There’s also a nice bit of arc energy pulsing around on the shoulders, which allows it to work much better with your arc builds than any other type. This ornament is one half Scorn Walker and one half rusted Arc wizard, which we love.

4) Nephrite Paragon (Eternal Warrior)

Eternal Warrior
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

So we’ll be honest, this is really on here more as a meme pick. The base look of Eternal Warrior is already pretty funny, but Nephrite Paragon is a whole new level of funny-looking. The face, in general, is hilarious. The pursed lips and strange eye makeup make your Guardian look like a Marvel knockoff, and the headgear is even better. With this thing on, you’ll look like either a kid’s Hulk costume or an amateur wrestler. Nephrite Paragon is the not the best ornament if you want to look “cool,” but it is absolutely the best if you wanna look funny.

3) ~Flex Enhance Replicate~ (Synthoceps)

Destiny 2 Best Titan Exotic Ornaments | Synthoceps
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Flex Enhance Replicate is one of the best ornaments for your black-and-red Titan builds. The SIVA aesthetic is always great, as seen earlier on in this list with the Hunter’s Nano Redux ornament. This time around, though, it’s arguably even better. There are so many random legendary armor pieces with wires and such all over them, and this is one of the only Exotic ornaments that actually pairs well with those. It also pairs really well with the more “futuristic” armor sets, although there are plenty of other good options to pair with those as well. The Flex Enhance Replicate ornament is one of the more eye-catching ornaments for Titans, especially with the right accompanying pieces. You can’t just throw it on any build, though, so make sure to try out some fun new fashion styles!

2) Abyss Inverted (Heart of Inmost Light)

Heart of Inmost Light
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Heart of Inmost Light is always a good pick for Titans, and this ornament gives it far more visual appeal than the default look. While it might not look that impressive in a still screenshot, the white/green part actually has an animation and moves about in a smokey manner. It also has a bit of extra glow coming out from the scratch marks on the chest part, which really puts it over the top. Picking a good shader for this ornament can be a bit difficult, but any that make the animated, smokey part pop are great. If you can get that part to look either orange or yellow, you can make a really cool fiery look.

1) Electronic Mindcage (An Insurmountable Skullfort)

Destiny 2 Best Titan Exotic Ornaments | An Insurmountable Effort
Image: Bungie via HGG / Brett Moss

Wanna look like Daft Punk? Well, here’s the perfect ornament for you. Electronic Mindcage doesn’t change the look of An Insurmountable Skullfort too much, but it makes the perfect changes. Instead of looking like a fairly standard Helm with a few lights, the Mindcage gives it more life. The light bars on the face move in a rhythmic pattern that’s perfect for a flashy build that isn’t over the top. It’s obviously meant to mimic the Daft Punk helmet style, but we won’t knock them for ripping something off. If there’s anything we needed desperately in Destiny 2, it’s electronic dance music. And this is one step closer to that goal. (For bonus style, pair this up with the one of the DJ or group dance emotes and go crazy at the Tower.)

Join the High Ground!

Thanks for checking out this article on the best Exotic ornaments for each class in Destiny 2! These picks are just our recommendations, so if your favorites aren’t on here, that doesn’t mean they aren’t also cool. Let us know your personal picks in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more content like this.

Happy gaming!

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