How to Rank Up Fast in GTA Online (2024)

Everyone says that cash is king in the world of GTA Online. While that is absolutely true, cash can’t get you very far without experience. Reputation Points (also known as RP) are the game’s way of measuring your character’s experience and governing your rank in GTA Online.

The higher your rank, the more special features and weapons you’ll be able to access in the game. In this article, we’ll cover the fastest way to rank up in GTA Online and give you a few tips on how to level up quickly.

Fastest Way to Rank Up in GTA Online

Before we dive into this method, I should first state that this is not a strategy I personally discovered. It was first popularized by YouTuber TheProfessional. We’ll summarize his method in the section below, but you can see a more detailed version in his video guide here. Check out his other GTA content while you’re at it!

The Warehouse Method: Getting the Essentials

Warehouse Method Setup - How to Rank Up Fast in GTA Online
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

In order to do TheProfessional’s method for ranking up fast in GTA Online, you’ll first need to purchase a CEO Office on the in-game website Dynasty 8 Executive. From here, you can purchase any one of the four offices, with the cheapest location costing $1,000,000. Once you have an office space, you can register as a CEO from your interaction menu and head on over to your new office.

In the back of the office, there should be a desk with a computer. Sit down at this computer and select “Special Cargo” and then “Warehouse Map.” From here, you can purchase crate warehouses for accumulating various stolen goods.

If you want to do this method as cheaply as possible, purchase five small warehouses that are bundled close together. Or, if you plan on grinding out CEO warehouses for money as well as RP, I recommend purchasing five large-size warehouses.

The Warehouse Method: Doing the Method

Warehouse Method - How to Rank Up Fast in GTA Online
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

After you’ve bought five warehouses of any size, you need to start a mission to source one single crate. You can do this by selecting a warehouse you’ve bought from the warehouse map and purchasing one crate from the option on the lower left side of the screen. This will start a crate source mission. Simply follow the mission’s instructions and complete it to earn a total of 2,400 RP.

After you’ve done that, repeat the process for all the other warehouses you own. When that’s all said and done, travel to any one of your five warehouses on the map. Interact with the laptop in the first room that you enter and launch a sell mission to sell that one crate. Finishing this sell mission will net you 5,400 RP!

Now just do sell missions for your other four warehouses and start the cycle over again. You’ll need to go from warehouse to warehouse, as there’s a cooldown timer each time you sell. If done correctly, you should earn 39,000 RP in total each time you do this method! This is a massive amount of RP, and it’s a great way to level up fast in GTA Online.

If you want to save some time and don’t mind spending a little extra money, you can interact with an NPC inside each of your warehouses to have them source a crate at the cost of $7,500. You won’t get the RP for doing the source mission yourself, but it does free you up to do other activities in the game.

Alternative Methods

Exploiting the Casino
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

In case the above method seems a little too time-consuming or expensive for you, or you simply want some other methods that you can do in addition to that one, there are a few things I’ve learned that can help you level up.

First, you should visit the casino every day to spin the wheel. You have a chance of the wheel landing on RP, which will give you a quick and easy boost of experience points! It doesn’t hurt if you end up with another prize either, especially the vehicle one!

Another method is to grind out the Cayo Perico heist. If you have a friend who owns the Kosatka submarine, you can help them do the setup missions, as well as the finale itself. This is a great way to not only make money but level up quickly as well! You can also buy the Kosatka yourself off the site Warstock Cache & Carry for a little over 2 million dollars.

Lastly, you can also earn a lot of RP by doing contact missions. Contact missions are a great way to earn RP if you’re a new player who doesn’t have any of the properties to do any special missions. The easiest way to start doing a contact mission is to call Lester on your phone and to select the option to request work. He will later send you an invite that you can accept to launch a mission.

Join the High Ground

We hope you found this article for the fastest way to rank up in GTA Online informative! What do you think of TheProfessional’s method? If you know a better strategy, let us know in the comments! Be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more regular content on GTA Online.

Happy gaming!

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