GTA Online: Payphone Hit Missions Explained (The Contract)

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GTA Online: Payphone Hit Missions Explained (The Contract)

Does anyone remember assassination missions from Grand Theft Auto IV? You’d walk up to a payphone, receive a call about a problem that needs to be fixed, and you’d get to work on the solution with your weapon of choice. It was one of my favorite aspects of GTA IV.

As it turns out, Rockstar remembers those missions, too. With the launch of the Contract DLC for GTA Online, Payphone Hits have been added to the game! But just how do these missions play? How do you start them? Are the payouts for them any good?

We’ll cover all of that in full detail in this article. We’ll talk about what Payphone Hit missions are, how to get started with one, how to complete it, and what sort of dough you’re looking at if you finish it successfully.

Let’s get started!

What are Payphone Hits?

Payphone Hits are a new type of mission given to the player by Franklin Clinton. Franklin’s been in touch with certain high-profile individuals with stakes in the stock market. These individuals need you and Franklin to take out certain targets, which in turn affects their investments for the better.

Screenshot of a Payphone hit mission in GTA Online
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

These missions are fairly straightforward. Players receive a target to assassinate on their map and are tasked to drive over to their location. Missions vary from having to kill several individuals around the city within a short time frame to taking out an off-duty judge while she enjoys a game at the Los Santos Golf Club.

In total, there are eight different missions that the player can partake in. Unlike the Security Contracts, you cannot select which ones you want to play and will have to rely on random chance to get a specific one. These missions are fairly easy to complete and can be done in about 10–15 minutes tops. There are no different difficulties, and all of them require little work to complete.

How do I start a Payphone Hit?

First, you’ll need to purchase an Agency property from the in-game website Dynasty 8 Executive. Prices can range from $2,010,000 to $2,830,000. Once you’ve made your choice, go to your agency and watch the intro cutscene. Then go to your personal office and play through at least three Security Contracts.

After you’ve completed the minimum number of contracts, you’ll receive a phone call from Franklin filling you in on all the details about Payphone Hits. You can then find random payphones evenly scattered throughout Los Santos. They will spawn randomly in free roam as you drive around the map. Alternatively, you can call Franklin at any time and request a Payphone Hit to have one spawned nearby automatically.

How to start a Payphone hit  - phone call - Gta Online
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Once you see the blue icon on the map, simply follow the ringing and press the interact button to pick up the phone. You’ll watch a brief cutscene and the mission will begin! You might want to bring a fast car with you, as these missions can spawn decently far away from your starting location. You have to complete the hit in certain amount of time, but it’s not that hard.

How to Complete a Payphone Mission? Do They Pay Well?

The base payment for Payphone Hits is very low. The real money can be made from completing what’s called a “Bonus Payment.” These bonus payments are special objectives that can be completed during the mission. In one, you’ll need to make someone’s death look like an accident. In another, you’ll need to kill someone using a gas station explosion!

Total earnings for a hit complete in GTA Online
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Franklin will text you the details on how the client wants their target eliminated, so be sure to check your phone before gunning anyone down. The base payment is usually $15,000, while the bonus payment reaches up to $85,000! Not too shabby for an amateur hitman.

There is a twenty-minute cooldown for every mission you complete, so keep that in mind. A good strategy I use to keep busy is starting a CEO organization before doing a Payphone Hit. I’ll then immediately begin a CEO mission to make some money during the cooldown period. It doesn’t make as much as the Payphone Hits, but it’s still a worthwhile venture between assassinations.

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Helicopter flying over city in GTA Online
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG

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