The Best Outfits in GTA Online, Ranked

Grand Theft Auto Online offers its players a vast number of different ways to customize their experience. From making a character, to modding your favorite gun, to speccing out an expensive car, there is no shortage of customization available to players. Of course, one of the best and most direct ways to show off your personality is by putting on one of the many outfits in GTA Online.

Outfits are special, pre-made clothes designed by Rockstar. They act as a quick and easy way for you to find a look you like. In today’s article, we are going to be going over and ranking the ten best outfits in GTA 5 Online!

Best Outfits in GTA Online, Ranked From Good to Best

What are we waiting for? Let’s get right into the ranking!


Green Martian Bodysuit

Green Martian Bodysuit - Best GTA outfits
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Starting off at spot number ten, we have one of the most recognizable outfits in GTA Online — the Green Martian Bodysuit! This is a really funny-looking outfit that you may remember from a meme that sprung up a while back. GTA Online players would dress up in green alien suits and jump out of vans to beat unsuspecting players down with baseball bats. It was truly a unique and interesting time. While this meme has since died out, the outfit can still be bought for a total of $358,000.

This is a skin-tight body suit that is entirely lime green in color. It features a pretty simplistic design overall, with the only notable feature being the black oval eyes sitting on its head. Sure, there are better-looking outfits in the game, but this one is still really funny to wear. It’s a great outfit to put on if you want to make your friends laugh or if you want to beat the hell out of random players with a baseball bat. It was added to the game in the Arena War update a few years ago.


The Impotent Rage

Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG

Taking our next spot on this list for the best outfits in GTA Online, we have The Impotent Rage! This is a highly-detailed cosplay outfit designed to make players look like Trevor’s favorite superhero, Impotent Rage! It is pretty rare to see being worn, which is a shame as it’s one of the best (and only) superhero costumes in GTA V. To get this outfit, you will need to travel around the map and collect all of the Impotent Rage action figures Rockstar has hidden. Here is a video guide made by YouTuber Evizcerate that shows the location of each one.

The cosplay is white with blue, pink, and yellow added to it. It’s designed to make the wearer look comically buff. In addition to featuring the R in the chest, it also comes with a black domino mask over the eyes! Many people might find this outfit goofy, but it wouldn’t be a GTA game without some whacky humor here and there. The outfit is great for messing around in free roam and for hanging out in Vinewood with all the other freaks of Los Santos.


The Proper

The Proper - Best GTA outfits
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

At this next spot on our list, we have The Proper. This is a British spy-esque outfit that looks like something out of a James Bond movie! Tuxedos and suits are somewhat common in free roam, but I don’t see this particular one very often. If you want to purchase this outfit, you are going to first need to play through the Diamond Casino Heist on the Aggressive Approach to unlock it. Then you can buy it from any clothing store in the game.

This suit is mostly black with a white shirt underneath and some white gloves. It comes with a black bow tie and some really nice, high-class shoes. It also features body armor to protect the chest. Sadly, it doesn’t offer you any additional protection, but at least you’ll die looking proper! This is a good fit to get if you want to rob a store or bank while looking stylish and professional. It was added to the game as a part of the Diamond Casino Heist update.


The Smooth

The Smooth
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Our next spot goes to The Smooth! This is a stealthy getup that’s perfect for cat burglars and carjackers alike. It is one of the more popular outfits to wear during the Stealth Approach for the Diamond Casino Heist, but not so much in free roam. It will cost you exactly $38,956 if you wish to buy it for yourself. This makes it a pretty cheap outfit relative to some of the other things found on this list.

It features a black leather jacket, black shirt, black gloves, a black bandanna, and a black hat. Whoever made this outfit really loves the color black! While some may dislike the homogenous color scheme, I personally think it adds to it a lot and makes it look intimidating. It’s a good outfit to get if you are a new player and want something to help you really feel like a hardened criminal in Los Santos. It was added for the Diamond Casino Heist back in late 2019.


Republican Space Ranger

Republican Space Ranger - Best GTA outfits
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

For our next pick, we have the Republican Space Ranger outfit! If you love to cosplay as certain characters in the GTA universe, you’re in luck — this is one of the best outfits there is. It’s a pretty rare outfit to spot being worn by people in free roam. One reason for this is probably its price tag of $397,000! This makes it one of the more expensive outfits in GTA Online, and not one that’s worth getting unless you intended to wear it often.

This is a cosplay outfit for a Space Ranger from the in-universe show, Republican Space Rangers. The costume features a mostly green color scheme with some red and blue here and there. It looks very goofy and cartoonish, which is fitting considering the source material. We definitely don’t recommend it for the more serious players of Grand Theft Auto. The Republican Space Ranger outfit has been available since the Arena Wars update back in late 2018.


The Tracker

The Tracker
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Halfway down our list and we have The Tracker as our next outfit! Personally, I’m not really a big fan of wearing military clothes in free roam, but it is still a great-looking outfit. I wanted to include it as many people love wearing military clothes, and this one is one of the best pre-made options in GTA Online. It costs a total sum of $51,815, which isn’t that expensive if you are a veteran player of the game.

This getup features some forest camouflage with a tan-colored bulletproof vest. It also features black boots and plenty of ammo pouches strapped to the body (sadly, they do not store extra ammo). It has my recommendation if you want something that looks tactical and realistic. It’s perfect for tryhards and military roleplayers alike! This pre-made outfit was added to GTA Online for the Cayo Perico update, which came out in late 2020.


The Lampadati

The Lampadati
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Next up, we have the Lampadati. This is a really sick and stylish fit that I don’t see many people wearing outside of the missions where it first becomes available. I really love the look of this one, and I think it fits perfectly in the world of GTA Online. You can obtain this costume for the (relatively) low price of $12,809 by going into any clothing store. It is a very straightforward and easy outfit to obtain, which is great for some players.

The Lampadati comes in a black and red leather jacket with blue jeans. It also features black driving gloves as well. The outfit is completed by a pair of shades sitting atop the player’s face. Its whole aesthetic really reminds me of Ryan Gosling’s character from the movie Drive. I recommend wearing it if you want a realistic outfit for GTA Online. If you like role-playing as a getaway driver or a small-time criminal, this is a good pick. This outfit was first added to GTA Online back in March 2015.


The Snowman

The Snowman - Best GTA outfits
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Taking third place on our ranking, we have the outfit The Snowman! This is a really adorable and unique costume, and it’s one of my favorites in the entire game. Many people seem to agree, as it’s a pretty common costume to see people wearing during public lobbies. This snowman costume can only be unlocked by finding and destroying twenty-five snowmen scattered around the map. As of a recent update, these snowmen have been removed and will likely not return until next Christmas.

The outfit is almost entirely white, with what looks like white PJs, as well as white gloves and a big round face mask. I love the big happy grin plastered across the face, and the carrot nose, black top hat, and red scarf really sell this outfit. It’s a great outfit for you to wear around the holiday season, or if you are just looking for something goofy to wear around your friends. It first came to the game during Winter 2022, as part of the Los Santos Drug Wars update.



Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Next up, we have the Sasquatch outfit! This is a great outfit that has technically existed in the game since 2013, but was never made as a wearable outfit in GTA Online until just recently. When this outfit was first released, it quickly became one of the more popular clothing items for the players of GTA to wear. The way players unlocked this outfit was by logging into GTA Online during Halloween 2022. It is unknown if Rockstar will re-release this costume or if that is the only way it’ll ever be unlocked.

The costume looks like a very hairy outfit modeled after an ape/human hybrid. It features long messy hair all throughout the body, with an exposed chest and face area, with mostly hairless hands and feet. It is just like the one worn by the “Sasquatch” in the single-player mode. It’s a great outfit to wear to car meets, as it always attracts a lot of attention due to its uniqueness.


White Space Traveler

White Space Traveler - Best GTA outfits
Image: Rockstar North, Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

And finally, we have the White Space Traveler for our top spot! I really love the look of this outfit. I like the details on it and I think that it’s a really cool-looking getup. This outfit is fairly common to see in public lobbies. You can purchase this outfit from any clothing store for a price of $165,200. This suit isn’t cheap, but it’s definitely well worth it if you love sci-fi outfits and costumes that embrace the wackier side of GTA Online.

The outfit looks like a futuristic astronaut suit. It has a white and gray color scheme, with highlights of red here and there to add some color to it. The helmet is the best part, in my opinion, and it almost looks like an alien suit with how unique it is. This would make a great outfit to wear if you and your CEO Organization are going for a sci-fi theme.

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