Best Planes and Jets in GTA V Online, Ranked

Cruising around Los Santos in a supercar is a great way to show off, but you know what’s even flashier than that? Flying above San Andreas in your own personal jet. If you’ve ever taken a peek at Elitás Travel or Warstock Cache & Carry, you’ll know that GTA is not lacking when it comes to planes and jets. It can be a little overwhelming if it’s your first time buying, but luckily for you, we’ve already done all the hard work.

Here, we’ve rounded up the best planes in GTA Online that may be worth the trouble acquiring. From seaplanes to military jets, we’ll be going over the best and fastest planes and jets in GTA Online. Sit down and buckle up, your flight is about to depart.

Best Planes in GTA Online, Ranked

We’re going to start out at #7 and work our way up to our top pick for the best plane in GTA Online. Let’s get to it!


Western Company Seabreeze

Western Company Seabreeze
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.99/100 | Acceleration: 100/100 | Breaking: 100/100 | Handling: 2.99/100 | Price: $1,130,500 | Added: October 31st, 2017

Kicking off our list of the best planes in GTA V Online, we have the wester company Seabreeze. This is a two-person seaplane based on the real-world Seawind 300c. Rockstar added this plane to GTA Online alongside the Smuggler’s Run update back in 2017. You can buy this plane via the in-game website Elitás Travel.

This is a fast, versatile plane with excellent stats and plenty of useful features. According to YouTuber Broughy1322, the Seabreeze can reach a top speed of 191.75 MPH. It’s incredibly agile while in the air, allowing players to pull off a variety of stunts and aerial maneuvers. Since it’s a seaplane, you can easily land it down in the water.

I didn’t expect a small, relatively underused aircraft to have liveries, but I was pleasantly surprised when I drove this plane into my hangar. The best-looking livery in my opinion is “Wave Rider Blue.” This one adds a baby blue, yellow, and orange color palette that fits the plane’s design perfectly.


JoBuilt P-996 LAZER

JoBuilt P-996 LAZER
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.99/100 | Acceleration: 100/100 | Breaking: 25/100 | Handling: 100/100 | Price: $6,500,000 | Added: October 1st, 2013

Next on our list for the best and fastest planes and jets in GTA V Online is the JoBuilt P-996 LAZER. This is a classic jetplane that has been in the game since day one. The LAZER seats only one person and was modeled after the F-16 Fighting Falcon. This jet engine can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry.

The top speed for this jet is 195 MPH. The LAZER has some of the best machine guns in the game, with powerful lock-on missiles to boot! This makes it a good choice for PVP against targets on the ground and in the air. The only downside about this jet is the price. Luckily, if you happen to own a hangar in the military base, it is very easy to “borrow” one when no one is looking.

Unfortunately, the LAZER does not feature liveries of any kind. The only things you can change about it are its primary and secondary colors. I’ve seen a lot of players give this jet the chrome paint job, which sticks true to the vehicle’s original look while still giving it a personal touch to make it unique. I still think you are better off not buying this one and just grabbing one from the military base, but it’s your call.


P45 Nokota

P45 Nokota
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.99/100 | Acceleration: 43.30/100 | Breaking: 50.00/100 | Handling: 2.48/100 | Price: $2,653,350 | Added: November 7th, 2017

Coming in at #5, we have the P45 Nokota. This weaponized fighter plane was designed after the P-51 Mustang. The Nokota only fits one person, so you’ll have to fly it solo. This airplane was added to the game alongside the Smuggler’s Run update. Players looking to buy can pick it up from Warstock Cache & Carry.

The P45 Nokota is super fast and agile. Combined with its machine guns, it makes a great plane for engaging in dogfights with other players. It can reach a top speed of 201 MPH. The P45 is super easy to land, making it an ideal choice for new players or those who aren’t very good at flying.

WWII enthusiasts, rejoice — this is the perfect plane for you! The P45 features nearly a dozen WWII-themed liveries to give you that old military vibe you’ve been craving. I colored my plane steel gray and went with the “God Save The King” livery, which adds a touch of orange to the aircraft.


V-65 Molotok

V-65 Molotok
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.98/100 | Acceleration: 43.30/100 | Breaking: 50/100 | Handling: 2.48/100 | Price: $4,788,000 | Added: August 29th, 2017

The V-65 Molotok — designed after the Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-15 — is a speedy fighter jet that can hold one person. Rockstar added the V-65 with the Smuggler’s Run DLC back in 2017. The V-65 is only sold on Warstock Cache & Carry.

It has many of the same features as the other planes on this list, but with a slightly higher top speed of 207.57 MPH. It is actually faster than the LAZER and costs nearly $2M less. The missiles on the V-65 never run out, meaning you can engage other players in dogfights without ever having to stop and reload.

For liveries, there is the Cherenkov Vodka livery, which paints the front of the aircraft a bright shade of red. After that, we have “Simple Stars,” which makes the V-65 look like a proper military air vehicle. Most of the liveries after this one appear very similar to the “Simple Stars” livery, which is a bit of a disappointment for such a great aircraft.


Mammoth Hydra

Mammoth Hydra
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.50/100 | Acceleration: 45/100 | Breaking: 51.08/100 | Handling: 45.17/100 | Price: $3,990,000 | Added: March 10th, 2015

Starting off our top three picks is the Mammoth Hydra. This military jet takes influence from several different models, most noticeably the F-35 lightning II. This is one of the earliest jets to be added to the game, dating all the way back to the Heists DLC of 2015. Warstock Cache & Carry will sell you the Hydra for $3.99M or $3M after the trade price.

Don’t let its age fool you: the Hydra is still one of the fastest and deadliest planes available for purchase in GTA Online. Its top speed clocks in at 209.25 MPH. As for weapons, the Hydra features explosive cannons and lock-on missiles. The explosive cannons are incredibly strong, and can melt any unarmored vehicles they come in contact with. The missiles on this jet are good, but they have noticeably less range than other jetplanes such as the LAZER.

Just like with the LAZER, this vehicle lacks any liveries or substantial customization beyond changing the color. There are plenty of colors and paint types to choose from, however, so don’t feel too underwhelmed. You can paint it any color you want…as long as it’s black.


Western Company Rogue

Western Company Rouge
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.98/100 | Acceleration: 54.77/100 | Breaking: 50/100 | Handling: 5.55/100 | Price: $1,596,000 | Added: August 29th, 2017

The Western Company Rogue is a nimble fighter plane with great speed and a lot of kick. The Western Company Rogue is our pick for GTA Online’s best fighter plane for the money. Rockstar designed the Rogue after the real-life Beechcraft T-6 Texan II. It’s the least expensive plane on this list after the Seabreeze, making it a good pick if you’re short on cash! You can buy this plane for a trade price of $1.2M on Warstock Cache & Carry.

The Rogue can reach a top speed of 219.50 MPH. It features good handling in the air, and with added countermeasures (such as flares or chaffs) it can be a deadly adversary in dogfights. Despite its appearance, this jet has very good armor, and can withstand several hits from a homing launcher before exploding.

There are a variety of racing-themed liveries for this aircraft, but most of them are simple in nature. When customizing the Rogue in your hangar, you have the option to choose your weapons. You can go with machine guns or explosive cannons, and you can even turn it into a bomber plane by giving it explosive, incendiary, gas, or cluster grenades!


Buckingham Pyro

Buckingham Pyro
Image: Rockstar Games via HGG / Koby Gibson Ross

Speed: 99.99/100 | Acceleration: 62.99/100 | Breaking: 57.50/100 | Handling: 5.56/100 | Price: $4,455,500 | Added: October 10th, 2017

What is the #1 best plane in GTA Online? At our top spot for the best and fastest planes and jets in GTA V Online, we have the Buckingham Pyrlo! One of the more unique-looking aircraft on this list, the Pyro is designed after the De Havilland Vampire. This aviation marvel is only sold on Warstock Cache & Carry.

With a whopping top speed of 222.75 MPH, the Pyro is the fastest plane in the game. It’s also incredibly flexible when flying in the air, making it the best choice for air races. Its defenses are slightly worse than the Western Company Rogue, but with armor upgrades, it is more than viable in PvP.

The liveries are a bit disappointing for such a fast plane. I went with “Royal Takeoff,” which coats the Pyro in a deep shade of emerald green and gives it light yellow highlights. Most of the other liveries do something similar, painting the entire plane in one solid color and leaving out the option to throw in different paint jobs to make the livery feel unique to your aircraft.

Join the High Ground

Special thanks goes out to Broughy and GTA Base for compiling GTA airplane stats. Did you enjoy reading our list for the best and fastest planes and jets in GTA V Online? Be sure to share this article on social media if you did! While you’re at it, why not subscribe to our newsletter? We offer regular features on all your favorite games!

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