Taliyah is an extremely mobile mid laner who quite literally shakes up the Rift with her slick outplays, strategically-placed AoE, and killer damage output. But today I’m not here to discuss why Taliyah is one of the most fun mages in LoL, nor am I going to argue why she would totally be a kickass Earthbender.
I’m here to rank all her skins, so you’ll know exactly which ones honor her flashy playstyle best!
Let’s get started!
#5 SSG Taliyah
- Release Date: July 20, 2018
- Cost: 1350 RP
Full disclosure: Taliyah doesn’t really have any “bad” skins, so even SSG is definitely worth your consideration! The blue-purple color scheme suits Tailyah well, especially when combined with the glowy effect, and the new outfit gives her a little more of a mysterious, edgy feel.
As you would expect from an esports skin, the animations feel slick and aren’t going to distract you from competitive gameplay. The sound effects are also top tier. My only real gripe with this skin is that I find the ultimate’s stone wall design a little underwhelming.
#4 Frejlord Taliyah
- Release Date: May 17, 2016
- Cost: 1350 RP
Frejlord Taliyah is pretty similar to SSG Taliyah in terms of color scheme and character model. However, it does win my heart over slightly more than SSG. The main reason for this is that the attack sound effects are honestly some of the best I have ever heard. They’re incredibly distinct, easy to hear in fights, and they never get grating, no matter how much you play Taliyah.
Frejlord Taliyah also has a more realistic, down-to-earth look, which people who aren’t a fan of glowy sparkly effects are sure to appreciate.
#3 Star Guardian Taliyah
- Release Date: July 28, 2022
- Cost: 1350 RP
Star Guardian Taliyah is sure to be a hit with any Sailor Moon fan out there. After all, it pretty much transforms her into a sailor guardian, equipped with a frilly outfit, extra-sparkly magical powers, and a whole load of ribbons!
The overall look won’t please everyone, but I am personally here for it. I seriously love the pink and it’s nice to see a bubbly, happy-go-lucky skin on Taliyah. Plus, the ultimate is downright amazing; Taliyah now rides a giant kawaii cloud across the Rift, spreading sparkles, joy, and er, probably death, wherever she goes.
#2 Crystalis Motus Taliayh
- Release Date: September 13, 2023
- Cost:
Crystalis Motus Taliyah is the skin to equip if you’re after a tough guy look for your ranked games. Everything about it just paints Taliyah as this kickass warrior ready to slay her enemies and defend what’s rightfully hers.
Her outfit is now battle-ready, her hair is made from crystals, and every attack looks extremely powerful and is accompanied with a badass shatter effect. Plus, the recall is mesmerizing to watch and honors Taliyah’s lore.
Now, I understand that the vibrant green color scheme won’t win every Taliyah main over. It is a bold color choice (albeit the fact that it cleverly references a Jade). But luckily, you don’t have to abandon this skin if you’re not vibing the green — there’s a reclaimed chroma available that gets rid of the green entirely and replaces it with gorgeous silver and white hues.
#1 Pool Party Taliyah
- Release Date: July 2, 2020
- Cost: 1350 RP
If you’ve read any of my previous skin list articles, then Pool Party Taliyah getting the top spot won’t come as much of a surprise! I can’t help it. I’m a sucker for hilarious, meme-worthy skins, and Pool Party Taliyah is pure comedy genius!
Taliyah now destroys her enemies’ healthbars (and egos) with bubbles and splashes, and the hilarious pool-themed sound effects are sure to soothe the soul.
Of course, the main reason why I’ve given Pool Party Taliyah the number one spot, despite it not being the most “visually impressive” skin out there? The ultimate animation. You now get to literally surf across the Rift. It’s everything a Taliyah main could possibly dream of.
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