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The 10 Best Miss Fortune Skins in LoL

Miss Sarah Fortune is an iconic League of Legends ADC Champion that dominates the bottom lane more often than not with her swashbuckling style and charming sass. Since her release in September of 2010, she has received her fair share of skins and continues to be a popular bottom lane pick.

Despite her many skins, there are only a select few that successfully portray her flamboyant but deadly character. In this article, we’ll highlight Miss Fortune’s ten best skins, and explain why they stand out above all the rest. 

Let’s get started!

Miss Fortune’s 10 Best Skins

As of now, there are seventeen Miss Fortune Skins. Although some continue to shine in and out of the game today, others have fallen behind and could definitely use an update. Some skins have superior splash arts, while others trade looks for smooth and effortless gameplay. In this list, we’ll be focusing on each skin’s in-game performance first, and their splash art second.


Crime City Miss Fortune

Crime City Miss Fortune
Image: Riot Games via HGG

Few Champions can fill the crime boss role like Miss Fortune can. Although this skin could look more polished in-game, it conveys the style of the skin adequately, and it feels quite smooth with no real major downsides. 

The Crime City skin line encapsulates Miss Fortune’s beautiful but deadly character perfectly. Her fiery and long red hair coupled with her provocative purple pinstripe suit and massive guns give her the alluring but fierce look that she is known for in a unique and brilliant way. She is the saucy crime boss that you don’t want to underestimate. 


Bewitching Miss Fortune

Bewitching Miss Fortune
Image: Riot Games via HGG

Halloween definitely looks good on Miss Fortune. This skin, which gives her two huge candlesticks as guns, is extremely creative and just plain fun to play with in game. There aren’t any major flaws with this skin in-game, however, its finer details could definitely be updated to stand out a bit more.

Her stylish witch costume is beautifully and intricately designed, and the spooky background makes her pop even more. Her elegant red hair, huge witch’s hat, and unique candlestick guns make this skin truly glamorous and captivating. It is easily one of the best Halloween skins that League of Legends has released so far.  


Pool Party Miss Fortune

Image: Riot Games via HGG

This skin, along with the other Pool Party skins, is just plain delightful. It’s funny, eye-catching, and a ton of fun to play with in game. Her huge water guns, cute bathing suit, and watery strut give this skin the playful attitude that makes it witty and entertaining. Landing shut downs with her water bullets is especially satisfying. 

This skin’s splash art does not fall flat in game. It is colorful, humorous, and works with Miss Fortune’s sassy yet charming personality perfectly. The only downside to it is that her facial features get a little too covered up under her oversized sun hat in game. Needless to say though, the Pool Party line isn’t complete without Miss Fortune.


Ruined Miss Fortune

Ruined Miss Fortune
Image: Riot Games via HGG

The Ruined line suits the edgy, independent, and deadly side of Miss Fortune’s character extremely well. In game, it is nothing short of stunning. Her bullets are given a green and misty glow, and they give all her abilities an intense, ghostly effect that is incredibly cool. The attention to detail in her shark guns, pirate hat, and green-eyed complexion in and out of game is especially sharp and gorgeous. 

This splash art gives Miss Fortune a very dramatic look, and a character shift that is completely new, and filled with interesting backstory. In this skin, she is a cold-blooded villain who has given herself over to Viego in exchange for complete control over Bilgewater. This haunting, yet mesmerizing skin depicts a savage, lethal ship captain that is undoubtedly one of Viego’s most valuable assets.


Star Guardian Miss Fortune

Star Guardian Miss Fortune - Best Miss Fortune Skins in League of Legends
Image: Riot Games via HGG

Miss Fortune is the definition of glamorous in this skin. She is also the perfect candidate for the dazzling Star Guardian line. In-game, this skin steals the show with its bright and sparkling red, pink, and yellow color scheme. When she spawns into Summoner’s Rift and heads to her lane, her glittery, vibrant colors fall behind her as she flies effortlessly through the air with her adorable little pets by her side. Her breathtaking recall and colorful abilities also make this skin truly elegant and stunning. 

Her splash art is graceful and drop-dead gorgeous. Her flattering and detailed Star Guardian dress is beautifully designed, and very nicely depicted in-game. The glittery smoke from her gun that wraps around her in the background is a brilliant touch that highlights her glorious, heroic stance even more. However, as great as this skin is, it’s one of those skins that feels and looks almost done, but not quite. It’s missing that extra wow, star-attraction factor that Gun Goddess Miss Fortune has. 


Gun Goddess Miss Fortune

Gun Goddess Miss Fortune
Image: Riot Games via HGG

If anyone deserves the title of “Gun Goddess,” it’s Miss Fortune, hands down. As spectacular as this skin is outside of the rift, its splash art falls quite flat in game. It feels and looks very clunky, and it lacks the attention to detail that the splash art boasts. While it does have many incredible features like the different guns, armor, entertaining taunts, and flashy recall, the skin could definitely be more smooth and enjoyable to use. 

The Gun Goddess theme for Miss Fortune is absolutely genius, and the skin’s splash art shows just how fabulous it looks on her. The intricate detail in her armor, the massive guns, and her face is insane and absolutely beautiful. When you look at this skin’s splash art, it immediately sucks you in and makes you want it. However for 2,775 RP, the skin’s in-game performance should be just as jaw-dropping as its splash art.


Secret Agent Miss Fortune

Secret Agent Miss Fortune  - Best Miss Fortune Skins in LoL
Image: Riot Games via HGG

There really should be a Secret Agent skin line with Miss Fortune as the star. Although this Legendary skin is considered common, its splash art and in-game performance is excellent. In-game, this skin is sleek, simple, and smooth. While it could have more attention to detail and special features, it is still very stylish, fun, and clever. 

This skin’s splash art is completely sublime. She reminds me of the sumptuous but dangerous femme-fatale characters in a James Bond or Mission: Impossible film. The dark but steamy nightclub backdrop makes Miss Fortune’s fiery red hair, sparkling purple dress, and classy gold guns stand out beautifully. When it comes to this skin, less is definitely more. 


Road Warrior Miss Fortune

Road Warrior Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune could easily fill the lead role in a Mad Max film with this skin. The Road Warrior theme is an extremely unique and perfect fit for Miss Fortune. She’s daring, adventurous, and beyond gorgeous in this skin. It’s very similar to the Secret Agent skin in that it’s smooth, simple, and enjoyable to play with. Although it could use some more detail and polish in-game, it’s a skin that acts as a really good balance between appearance and performance. 

Its splash art is nothing short of bold, creative, and mesmerizing. This mid-action shot of her shooting while riding her motorcycle is beyond awesome. Her rogue and provocative outfit, wild scarlet hair, and flirty but feisty expression also make this skin’s splash art simply epic. It’s a completely different look for Miss Fortune that works on every level.


Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune

Prestige Bewitching Miss Fortune
Image: Riot Games via HGG

Miss Fortune’s only Prestige skin definitely doesn’t disappoint. In-game, this skin is a golden masterpiece. It is very smooth, and looks extremely slick. However, for a Prestige skin, it could have more in-game special features. Her abilities, while beautiful, could use a little more Halloween creativity. Overall, though, it shines very brightly in-game and is a complete pleasure to use. 

Her glossy gold and white costume is magnificent, and the light green accents found in her belt and hat make it look even sharper. Her re-designed witch’s hat is genius, and brings her entire outfit together perfectly. 

Her white and gold double candlestick guns are also very clever, snazzy, and extremely well-designed in-game. Although this Prestige skin does feel a bit incomplete when you compare it to other Prestige skins, it definitely still deserves to be a top-tier pick.


Battle Bunny Miss Fortune

Best Miss Fortune Skins Overall
Image: Riot Games via HGG

This is easily Miss Fortune’s best skin for so many reasons. It takes everything that is wrong with the Gun Goddess skin and fixes it. At first look, this skin looks a little too good to be true. The amazing details in her armor, guns, hair, and face look as though they could never be fully depicted in-game. 

However, this skin is absolutely flawless. Not only is it smooth, but it looks even better in-game. Her adorable bunny companions, bunny strut, showy taunts, and sassy recall are simply splendid and beautifully designed. It’s rare for a skin to look better in game than it does in its splash art, which is why this skin is so incredible. The neon yellow and purple color scheme works so well with Miss Fortune’s bright red hair, and her guns match her bunny suit perfectly.

Although the Battle Bunny skins are a little tough to take seriously at first, this skin takes a comical, cute idea and turns into something fierce, feisty, and fantastic. Even though it’s silly, it’s so charming and fits Miss Fortune’s character so well. As cute and inviting as she may look, she quickly turns lethal if you underestimate her. If you’re looking for a Legendary skin that is unlike most in League of Legends, look no further.

Join the High Ground

Miss Fortune has many incredible skins that take her fun and fearless personality and re-imagine it in so many brilliant and beautiful ways. Although many of her skins have stood the test of time, most of them could use a refresh in their splash arts, and in game. Which Miss Fortune skins do you think are the best? Let us know in the comments, and don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter. 

Happy gaming!  

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