Yuumi isn’t exactly a fan favorite among the LoL community — in fact, petitions were initially created to remove this feline entirely from the Rift — but there’s no denying that her kit is purrfect for beginners wanting to try their hand (or I should say paw) at the support role. Plus, she’s an adorable bundle of fluff!
If you’re a proud Yuumi main, or simply appreciate her Disney-inspired aesthetics, why not treat yourself by investing in a new look for her? I’ve ranked all of Yuumi’s skins in LoL from “worst” to best below (and spoiler: Yuumi honestly doesn’t have a single bad skin!).
#6 Yuubee
- Release Date: March 4, 2021
- Cost: 1350 RP
Bzzzing right into the 6th spot is Yuubee! This skin essentially transforms our fluffy feline into an extra fluffy bumblebee, equipped with stripes n’ all. While I do absolutely love the sound effects and honey-dipped floral animations in this skin, I am not a huge fan of the facial details… those eyebrows are not on fleek, so to speak.
That said, this is a really small gripe and you aren’t going to notice this detail while battling it out— ahem, mewing it out in your ranked games.
#5 Shiba Yuumi
- Release Date: April 6, 2023
- Cost: 1350 RP
More of a doggo person? No sweat. Riot’s got you covered! This skin allows you to transform Yuumi into a tail-wagging Shiba.
The overall look is woofin’ cute, and while the dog inspo is a bit too subtle for my liking — it’s essentially Yuumi wearing a Shiba onesie rather than a full-on transformation — it’s still a fun skin to play with. The animations are also packed with rainbows and there’s plenty of chromas to explore. Plus, the splash art is super vibrant and really elevates your mood (well, at least until your ADC flames you).
Some Yuumi mains have also praised the hell out of this skin’s sound effects, claiming that they’re easier on the ears than Yuumi’s base model sound effects.
#4 EDG Yuumi
- Release Date: May 12, 2022
- Cost: 1350 RP
Worlds skins do tend to be underwhelming, but that isn’t the case for EDG Yuumi! It’s badass and cute in equal measures, and the attack animations feel super impactful.
But the main reason why I’m giving EDG Yuumi the 4th spot? The fact that Yuumi’s new feline look is inspired by EDG Meiko’s own IRL cat. It’s an insanely adorable reference, and I’m here for it.
#3 Battle Principal Yuumi
- Release Date: May 14, 2019
- Cost: 1350 RP
Felines always seem like they’re secretly planning world domination. So, this skin which transforms Yuumi into the powerful leader of a magical high school is pawfectly apt (and totally imaginable).
The thematic is fun, the sound effects are distinct, and there are a lot of playful touches to appreciate. I also love how Yuumi’s backing animation is literally her doing the most cat thing ever: knocking over a coffee mug. It’s iconic.
#2 Bewitching Yuumi
- Release Date: October 7, 2021
- Cost: 1350 RP
Bewitching Yuumi is sure to enchant your heart and get you splurging! This Halloween skin is packed with spooky energy, enough bats to make Batman jealous, and tons of intricate details. It’s by far one of the most creative character models out there too, with Yuumi now sporting a pumpkin head and Count Dracula-esque outfit.
#1 Heartseeker Yuumi
- Release Date: February 4, 2020
- Cost: 1350 RP
Full disclosure: I’m a huge fan of the “gamer girl” core and my peripherals are pretty much pink, pink, and… well, more pink. So, it shouldn’t come as much of a surprise that I’m putting Heartseeker Yuumi at the number 1 spot! It just completely satisfies my gamer girl heart with its sparkles, hearts, and pink-galore palette.
But even if you’re not a huge fan of the whole “Barbie” vibe? I would still recommend this skin. There’s a pay-2-win element, with the Q animation being slightly harder to see than usual.
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