Best Support Champions for Samira, Ranked

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Best Support Champions for Samira, Ranked

Unleash Samira's daredevil side with one of these support champions!

Samira is an ADC champion who didn’t quite get the memo about what her role should involve… i.e., instead of kiting her enemies from a safe distance, she dives straight into the fray!

Her unique all-in playstyle allows her to dominate team fights and secure kill after kill. Of course, to unlock her true potential, she needs a support by her side who can keep up with her aggression.

I won’t keep you waiting any longer: Here are the best support champions for Samira in Season 14, ranked from great to pure perfection.  

#5 Pyke

Pyke is an aggressive, assassin support who can effortlessly keep up with Samira’s hard-hitting fighting style. He can harass the enemy and whittle down their health bars with his poke, set up kills for Samira with his reliable CC, and keep up with her engages thanks to his dashes and high mobility. 

What’s more, Pyke comes with a pretty huge perk: He can secure kills without putting his ADC at a disadvantage. This is because his ult’s “Your Cut” mechanic allows him to share his kill gold bounties with his teammates. While this may seem pretty insignificant in the scheme of things, it can truly be a total gamechanger — it gives Pyke the confidence to play more aggressively and support Samira in her all-ins, and it also allows him to keep his ADC’s mental zen.

In the early game, very few opponents can compete against this formidable duo. However, Pyke does fall off late, so it’s important you establish a lead early on to get Samira ahead.

#4 Rell

Next up is Rell, the badass Iron Maiden. Rell doesn’t get as much love as the other champions featured here — her pick rate is only a measly 2.4% — but that doesn’t mean she isn’t worth your consideration. In the right hands, Rell is a phenomenal support who can help Samira unleash her true carry potential (and take it even further).

Rell’s kit is stuffed with everything Samira could possibly need to get ahead, from reliable CC and an engage, to the ability to destroy the enemy’s heavy-duty shielding. Her ultimate also serves as a fantastic teamfighting tool as she can CC multiple enemies at once. Time that with Samira’s own ult? And it becomes a deadly combo.

Rell’s main weakness is that she becomes incredibly immobile after dismounting. If you’re considering meaning this champion, make sure to familiarize yourself with this mechanic. Dismounting at the wrong time will leave both you and Samira going 0/5 in no time.

#3 Thresh

Thresh is one of the most mechanically difficult champions in the game. This may deter the fellow casual player, but if you’re willing to put the time and energy into mastering him? He’s sure to be a formidable pairing for any ADC, especially Samira.

His playmaking style means he can easily create opportunities for Samira to engage and collapse on targets, no matter the game state or opponent she’s up against. He can also use his hook to strategically pull targets into Samira’s attack range or prevent them from escaping her ultimate.

Thresh also has heaps of CC, meaning he can ensnare the target for long enough for Samira to rack up her passive and land her kill-securing combos.

#2 Leona

I absolutely adore Leona — my 200k mastery points are a testament to that — so I may be slightly biased. However, I think any player can agree that Leona is truly one of the best pairings with Samira. The reason?

Leona’s level 2 all-in potential, combined with Samira’s level 2 power spike, means this pair can effortlessly secure early-game picks and snowball throughout the rest of the game. Even if they aren’t able to secure a kill at level 2, they can still use their advantage to force out summoner spells like heal and flash.

Leona is also incredibly tanky, meaning she can bear the brunt of the enemy’s attacks and peel Samira from the frontline. Additionally, her large AoE CC ult makes her a solid, all-round team fighter — something that Samira also excels at.

Just be aware that Leona doesn’t have a reliable disengage tool, so avoid initiating fights recklessly. Pay attention to your surroundings and make sure your teammates are in a position to react and back you up.

#1 Nautilus 

Nautilus is another tanky support who pairs exceptionally well with Samira. He can effortlessly peel Samira, interrupt the opposing team’s every move, and catch out targets with his hook and CC combo. He can also stun enemies repeatedly in drawn-out fights thanks to his passive, which gives Samira plenty of time to dish out the damage. 

You’ve probably already realized that Nautilus and Leona are pretty similar — they’re both tanks who can lock down targets effortlessly. However, I do feel Naut deserves the top spot. While Nautilus doesn’t have as much lockdown potential as Leona, he makes up for this with his ability to safely disengage from sticky situations. This makes him a fantastic pick for any player no matter their elo, and it also ensures the enemy will have less opportunity to capitalize on your mistakes. On top of that, his CC ultimate is a point-and-click ability, meaning he can provide Samira with a reliable means to engage every single time.

Nautilus can adapt to any team comp. However, he is vulnerable against ranged poke in the laning phase. Position carefully if you’re up against a poke duo like Kog’Maw and Lulu.

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