League of Legends: 10 Best Star Guardian Skins, Ranked Worst to Best

Ever since the Star Guardian skin line was introduced, they’ve been some of the most common to see in any game. Players love the Star Guardian skins because they perfectly encapsulate what League players want — they’re flashy, bright, and feature fun animations that everyone can enjoy. The first Star Guardian skin released in 2015, and the most recent ones (as of 2022) were released in 2019. There will almost certainly be more new Star Guardian skins to come, but let’s count down the ten best Star Guardian skins as of right now.

What are the Star Guardian Skins?

Before we dive in, a brief summary of the lore behind the skin line.

The Star Guardian skin line is set in an alternate universe, one in which the Champions are high schoolers that decide to become “cosmic protectors” and save the universe. The skins are typically loaded with flashy design and vibrant colors, with the odd exception here and there. These are meant to be fun skins with a lighthearted lore to accompany them, so don’t expect anything too dark here.

However, do expect some darker themes with the corrupted Star Guardian skins, which were made in 2019 for Xayah, Rakan, and Zoe. They’re still Star Guardian skins, but they’re very different.

There’s also the Pajama Guardian skin line, which is closely related to the Star Guardian skins. These are just variants of Star Guardian skins, but the Champions are wearing pajamas. These are not included in this list, but I do recommend them. I also recommend watching some of this skin line’s trailers and announcement videos, as they give a great idea of what to expect.

The Best Star Guardians Skins Ranked from Worst to Best

Without further ado, let’s get into the list!


Star Guardian Poppy

Star Guardian Poppy Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: October 5, 2016 | Cost: 1350 RP

The most important part of any Poppy skin is the hammer. If the hammer isn’t well-designed, then the skin is basically worthless. In this Star Guardian skin, the hammer is designed pretty well. The same thing can be said of the skin as a whole — it’s designed pretty well. Not great, not bad, just alright. The electric blue of her hair is eye-catching, but the gold accents aren’t the best. This skin is worth having if you’re a huge Poppy fan, but it isn’t one that I’m crazy about.


Star Guardian Miss Fortune

Star Guardian Miss Fortune Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: September 6, 2017 | Cost: 1350 RP

Following the trend of most recent skins, this Star Guardian skin prioritizes flashy style over simplicity. Most of the original Star Guardian skin line are on the simpler side (while still being flashy to some degree), but the newer ones move away from this. Miss Fortune’s Star Guardian skin loses something as a result, and doesn’t fully succeed in being flashy in a fun way. The color palette doesn’t work, and neither do the new animations. It definitely isn’t a bad skin, but it could have been a lot better.


Star Guardian Ezreal

Star Guardian Ezreal Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: September 6, 2017 | Cost: 1350 RP

Star Guardian Ezreal is a good skin, but it still looks a bit off. The rest of the Star Guardian skins have a very obvious flash to them, but Ezreal’s looks more like a Yu-Gi-Oh! character. That being said, I kind of love it for that very reason. The white and blue suit is the exact kind of outfit I would expect Ezreal to wear, the animations are great, and the splash art is really good. The only thing that could be improved is that it doesn’t currently match the style of the other Star Guardian skins. Personally, I think Ezreal’s Pajama Guardian skin looks more like the rest of the skin line.


Star Guardian Jinx

Star Guardian Jinx Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: October 5, 2016 | Cost: 1820 RP

I’ve seen a lot of people say that Star Guardian Jinx is one of the more boring Star Guardian skins, but I disagree. It doesn’t stand out as much as some of the best ones, at least in terms of general appearance, but it has its high points. Where Star Guardian Jinx stands out is her animations. Jinx’s Q-ability and ultimate both look amazing here. This is a perfectly good skin, especially for Jinx players who want something that pops a bit more than most of her other skins do. Comparing Jinx’s other skins to this one will quickly help you realize that it really is quite good, even if she might have one or two better ones.


Star Guardian Xayah

Star Guardian Xayah Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: September 12, 2019 | Cost: 1820 RP

Star Guardian Xayah is one of the “corrupted” Star Guardian skins. She, Rakan, and Zoe have lost their light and turned to the dark side. Each of these corrupted skins has a different style than the typical Star Guardian skins, which adds a unique element to them. Xayah’s in particular has a deep purple color with pink and green highlights. There’s a multicolored part on her back that almost looks like a puddle of leaked oil. And of course, this skin also includes animations that change when used near Rakan. I highly recommend this for Xayah/Rakan players.


Star Guardian Lulu

Star Guardian Lulu Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: October 5, 2016 | Cost: 1350 RP

Star Guardian Lulu is an underrated skin. I don’t see that many people play it, and it’s not just because Lulu isn’t very popular right now. It seems that Lulu players usually use the Pool Party or Space Groove skin. My favorite thing about this skin is the way her hair looks. The green color is great, and the way it almost drags the ground as she walks is fun. Lulu in general is underrated, and this skin follows suit. Of all the support Character skins, this is one that I really would love to see have a surge in popularity.


Star Guardian Ahri

Star Guardian Ahri Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: September 6, 2017 | Cost: 1820 RP

Star Guardian Ahri has one of the most brilliant color schemes of all this game’s skins. The peach orange color of Ahri’s tail is an excellent choice, and the rest of her outfit matches excellently. Ahri has always been a fan favorite character, and it always feels like Riot tries extra hard with her skins. It isn’t the most flashy skin in the game, but even several years later it remains one of my favorites. The outfit itself isn’t great, but that can easily be overlooked. This is an amazing skin.


Star Guardian Janna

Star Guardian Janna Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: October 5, 2016 | Cost: 1350 RP

Star Guardian Janna is one of the only Star Guardian skins with a better color theme than Ahri’s (in my opinion). The purple used in this skin is absolutely beautiful, and the way it’s incorporated into Janna’s abilities is perfect. Of all the new animations this skin has, her tornado re-skin is easily the best. Janna has a pretty distinct theme and design overall, so it’s impressive how well Riot implemented this skin, especially since it doesn’t directly tie in to Janna’s personality. For Janna players, this skin is an absolute must-have.


Star Guardian Lux

Star Guardian Lux Splash Art
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: May 17, 2015 | Cost: 1350 RP

Of all the Champions that received a Star Guardian skin, Lux might be the most deserving. The Star Guardian skin line features vibrant colors, animations, and art styles, so Lux was absolutely a perfect fit. Her upbeat personality combines nicely with her Star Guardian skin’s bright pink hair and flashy outfit. The new animations for this skin are great, especially the ultimate and E-ability ones. This skin is in-your-face, which is perfect for a Champion with a long-range laser beam for an ultimate. All in all, if you’re a Lux player, you should own this skin, as it’s one of her best.


Star Guardian Soraka

Star Guardian Soraka Splashart
Image: Riot Games

Release Date: September 6, 2017 | Cost: 1350 RP

Star Guardian Soraka is easily my favorite Star Guardian skin, and it’s one of my overall favorite skins in general. I’ve talked a lot about color schemes, but this is the perfect example of a color scheme that fits its Champion. Soraka’s green hair looks perfect, and the animations incorporate this color far better than I had expected. This is Soraka’s best skin, and I recommend it 100% for anyone who plays her. Overall, this is the best Star Guardian skin.

Become a High Grounder

The Star Guardian skin line is the most iconic set of skins Riot has ever released. The effort they put into these skins is outstanding, and the final product almost always reflects that. Whether you plan on spending tons of money on RP or you’re just waiting for good luck through a chest, hopefully you have a good idea of some skins you’re hoping to get after reading this.

Happy gaming!

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