LoL: Best Skins for Taliyah in Season 14
Taliyah is an extremely mobile mid laner who quite literally shakes up the Rift with her slick outplays, strategically-placed AoE, and killer damage output. But today I’m not here to...
What brings you here, traveler?
Taliyah is an extremely mobile mid laner who quite literally shakes up the Rift with her slick outplays, strategically-placed AoE, and killer damage output. But today I’m not here to...
Vel’Koz is a mage with obnoxious poke and high burst damage output. He’s a great all-round pick for both the support and mid role, and while he does take some time to master, your effort...
Ziggs may be Yordle-sized, but there’s a whole lot to love about him. His voice lines are iconic, his playstyle is quite literally explosive, and his damage is sure to blow any mechanically...
Veigar might be the smallest Yordle out there, but he definitely has the largest personality. After all, he’s a tyrannical ruler hellbent on destroying the known universe (and everyone within...
Since her introduction back in December 2011, Ahri has quickly risen to prominence as one of the most popular Champions in League of Legends. The nine-tailed fox motif had been popular for years,...
Lux is one of the most popular League of Legends champions. The Lady of Luminosity and her magical charm has won over many players. Quick to cater to fans of a rising star, Riot has released...
Few have pursued power as relentlessly as Xerath. A slave born to the Shurima empire, childhood best friends with the resurrected emperor Azir, and the ultimate architect of Shurima’s...
Zed is one of the most well-known assassins in League. In LoL, all Zed skins fit his ninja-esque aura like a katana in the hands of a master. Although some of Zed’s skins leave something to be...
Since his introduction in at the end of 2013, Yasuo has established himself as the Champion for players who are try-hard solo carries. Fitting for a character whose existence is defined by being a...