Warframe Waystone


Warframe Canon

Release Date: 25/03/2013

Developer: Digital Extremes; Panic Button Games | Publisher: Digital Extremes

Genres: Action Action RPG Free-to-Play Looter Shooter MMO-Lite Multiplayer Online Game Third-Person Shooter


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Map of Warframe Land

Melodies & Mockeries

Behold, High Ground Gaming's resident trolls! The cheerful Gurg and the irritable Grundle — together they bring songs of praise and mutterings of discontent about Warframe.

The Jolly Troll
In cosmic realms, 'neath starlit skies,
Warframe unfolds its galactic guise.
Tenno warriors, ancient, reborn,
In war-scarred armors, legends are worn.

Through solar systems, their battles rage,
Each mission a page in history's cage.
With swords and guns, they carve their path,
In void's embrace, they face the wrath.

Ninjas in space, sleek, sublime,
Defying gravity, transcending time.
In Dojo halls, their strength they hone,
In starlit wars, their valor shown.

From Earth to Venus, Mars, and beyond,
Their bond unbreakable, forever fond.
In Warframe's dance, where warriors roam,
Through endless stars, they find their home.
The Angry Troll
Warframe, oh joy, the space ninja fantasy where you grind more than a medieval miller. Seriously, it's like they mashed together a robotic ballet with a stock market simulator. Want new gear? Better start your second career in intergalactic mining and accounting. The storyline? It twists more than a pretzel in a tornado. And let’s talk about customization - you'll spend more time picking out armor than a teenager on prom night. Plus, the community? A bizarre blend of philosophers and speedrunners, debating the universe's secrets while blitzing through missions faster than a greased lightning bolt. Riveting stuff, truly.

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