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Warframe 1999: Invulnerable Psychic Nyx Rework Best Build

Control Hollvania with the new and improved Nyx!

The introduction of 1999 mode in Warframe did more than give classic Warframes new faces and personalities to go with them. It also brought reworks to Nyx and Trinity, changing their kits and how they play. If you’ve been wondering what’s changed with Nyx or how to build her after the rework, then have no fear. In this guide I’ll be going over Nyx’s reworked kit and how to build her for Steel Path.

Nyx Prime Overview


  • Health: 270 (370 at rank 30)
  • Shields: 365 (465 at rank 30)
  • Armor: 136
  • Energy: 175 (225 at rank 30)

Just like Excalibur, Nyx Prime boasts pretty average stats with some below-average armor. Fortunately, we won’t need to worry about her low armor because this build will make her untouchable.


Whenever an enemy in Affinity Range is afflicted with Confusion Nyx gains Thrive in Chaos which increases her Primary and Secondary weapon Critical Chance by 40% per enemy up to a maximum of 200% from 5 enemies.


Mind Control (1st Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Nyx controls the mind of a target making them fight for her. Controlled enemies have increased Radiation Status Chance and shooting them also increases their damage multiplier.

With the changes to Mind Control it’s definitely more useful than it was before, but still the weakest move in her kit since it relies on enemy AI. Always aim for heavy units and melee units since they will act as better distractions.

Psychic Bolts (2nd Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Nyx sends out telekinetic bolts that seek out nearby enemies, staggering them and temporarily stripping their armor and shields and overguard if they have it. A portion of the defenses stolen are also given to Nyx. When an affected enemy is slain additional bolts scatter to new targets.

This is the ability in Nyx’s rework that really makes her shine. Not only does it get rid of enemy defenses, but it also grants them to Nyx allowing her to get very tanky.

Chaos (3rd Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Nyx releases a psychic pulse that stuns surrounding enemies and inflicts them with Radiation status procs causing them to attack each other.

This is Nyx’s bread-and-butter crowd control ability. Not only does it give Nyx some breathing room, but it plays into her passive which boosts her damage significantly.

Absorb (4th Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Nyx creates a psychic bubble around her making her invulnerable to damage as well as taunt nearby enemies. This bubble absorbs damage before being burst out damaging any enemy nearby.

Another ability that makes Nyx hard to kill. While the base version of this ability is stationary, with the right augment this ability turns Nyx into a walking, invulnerable fortress.

How to Get Nyx Prime

Unlike other Prime Warframes, Nyx Prime is permanently unvaulted meaning players can grab her anytime they want as long as they have the proper relics. 

If players don’t want to engage in the Prime hunt then they can grab base Nyx by defeating Phorid on assassination missions that appear during Infested Invasions.

Invulnerable Psychic Nyx Build

As I hinted at earlier, this build will focus on making Nyx as tanky as possible, allowing her to breeze through Steel Path with ease. Because of her new passive her damage will also keep up with the higher difficulty as long as we keep enemies nice and confused.

Mod Choice

The mod choice for this build is as follows:

  • Primed Flow: We want a large energy pool to make sure we can keep Absorb continually active as well as let us cast Psychic Bolts and Chaos without break. Primed Flow makes this way easier.
  • Prime Continuity: Duration will keep enemies confused for longer, as well as keep enemies’ defenses stripped for longer from Psych Bolts. We don’t need a ton so Prime Continuity by itself is more than enough.
  • Equilibrium: We need to keep our energy filled since we’ll be constantly casting abilities. Equilibrium paired with a properly built companion will make sure we can constantly gain energy throughout a mission.
  • Stretch: We want our Chaos effect to reach enough people to keep them distracted so we grab Stretch to make sure we reach enough enemies.
  • Augur Reach: Just like Stretch, we grab this mod to make sure our various confusion effects reach enough people.
  • Intensify: We want a little power strength to make sure Psychic Bolts strip enough defenses to make enemies vulnerable. Intensify or any power strength mod that fits works perfectly.
  • Pacifying Bolts: The first of two augment mods we’re adding to this build, Pacifying Bolts increases the amount of Psychic Bolts being sent out which means more defense we add to ourselves and fewer enemies that have defenses.
  • Assimilate: The most important mod of this build, Assimilate turns Absorb into a channel ability and allows Nyx to move while it’s active. This allows us to stay impervious to damage and mobile as long as we have energy.
  • Energy Siphon: I put Energy Siphon to make it easier to maintain energy, but this mod can be swapped out for anything you may need since it’s not crucial.


  • Molt Augmented: We put a little power strength on our mod choice, but Molt Augmented will ensure will have a healthy power strength level to improve abilities like Psychic Bolts and Absorb.
  • Arcane Blessing: Since the point of this build is to make Nyx Tanky, and we’ll be picking up health orbs anyway, Arcane Blessing is an excellent Arcane to boost Nyx’s health.

Helminth Abilities

There are a couple of Helminth Abilities that pair well with Nyx, and luckily her first ability, Mind Control, isn’t crucial enough to keep around making it the best contender to be subsumed out.

  • Dispensary (Protea): Dispensary is a fun ability to give Nyx with this setup because it gives a nice source of energy on demand when you need to defend a point.
  • Condemn (Harrow): Nyx already has some decent crowd control so adding Harrow’s Condemn helps us double down on that aspect of her kit. Better yet, the stats we increase for Nyx’s abilities perfectly boost Condemn as well.

Weapons and Gear

Nyx doesn’t need a lot of specialized gear to make this build work. The most important thing is to have a companion with Synth Deconstruct and Synth Fiber.

Synth Deconstruct will cause enemies damaged by companions to have a better chance at dropping health orbs, which is exactly what we want for this build. Synth Fiber will increase our companion’s armor per health pickup, but also ensure we can continue picking up health orbs when at full health, allowing our Equilibrium mod to go off.


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