How to Get Gladiator Mods in Warframe

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How to Get Gladiator Mods in Warframe

Level up your melee!

Sometimes in Warframe, you need to get up close and personal. With so many melee weapons in the game that won’t be a problem, but when you swing you want to make sure your enemies feel it. That’s where Gladiator mods come in.

With a set bonus that increases critical chance per Combo Multiplier, Gladiator mods can change the way you use melee. If you’ve been interested in adding Gladiator mods to your build then look no further. In this guide, I’ll be going over what Gladiator mods are, how to get them, and what they do.

What Are Gladiator Mods

Gladiator mods are a set of Warframe and Melee mods that, when equipped, have bonuses that increase with each mod slotted.

 While each Gladiator mod has a unique effect, the set bonus increases melee critical chance by 10% per stack of Melee Combo Counter, with the base critical chance increasing for each mod slotted.

How to Get Gladiator Mods

Luckily all Gladiator mods are acquired from Cetus Bounties on the Plains of Eidolon, an early game open world area. Simply talk to Konzu and choose the bounty with the mod you want. 

Since several bounties have multiple Gladiator mods as stage rewards, there’s a good chance you’ll receive multiple mods in the set while farming them.

All Gladiator Mods

Now that we know how to get Gladiator mods, let’s look at all the mods and what they do:

Mod NameMod Type EffectPolarity
Gladiator AegisWarframe+40% ArmorVazarin
Gladiator FinesseWarframeDrains Energy to stop Lethal Damage with 60% EfficiencyVazarin
Gladiator ResolveWarframe+40% HealthVazarin
Gladiator MightMelee+60% Critical DamageMadurai
Gladiator RushMelee+6s Combo DurationNaramon
Gladiator ViceMelee+30% Attack SpeedMadurai

How to Use Gladiator Mods

Aside from the obvious benefits of the Gladiator set, these mods can be used to enhance builds and weapons in interesting ways.

Exalted Weapons

Exalted Weapons are special weapons tied to Warframe abilities. One example is Valkyr and her Hysteria Talons. While these Exalted Weapons can be modded themselves, the stats and performance of these weapons are affected by the weapons they replace when they’re activated.

This means slotting the Gladiator mods onto melee weapons will transfer the buffs onto Exalted Weapons like Valkyr’s Talons, or Excalibur’s Blade. This creates some build potential as you no longer need to build your Exalted Weapon for critical chance.

Double Mod Effect

For most mods that have similar effects, you can only slot one at a time. For example, you can’t slot Steel Fiber and Umbral Fiber on a Warframe at the same time. This restriction does not pass on to the Gladiator mods, however. 

This means you can enhance certain stats well past what they could be with mods that overlap with the Gladiator mods effect. For example, you can slot both Gladiator Aegis and Steel Fiber for over 140% more armor. With melee weapons, you could slot Gladiator Might and Organ Shatter to give your swings +150% critical damage.

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