Warframe: The Best Regulators Mesa Prime Build

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Warframe: The Best Regulators Mesa Prime Build

Polish and oil your trusty Regulators.

Few things are as important to a cowboy as their trusty pistols. Especially when they’re built into your skin. In this build guide, I’ll be going over how to build Mesa’s Prime Regulator pistols to face down anything in Steel Path.

What are Exalted Weapons

Exalted weapons are signature weapons unique to specific Warframe. They can come in any form like Valkyr’s Talons, Excalibur’s Blade, and of course Mesa’s Regulator Pistols.

Exalted Weapons level up with your Warframe and can be modded like any other weapons, which means you can spec them out to do some serious damage.


Even without the power ramping that comes from using Mesa’s Peacemaker, the Regulators are decent weapons out of the box. Not only do they have a high critical chance and multiplier, but they also have an incredibly high fire rate and pinpoint accuracy.

Total DamageCrit ChanceCrit MultiplierFire RateStatus Chance
50 (50% Impact)25%3x14.80 attacks/sec10%

Armor Shredder Regulators Build

This build will focus on stripping armor from high-level enemies while also dealing a ton of damage. This build pairs well with a Mesa with high power strength, duration, and efficiency. 

High power strength means greater damage to your pistols. High duration and efficiency mean you can stay in Peacemaker longer without running out of energy.

Mod Choice

The mod choice for this build is as follows:

  • Galvanized Diffusion: We want as much multishot on our guns as possible to maximize damage, so we grab this mod to do just that. The non Galvanized version of Diffusion works too.
  • Galvanized Shot: We want a lot of Status Chance as well to make sure we guarantee armor stripping our enemies. Galvanized Shot is perfect for this, but the no-Galvanized version works too.
  • Primed Target Cracker: The Regulator Pistols are perfect for dealing Crits, so we make it even better. This mod increases our critical damage by a ton and will net you some easy Red Crits.
  • Primed Pistol Gambit: We grab this mod for the same reason we grab Primed Target Cracker. Better critical chance means easier Crits.
  • Lethal Torrent: Multishot and Fire Rate are important for this build, and Lethal Torrent does both. Grabbing this mod is an easy gimmie.
  • Pistol Pestilence: Because we want to shred armor with this build we need the Toxin and Electricity elements to get Corrosive. Pistol Pestilence gives us Toxin damage as well as increased Status Chance which is perfect since the Regulators have fairly low Status Chance. 
  • Jolt: We grab this for the same reason we take Pistol Pestilence. We need Electricity to make the Corrosive element and more Status Chance is a nice bonus.
  • Magnum Force: At this point, we have the core of the build taken care of. This last slot can technically be whatever you want, but I put Magnum Force to a little more damage. This is great because the loss in Accuracy means nothing for the Regulators.

Alternative Mod Choices

Some of the mods on this build might be hard to get depending on where you are in the game, so here are some alternatives you can use in their stead.

  • Pathogen Rounds: An alternative to Pistol Pestilence, this provides Toxin damage without the bonus to Status Chance.
  • Convulsion: Just like Pathogen Rounds, this provides Electricity without the Status Chance.
  • Anemic Agility: while not the easiest mod to get, it would work perfectly on this build because of its big increase in Fire Rate.
  • Hornet Strike: Another good mod if you want some extra damage on your build, and not incredibly difficult to get to boot.

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