The Best Predasite in Warframe

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The Best Predasite in Warframe

Choose the best Predasite for the job!

With the recent changes in Warframe, companions are the strongest they’ve ever been. Not only do players have to rely on the same few companions but they are all viable in some way. Which means it’s time to take a look at the Predasite. In this guide I’ll be going over the best Predasite subspecies and how to get them.


There are a couple of things players need before getting their infested companion. The first is access to the Cambion Drift on Deimos and the Entrati Syndicate. You then need three components: a Mutagen, an Antigen, and a Weakened Subspecies.

Once you have all three components, you can go to the Son through the Revivification process to obtain your new companion.


The Predasite, much like its infested cousin Vulpaphyla, requires three components to be made which help determine its stats, type and looks.


The Mutagen helps determine the appearance of the Predasite’s tail and its damage resistance. There are four Mutagens to choose from:

NameEffectSide EffectCost
LeptosamGrants Heat and Puncture resistancesNoneRequires rank 1: Stranger with Entrati Syndicate and costs 1250 Standing.
ChitenGrants Electricity and Slash resistanceTail grows rigid scalesRequires rank 2: Acquaintance with Entrati Syndicate and costs 2500 Standing.
ArioliGrants Cold and Impact resistanceInfestation grows through the tailRequires rank 3: Associate with Entrait Syndicate and costs 4000 Standing
MonachodGrants Toxin and Slash resistanceCartilage exoskeletonRequires rank 4: Friend with Entrati Syndicate and costs 6000 Standing.


NameEffectSide EffectCost
IranonGrants Vazarin PolarityNoneRequires rank 1: Stranger with Entrati Syndicate and costs 1250 Standing.
ElasmunGrants Madurai PolarityInfestation grows through the hornRequires rank 2: Acquaintance with Entrati Syndicate and costs 2500 Standing.
IbexanGrants Naramon PolarityInfestation grows through the jawRequires rank 3: Associate with Entrait Syndicate and costs 4000 Standing
TethronGrants Penjaga PolarityInfestation grows through the spineRequires rank 4: Friend with Entrati Syndicate and costs 6000 Standing.


The subspecies of the Predasite determines the type and head of the Predasite. It also determines the subspecies-specific mods that can be used. There are three subspecies to choose from:

  • Vizier: Grants the Acidic Spittle and Iatric Mycelium Mods.
  • Medjay: Grants the Infectious Bite and Paralytic Spores mods.
  • Pharaoh: Grants the Anabolic Pollination and Endoparasitic Vector Mods.

Best Subspecies: Vizier Predasite

Unlike the Vulpahyla there’s no big standout amongst the types of Predasites like the Panzer. Among the three, however, the Vizier’s abilities offer some decent support. Acidic Spittle blinds an enemy every 5 seconds as well as dealing Corrosive Damage. Iatric Mycelium has the Predasite release a trail of spores that heal companions and allies for 300 health over 5s.

The Mutagens and Antigens don’t really matter for your Vizier except for personal taste. Resistances will be on a case-by-case basis for the most part and don’t really matter unless you have a specific creation in mind.

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