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Warframe 1999: The Best Unkillable Combat Medic Trinity Rework Build

Stay alive with the revived queen of healing!

The introduction of 1999 mode in Warframe did more than give classic Warframes new faces and personalities to go with them. It also brought reworks to Nyx and Trinity, changing their kits and how they play. If you’ve been wondering what’s changed with Trinity or how to build her after the rework, then have no fear. In this guide I’ll be going over Trinity’s reworked kit and how to build her for Steel Path.

Trinity Prime Overview


  • Health: 270 (370 at rank 30)
  • Shields: 455 (555 at rank 30)
  • Armor: 135
  • Energy: 175 (255 at rank 30)

Given her abilities, Trinity’s stats are pretty decent. Her health and armor are pretty low, but given all the ways we can keep ourselves alive with her abilities, it’s not an issue. The only stat we’ll need to increase is her Energy pool since Trinity loves to caste.


Trinity and any allies in affinity range will receive increased health equal to 50% of Trinity’s total Energy pool.


Well of Life (1st Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Trinity imbues an enemy with life energy, suspending them in the air and making them invulnerable to damage and incapacitated. The enemy then emits a healing aura healing anyone inside the aura per second if Trinity or any ally goes down while in the aura the enemy is killed instead.

This is an excellent ability if you’re running missions with a team since it provides constant healing and can negate deaths. When playing solo or not doing defense missions, this is the perfect ability to subsume out since Trinity’s other abilities are way better for her survivability.

Energy Vampire (2nd Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Trinity extracts pure energy from a single enemy. The enemy is incapacitated and begins to glow while emitting an energy pulse, restoring energy per second to any Warframe nearby. If the target is killed, however, all remaining energy pulses are released at once.

One of Trinity’s best abilities, and one of the core abilities for this build. Energy Vampire ensures we will never run out of energy and also provide us with overshields with its augment mod Vampire Leech.

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Trinity links herself to nearby enemies gaining damage reduction and transferring 100% of damage taken and Status Effects to linked enemies.

The second most important ability in Trinity’s kit and the second core ability to this build, Link provides a hefty level of damage reduction removing the need for mods like Adaption. More importantly, with the augment mod Abating Link, we can fully strip the armor of linked enemies.

Blessing (4th Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Trinity invokes restorative and defensive power to herself and allies within affinity range, restoring health and shields and granting them damage reduction for a set time.

An excellent ability to have when in danger, Blessing heals us instantly, restoring our shield and health. Better yet, it provides us with even more damage reduction making us even harder to take down.

How to Get Trinity Prime

Unfortunately, Trinity is Vaulted meaning you need to wait for Prime Resurgence or trade with other players to get her blueprints. Luckily the stat differences aren’t too great so regular Trinity will work as well.

Regular Trinity can be acquired by defeating Ambulas on Hades, pluto and purchasing her main blueprint on the Market.

Unkillable Combat Medic: Best 1999 Trinity Build

This build focuses on making sure Trinity can survive getting up close and personal with any enemy she faces on Steelpath. Not only will she reduce a ton of damage coming her way, but she’ll also be leaving any nearby enemies vulnerable by stripping their armor.

Mod Choice

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

The mod choice for this build is as follows:

  • Prime Duration: Duration is important for this build because it keeps our Link and Blessing buffs active longer, meaning we don’t need to continually cast them.
  • Narrow Minded: Just like Prime Duration, we add this mod to add a little more Duration to make sure our abilities stay active for longer.
  • Overextended: Range is another important stat for this build since it affects the radius for all of our abilities. More importantly, it increases the range on Link meaning we can link to more enemies in combat and it offsets the range loss from Narrow Minded.
  • Blind Rage: Ability Strength is important for making sure Link fully strips the armor from enemies. We don’t need a lot so Blind Rage helps us reach that threshold without wasting too many mod slots.
  • Archon Intensify: This mod helps us reach the threshold needed for a 100% armor strip. Not only that, but the added effect from Archon Intensify will increase our Ability Strength by another 30% when we heal from an ability.
  • Primed Flow: Trinity’s base Energy pool is low for how much we need to cast abilities so we grab this mod to increase it. It also increases the power of our passive which is a nice bonus.
  • Abating Link: The augment mod needs to reduce enemy armor when Link is active. This is how we ensure every enemy around us is vulnerable.
  • Vampire Leech: The second augment mod in this build, Vampire Leech makes it so excess energy from Energy Vampire replenishes shields and provides overshields. This will give us a nice bit of survivability.
  • Rejuvenation: The aura mod for this build is the dealer’s choice. I chose Rejuvenation since it matches the polarity slot but you can pick whatever you need/want.


  • Arcane Blessing: While this build makes us hard to kill, it never hurts to be safe rather than sorry. This will increase our base health or pickup giving us a bigger buffer when taking damage.
  • Molt Augmented: Ability Strength increases all our abilities in some way, mainly by boosting the healing we do. Molt Augmented means we can boost this without devoting more mods to power strength.

Helminth Abilities

There are a couple of Helminth abilities that synergize really well with Trinity and her kit. When choosing which ability to subsume, I would recommend getting rid of Well of Life since you won’t be using it much unless you’re playing with other people or doing defense missions.

  • Silence (Banshee): Silence provides a good area CC that she lacks with her regular abilities. It also increases her survivability since enemies that can’t move can’t kill you.
  • Gloom (Sevagoth): Another good CC ability. Gloom will slow all nearby enemies while also providing life steal to go in line with Trinity’s place as a healer. 

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