Warframe: The Best Warframes for Steel Path

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Warframe: The Best Warframes for Steel Path

Steel yourself.

It’s through conflict that we better ourselves. And in Warframe Steel Path is there to make us the best Tenno we can be. But when facing such a challenge it’s important to come  prepared, and that’s what I’ll be going over in this Steel Path guide.

While any Warframe can be built to survive Steel Path, there are some that have an easier job of it. Keep reading if you want to see the best Warframes for Steel Path in no particular order.

How to Unlock Steel Path

To unlock Steel Path players must complete every node on the Star Chart including quest-locked nodes. This means every main quest up to Angels of the Zariman and Whispers in the Walls as well as the Deadlock Protocol.

Once that’s done Tenshin will invite you to challenge the Steel Path. It’ll be time consuming, but Steel Path is considered the  endgame for a reason.

Best Warframe for Steel Path

Tackling Steel Path will require enough damage to defeat the enemies and enough defense to survive them. And while everything is easier with friends, this list is made with the assumption of bringing these Warframes into Steel Path solo.


Digital Extremes

The first rule of Steel Path is to not die, and there are few Warframe that do that better than Hildryn. Even without her abilities, the changes to Shield Gating coupled with her impressive shields make her a durable choice when running this high-level game mode.

Not only is Hildryn tanky, but she is surprisingly effective at taking down enemies as well. Because of her second ability Pillage, Hildryn can strip the armor and shields of surrounding enemies to add to her own. Not only does this make Hildryn even more durable than she already was, but it also makes enemies extremely vulnerable to damage. 


Digital Extremes

In the same vein as Hildryn, Revenant focuses on not dying above all else. Unlike Hildryn however, Revenants can gain invulnerability with a single move. 

Mesmer Skin, Revenant’s second move, makes him completely invulnerable to damage, reflecting it back at attackers per charge on the ability. The ability lasts forever until all the charges are depleted and can be recast before all the charges are gone. This means that as long as you can recast this ability you are impervious to anything Steel Path will throw at you. Grab something to increase casting speed and you should be good to go.


Digital Extremes

While not considered the “best” Warframe on this list, with some work, Valkyr makes surviving Steel Path a breeze. Just like Revenant, Valkyr has an ability that makes her completely invulnerable to damage; her fourth ability Hysteria. The only problem is the constant Energy drain needed to keep it activated.

Luckily there are plenty of ways to ensure Valkyr always has a steady supply of Energy, especially with the dense enemy numbers found in Steel Path. Slot her with Equilibrium and a companion with Synth Deconstruct to increase Health Orb drops and you should be able to survive with no problem.


Digital Extremes

Because of her third ability Dispensary, Protea is the queen of self-sufficiency. Health, shields, and ammo are never an issue as long as you can drop her Dispensary down. And if you have Equilibrium modded in, that is a constant stream of health.

Unlock other Warframes on this list that primarily focus on one ability to help them through Steel Path, Almost every ability in Protea’s kit can help her run through these difficult missions. Grenade Fan can provide a boost to Protea’s shields making her harder to kill. Blaze Artillery, with mods like Archon Vitality and Temporal Erosion, can shred enemy armor and deal double damage, wiping out enemies in seconds. There’s a lot to like about Protea and she’s easily one of the more powerful Warframes on this list.


Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

A classic pick for Steel Path, Octavia has everything she needs to complete Steel Path with ease. And the best part is that it requires very little investment to get her ready for endgame content.

The biggest thing about her kit is the combination between her first and second ability; Mallet and Resonator. Not only do these abilities provide excellent crowd control by distracting enemies, but it also provides stacking damage by absorbing the damage it takes, multiplying it, and directing it back at enemies. In Steel Path, with such high numbers of enemies, this means a lot of damage going back at enemies. 

And if you’re worried about taking damage yourself, don’t be. With her third ability Metronome, Octavia can become invisible to attackers making it so all damage goes towards her mallet making it easy to survive.

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