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Warframe: The Best Warframes For Farming

Choose the best tool for the job.

If there’s one word synonymous with the game Warframe, it’s farming. Farming resources and items will take up most of your time in this game and anything that makes that process quicker should be a top priority. That’s why in this guide I will be going over the best Warframe for farming and how to get them.


The first Warframe on this list is everyone’s favorite brawler, Atlas. While he might not be the first name that comes to mind when players think of farming, Atlas actually has some tools available to him that make him great for farming.

How to Farm with Atlas

Atlas’ farming ability mostly comes from his third ability Petrify and its augment mod Ore Gaze. Normally, Petrify causes enemies to turn to stone, causing them to drop healing rubble when shattered.

The Ore Gaze augment mod causes enemies turned to stone by Petrify to be automatically scanned into the Codex and gives them up to a 25% chance to additional loot when killed. While not the best farming Warframe in the game, Atlas is leagues better than most Warframes in the game that have no way of acquiring additional loot.

How to Get Atlas

To get Atlas, players must first complete the quest The Jordas Precept to obtain his blueprint. After that, his component blueprints can be obtained by defeating the Jordas Golem on Eris. Alternatively, Atlas can be obtained as a reward from the Circuit when it’s in rotation.


Our second Warframe on this list is Khora and her trusted Kavat Venari, a very powerful Warframe with the added benefit of being a capable loot farmer.

How to Farm with Khora

Like most Warframes on this list, Khora’s ability to farm comes from one of her abilities and an augment mod. In this case. The ability in question is Strangledome and its augment mod Pilfering Strangledome. Strangledome usually has Khora created a dome of living chains that trap enemies and damage them over time.

The Pilfering Strangledome augment causes enemies trapped in Khora’s Strangledome up to 65% chance to drop additional loot when killed.

How to Get Khora

All of Khora’s blueprints can be acquired as rotation rewards from Sanctuary Onslaught (not Elite Sanctuary Onslaught). Alternatively, and more easily, in my opinion, Khora can be acquired as a reward from the Circuit in Duviri when she’s in rotation.


The next warframe on this list is Hydroid, the king of the sea. There’s no surprise the pirate-themed warframe would be good at acquiring extra loot.

How to Farm With Hydroid

Hydroids’ ability to farm comes from his fourth ability Tentacle Swarm and its augment mod Pilfering Swarm. Tentacle Swarm has Hydroid summon the Kraken, causing tentacles to spawn and grab enemies immobilizing them and dealing periodic Corrosive damage.

The Pilfering Swarm augment makes it so that enemies held by the tentacles have up to a 100% chance to drop additional loot when killed. This augment mod works almost exactly like Khora’s Pilfering Strangledome but with a way better chance for additional loot. Use this while playing a Survival mission and you can rack up a ton of extra resources.

How to get Hydroid

Hydroids main blueprint can be purchased from the Market for credits. The rest of his component blueprints can be farmed by defeating Councilor Vay Hek on Oro, Earth.


The final Warframe on this list goes to the king of farming himself, Nekros.

How to Farm With Nekros

Unlike the other Warframes on this list, Nekros doesn’t need an augment mod to properly use his farming method. All he needs is his third ability Desecrate which grants up to 54% chance for additional loot on dead enemies. While the chance for additional loot is less than Hydroid and Khora, this ability has some caveats that make it way better.

The first perk of this ability is that it’s completely mobile. Unlike Strangledome and Tentacle Swarm which must be placed, Desecrate radiates around Nekros and is active as long as Nekros has energy. With proper energy management, you can have this ability active for an entire mission.

Another perk of this ability that makes it so good is that, when determining when to drop extra loot, it counts severed limbs as individual enemies. That means a single enemy can provide multiple chances for additional loot when hit with Slash damage.

Finally, the combo Desecrate has with its augment mod Despoil that causes the ability to drain health instead of energy makes it even easier to sustain the ability since Desecrate causes additional health orbs to drop whenever it affects a corpse.

How to Get Nekros

Nekros’ main blueprint can be bought for credits on the Market. The rest of his blueprints can be farmed by defeating Lephantis on Magnacidium, Deimos.

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