How to Get Necramech Mods in Warframe

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How to Get Necramech Mods in Warframe

Dominate Deimos

Warframes aren’t the only things the Tenno can pilot in the Warframe galaxy. With the re-emergence of Deimos came the return of the Necramech; the predecessor of the Warframe created by the Entrati.

Despite being replaced by Warframes, these war machines are no less deadly. The Necramechs are even deadlier with the clever use of mods, which is why in this guide, we’ll go over every Necramech mod, how to get them, and examples of how to use them.

What are Necramech Mods

Just like Warframe mods, Necramech mods enhance the stats and abilities of the Necramech. In addition to certain mods that share a name and function with normal mods used on Warframes, the Necramech also has mods that boost Necramech-specific functions like engine capacity or hover efficiency.

How to Get Necramech Mods

All of the Necramech mods are tied to Deimos in some way. That means you must have Deimos unlocked to collect most of the Necramech mods available. The rest of the mods can be obtained after unlocking the Cavia Syndicate, also found on Deimos.

All Necramech Mods

Here’s a look at all the Necramech mods and what they do:

Mod NameEffectPolarityAcquisition
Necramech Augur240% Energy spent on abilities converted to shieldsMadurai– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 15,000 Standing
Necramech AviatorReduce damage by 40% when AirborneVazarin– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000 Standing
Necramech Blitz+80% Slide Attack DamageMadurai– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 2)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000
Necramech Continuity+30% Ability DurationMadurai– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 2)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 25,000
Necramech Deflection+90% Shield RechargeVazarin– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000 Standing
Necramech Drift+60% Hover EfficiencyVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 2)
– Bought from Necraloid for 25,000 Standing
Necramech Efficiency+30% EfficiencyVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 1)
– Bought from Necraloid for 25,000 Standing
Necramech Enemy Sense+30 Enemy RadarNaramon– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000 Standing
Necramech Flow+100% Energy MaxNaramon– Bought from Necraloid for 25,000 Standing
Necramech Friction+60% Slide EfficiencyVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 3)
– Bought from Necraloid for 25,000 Standing
Necramech Fury+40% Melee Attack SpeedVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 3)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000 Standing
Necramech Hydraulics+120% Jump HeightMadurai– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 3)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 15,000
Necramech Intensify+30% Ability StrengthMadurai– Bought from Necraloid for 25,000 Standing
Necramech Pressure Point+60% Melee DamageMadurai– Bought from Necraloid for 25,000 Standing
Necramech RageConvert +15% of Damage on Health to EnergyMadurai– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 15,000 Standing
Necramech Reach+1 Melee RangeMadurai– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 2)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000
Necramech RebukeElectrifies nearby enemies for 300 Electricity Damage when shields are depletedMadurai– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 15,000 Standing
Necramech Redirection+100% Shield CapacityVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 1)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 15,000
Necramech Refuel+20% Engine ReplenishVazarin– Bought from Necraloid for 10,000 Standing
Necramech RepairRestore 10% Health/s over 3s when Health drops below 20% Vazarin– Drops from Deimos Jugulus Rex
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 25,000 Standing
Necramech Seismic Wave+45% Melee Slam DamageMadurai– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 2)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 25,000
Necramech Slipstream+60% SlideNaramon– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 2)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 10,000
Necramech Steel Fiber+100% ArmorVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 1)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 25,000
Necramech Streamline+30% Ability EfficiencyNaramon– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 3)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 28,000
Necramech Stretch+45% Ability RangeNaramon– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 3)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 25,000
Necramech Thrusters+100% Engine MaxVazarin– Awarded from Isolation Vault Bounties
– Dropped from Necramech(Tier 1)
– Bought from Bird 3 of Cavia for 28,000
Necramech Vitality+100% HealthVazarin– Bought from Necraloid for 10,000 Standing

How to Use Necramech Mods

Just like Warframes, Necramechs can be built to do a variety of content where they’re available. These machines shine against Grand Bosses like the Eidolons and Profit taker because of their high health and armor making it easier to survive.

Necramech Repair

One thing the Necramech have that most Warframe don’t is a way to heal themselves quickly when their health gets low. Necramech Repair solves that problem by giving you free healing when your health starts to reach dangerous levels. This can be invaluable when facing Grand Bosses because it gives you some breathing room during the fight.

Necramech Thrusters

The Necramech comes with some unique movement options that come from an engine gauge. Mods like Necramech Thrusters can be used to extend the use of these movement options that can help in specific fights; one example being the ability to hover. Many Grand Bosses have shockwave-style abilities that you can get around by hovering.

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