Warframe 1999: Best AX-52 Builds

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Warframe 1999: Best AX-52 Builds

Wield Arthur's signature rifle with style

Warframes blast to the past back to 1999 didn’t just introduce us to new takes on classic Warframes and a new map. It also brought a bundle of new weapons to terrorize our enemies with. In this guide, I’ll be going over Arthur’s signature rifle, the AX-52, and powerful builds ready for Hӧllvania and Steel Path.


The Ax-52 was available before 1999 mode dropped so there’s a chance you already have this gun in your arsenal. For those who didn’t pick it up before the update like me, you can rectify this mistake by purchasing the blueprint from Amir.

The blueprint requires players to complete The Hex quest as well as reach Rank 4 in the Hex syndicate. Once that’s done you can purchase the AX-52 blueprint.


The AX-52 is a fun rifle with a special passive that makes it perfect for people who love hitting Weak Points. From what this weapon lacks in total damage and status chance, it makes up for in its high critical chance, damage, and fire rate.

(without mods)

Total DamageCritical ChanceCritical MultiplierFire RateStatus Chance
40 (100% Puncture)26%2.40x10 attacks/sec18%

Unique Trait

When hip-firing, the weapon has +60% ammo efficiency. When aiming, headshots have a +400 critical chance. Critical chance is additive to mods that also increase critical chance.

Ice Rounds AX-52 Build

This build will focus on increasing the Multishot of the AX-52 as well as fitting it with Cold element damage to increase our critical damage per stack of Cold.


Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

The mod choice for this build is as follows:

  • Galvanized Chamber: We want to increase our Multishot to increase the damage we do, and Galvanized Chamber is the best mod for the job.
  • Vigilant Armaments: Just like Galvanized Chamber, this mod increases our Multishot by a little more.
  • Galvanized Scope: This gun is all about getting headshots and this mod helps us increase our damage from aimed headshots. A no-brainer since we’ll be doing this anyway.
  • Vital Sense: We’ve got critical chance covered for this weapon because of its unique trait so we slot this mod to increase its crit damage a bit more.
  • Hunter Munitions: We’re going to be doing crits anyway so we add this mod for added Slash procs to help us chew through tankier enemies.
  • Primed Cryo Rounds: Cold Status Procs will help us increase our crit damage so we grab Primed Cryo Rounds to get the most damage we can.
  • Rime Rounds: Another Cold mod with the added bonus of extra Status Chance. A good bonus since our Status chance is pretty low at base.
  • Rifle Aptitude: A straight Status Chance increase. Perfect since we want enough to Proc Cold Status’. Galvanized Aptitude is better, but if you don’t have it the regular version is fine.

Viral Headshot AX-52 Build

This build will be similar to the previous build but will revolve around Primary Acuity which negates Multishot. It will also do Viral damage to hit health bars hard and make short work of anyone you come up against.


Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

The mod choice for this build is as follows:

  • Primary Acuity: The center of this weapon build, this mod will ensure our Weak Point strikes hit like a truck. Since we’ll be doing that anyway with this weapon it synergizes nicely.
  • Galvanized Scope: Same reason as the other build, we’ll be getting headshots anyway so might as well boost the damage we do when we get headshots.
  • Vital Sense: We want as much crit damage as we can get and Vital Sense is the way to do it.
  • Hammer Shot: Critical Damage and Status Chance rolled into one, this mod is perfect since we want crit damage and Status Chance for our Viral procs.
  • Hunter Munitions: Same as the previous build, we’ll be doing constant critical damage, so added Slash damage just means we hit harder.
  • Malignant Force: We need to make the Viral element and this mod provides Toxin with bonus Status Chance. Perfect for what we need.
  • Rime Rounds: Same reason as Malignant Force, this provides the Cold element we need for Viral with bonus Status Chance.
  • Rifle Aptitude: An increase in Status Chance. The Galvanized version is better, but this version is good enough.


  • Primary Deadhead: In reality, this is the main Arcane you want to be slotted into the AX-52. Other Arcanes could work for utility purposes, but Primary Deadhead synergizes with this weapon’s unique trait so well that it’s hard to provide an alternative.

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