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Warframe: Eidolon Hunter Volt Build

Tame the Plains of Eidolon!

Before we had Gauss for his incredible speed and Gyre for her overwhelming electrical damage, we had Volt. One of the original Warframes, Volt proves that the early Warframes can still keep up with the newer editions to the game especially when it comes to Eidolon hunting. 

If you’ve been looking for the perfect build for Eidolon hunting then look no further as I go over how to build Volt for dominating the Plains when night falls.

Volt Overview


  • Health: 270 (370 at rank 30)
  • Shields: 455 (555 at rank 30)
  • Armor: 105
  • Energy: 100 (150 at rank 30)

Aside from some low Armor and Energy, Volt has decent health and high shields to help keep him alive.


While traveling on the ground, Volt builds up static energy, adding bonus electricity damage to Volt’s next weapon attack or ability cast.


Shock (1st Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Volt releases a lightning bolt at an enemy, chaining electricity to enemies and causing a guaranteed Electricity Status Effect.

Shock is a good ability for putting easy Electrical Status Effects on enemies. The real benefit from this comes from its augment mod Shock Trooper which allows us to give us and our allies extra Electricity damage to their attacks.

Speed (2nd Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Volt energizes the surrounding area, increasing the mobility of himself and his allies within 25 meters. Those affected gain faster Reload Speed, Attack Speed, and Movement Speed for the duration.

One of the main reasons to build Volt, Speed is a great buff that can speed up missions to seconds if you know what you’re doing. Even when hunting Eidolons, the faster Reload Speed means more outgoing damage.

Electrical Shield (3rd Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Volt creates an electrical energy barrier that blocks enemy fire. Shots fired through the shield by Volt and his allies gain a 50% bonus Electricity damage and a 100% bonus critical multiplier. Volt can also pick up the shield to gain the benefits of it while mobile.

Another staple of Volt’s kit and a very powerful ability, Electrical Shield is integral to making Volt as powerful as he is and makes hunting Eidolons easier. 

Discharge (4th Ability)

Digital Extremes / Justin Moniquette

Volt emits a powerful electrical pulse. Any enemies hit with the initial pulse or who enter the pulse’s area after a couple of seconds will be stunned and emit electrical arcs that can shock hostiles who get too close.

A very powerful move, Discharge can be used to stun or outright kill groups of enemies surrounding Volt. Great for when you find yourself surrounded.

How To Get Volt

If new to the game, Volt can be chosen as your starter Warframe as one of the three starter options. Alternatively, Volt’s blueprints can be researched from the Tenno Labs in the dojo or can be bought complete from Teshin after achieving Typhoon rank in the Conclave.

Volt Prime is currently vaulted so the only way to get him now is to either trade with other players or wait until he’s part of a Prime Resurgence.

Eidolon Hunter Volt Build

This build will focus on building Volt to hunt Eidolons with ease either alone or with a team. While specifically focused on Eidolon hunting, this build could also be easily tweaked to work for other content in Warframe.

Mod Choice

The mod choice for this build is as follows:

  • Primed Continuity: Since a lot of our abilities rely on duration, we grab Primed Continuity to help extend Speed, Electrical Shield, and Shock Trooper.
  • Transient Fortitude: The more ability strength we have on Volt the better. More ability strength means stronger buffs from Speed and more damage from Discharge and Shock.
  • Blind Rage: Just like Transient Fortitude, we add Blind Rage for more ability strength.
  • Narrow Minded: Added duration at the cost of range. While range. Since we’re using this build for Eidolon hunting range is important to us, and longer duration means we don’t need to recast our abilities as often.
  • Adaptation: An excellent mod for defense, Adaptation will help us survive the Eidolon attacks more easily.
  • Streamline: With our Efficiency low because of Blind Rage, we put on streamline to help mitigate that loss a bit so we have no problems casting abilities.
  • Augur Secrets: Another ability strength buff mod, we put this one on for the same reasons as Blind Rage and Transient Fortitude. It also has the bonus effect of converting energy spent on abilities into shields for added survivability.
  • Shock Trooper: An augment mod for Shock, this mod will allow us to give us and our allies an additional 100% Electricity damage.
  • Dead Eye: We take Dead Eye as our aura mod to boost the damage of the sniper we’ll be bringing to hunt Eidolons.


  • Arcane Nullifier: This Arcane will give us a percentage chance to resist Magnetic Damage effects. This is useful since Eidolons deal Magnetic Damage and will make it easier to survive.
  • Molt Efficiency: This Arcane will give us a bonus to our duration as long as our shields are active. Since duration is so important for Volt and we have so many shields to use, this Arcane is a no-brainer.

Helminth Abilities

All of Volt’s abilities are pretty good, but if you had to get rid of one of them for Eidolon hunting I’d recommend Discharge since it won’t be as effective towards Eidolons.

  • Eclipse (Mirage): A great choice for Eidolon hunting since it increases our weapon damage when the ability is held. This makes it easier to destroy Eidolon parts.
  • Roar (Rhino): Just like Eclipse, Roar will help increase our damage by providing bonus damage to abilities and weapons.

Weapons & Gear

The most important thing for this build is making sure you have a sniper. This is the reason we took the Dead Eye aura mod in our mod choice. Grabbing a rifle like the Lanka, Rubico Prime, or Vectis Prime, and modding them for radiation, crit damage, and crit multiplier will make hunting Eidolons and destroying their parts easy. 

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