Apex Legends: Best Pathfinder Skins, Ranked

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Apex Legends: Best Pathfinder Skins, Ranked

Apex Legends features a simple, but highly effective method of customizing your favorite characters. Each Legend in the game comes with their own unique set of skins, ranging from common to legendary. Some of these cosmetics can only be obtained during limited-time events or store rotations, and tend to be highly sought-after for their fantastic appearances and rarity.

The lovable robot Pathfinder features some of the best and rarest of these cosmetics. But out of all the unique skins available for Pathfinder, which ones are the best? When were they added to the game? Will they return in the future? We’ll be answering these questions and more in this ranking of the best Pathfinder skins. Let’s begin!

Related reading: 25 Best Apex Legends Skins Overall


Plastic Fantastic

Plastic Fantastic Pathfinder Skin
Image: Respawn Entertainment via HGG

For the fifth-best Pathfinder skin on our list, let’s talk about the Plastic Fantastic legendary skin. This cosmetic saw its debut during the System Override Event of 2020 during Season 4! I never personally got this skin, but I feel very nostalgic for it — it’s one of the few cosmetics that got me excited for this event.

If you’ve ever seen any of those old-school Transformers cartoons, you know what to expect. This skin is a playful shade of blue with yellow and white highlights around the body. The model looks almost like a life-sized toy! Pathfinder’s screen also comes with a unique icon in the form of an anime-inspired angry face.

This skin has only returned once since its release, during the Genesis Collection Event from last year. Given how long it has been since it saw a re-release, I think it’s likely to return sometime in the near future in the store rotations (or at the very least, as a recolor).


Memoir Noir

Memoir Noir Pathfinder Skin
Image: Respawn Entertainment via HGG

Spot number four goes to a personal favorite of mine — Memoir Noir! This incredibly special skin saw its release during the Fight Night Event back in January 2021. This skin is unique in that it features a special intro animation of Pathfinder when selecting him before a match.

The skin itself is heavily inspired by the film noir movies of old. It features a long brown coat with a matching brown fedora. Pathfinder’s screen contains a smiling face icon that sports a very similar fedora.

This skin has returned from its original event, but not regularly. If I were you, I would either settle for a more common skin or be prepared to wait a while before it returns. Maybe we’ll see it in a store rotation? Or perhaps a recolor of it will appear in a future event? It’s anyone’s guess!


Bot of Gold

Bot of Gold Pathfinder Skin
Image: Wiiii on Steam via HGG

Taking spot number three for our ranking, let’s take a look at the Bot of Gold skin! This is a beautiful recolor of the Quicksilver legendary skin and can be purchased from the store (when it’s in rotation) for 10500 Legend Tokens. Considering how common Legend Tokens are, it’s more than worth the price!

The skin shares the exact same model as the Quicksilver skin, which is a much smoother and curvier look than Pathfinder’s default body. This particular recolor is bright gold and orange in color, and this palette extends throughout his entire body. Sadly, his screen doesn’t have a different icon. But considering how gorgeous the skin looks, I’d say it more than makes up for it.

This skin has been on my wish list for a while now, and due to its rarity in store rotations, it can be hard to get. It only showed up twice in all of 2021! To make things worse, you need to craft the Quicksilver skin for 1200 Crafting Metals before you can buy it. Quicksilver can be obtained at any time by crafting it from Pathfinder’s customization menu, where it has been available since the launch of the game.


War Machine

War Machine Pathfinder Skin
Image: Respawn Entertainment via HGG

For the second-best Pathfinder skin on our ranking, we have the War Machine legendary skin! This medieval-inspired getup saw its release during the Iron Crown Event in August 2019 during Season 2 of Apex Legends.

The model is a silver-white color with artisan details all over it. Pathfinder’s head is made to vaguely resemble a medieval knight’s armor. It isn’t exactly a colorful look, but that is okay as Pathfinder’s screen contains a sun that looks like it’s made out of colorful stained glass!

Many people consider the original color to be a must-have skin for Pathfinder, and as a result, it is highly sought after. There was a recolor of it released during the War Games Event of Season 8, and it has been known to resurface during store rotations. Your best bet is to be patient and wait for it to be put in the store for purchase again.



SRVN MRVN Pathfinder Skin
Image: Respawn Entertainment via HGG

Taking home the gold medal for the best Pathfinder skins ranked in Apex Legends, let’s hear it for the SRVN MRVN skin! This sophisticated-looking model saw its debut during the Grand Soiree Event way back in January 2020 during Season 3. Since this event was long ago, the skin is now considered rare. This is a shame, given how fancy it looks.

The skin consists of a black-colored metallic base with gold highlights scattered around the body. Pathfinder even features a bright red bowtie and a golden metal mustache across his face! If that wasn’t enough detail for you, his screen even contains a matching icon featuring the same mustache!

Sadly, this skin is unlikely to make a return in the future outside of store rotations. It might make a comeback as a recolor if there’s ever another Grand Soiree Event, but you probably shouldn’t hold your breath.

Join the High Ground

What did you think of our ranking for the best Pathfinder skins in Apex Legends? Did you agree with our list? Or did we leave your favorite skin out? Let us know down below!

Pathfinder Artwork from Respawn Entertainment
Image: Respawn Entertainment via HGG

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