Apex Legends Aim Assist Guide: Best Settings

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Apex Legends Aim Assist Guide: Best Settings

In this aim assist guide for Apex Legends, we’ll be answering a question a lot of players have about settings in Apex Legends: “Should aim-assist be turned on?”. In Apex Legends, having good aim (or at least, good teammates to carry you) is a must if you want to win matches and come out on top. If you are a console gamer, then it may be more difficult for you to maintain accuracy compared to a person who uses a keyboard and mouse. Luckily for you, there is aim assist.

But what is aim assist exactly? How does it work in Apex Legends? How do you turn it on, and what are the best settings for it? We will be answering all of these questions in detail. Be sure to strap yourself in, we’ve got a lot here that we need to go over in this Apex Legends aim assist guide.

What Is Aim Assist?

Custom Look Controls Settings Panel in Apex Legends
Electronic Arts via Koby Gibson Ross

Aim assist is a special in-game mechanic that helps you maintain better accuracy on your targets. If you have aim assist turned on, then when you aim down sights the game will automatically move your weapon closer to the enemy that you are aiming at, helping you to be more accurate. In order for it to work, you need to be aiming pretty close to the target to begin with. Meaning, you can’t just lock on to someone you aren’t close to aiming at. Additionally, the aim assist is pretty light.

It’s still enough for it to be beneficial in helping you maintain your accuracy… But it won’t let you snap onto an enemy’s head like you can with certain hacks. The reason why aim assist is exists is to help those with difficulty aiming to maintain their accuracy. It was also added for accessibility reasons, making it easier for certain players to play FPS games.

Lastly, it’s an attempt from developers to level the playing field between controller users and keyboard/mouse users. Whether or not it’s successful in doing that is up for debate. But regardless if it truly makes things “equal,” it’s still important and (usually) recommended for you to turn on, especially if you are someone who uses controller over a mouse and keyboard.

How Do You Turn It On?

Settings selection from the main menu in Apex Legends
Electronic Arts via Koby Gibson Ross

So if you’ve gotten this far into this aim assist guide for Apex Legends, you’re probably wondering how you turn it on. That’s very easy. All you need to do is open your settings from the main menu (select the gear icon in the bottom right corner). Then go to “Controller” and look for the option that says “Advanced Look Controls.” After you select that, toggle “Custom Look Controls” on.

Scroll down to the bottom and there will be an option called “Target Compensation.” Turn that on to enable aim assist. And there you go! Now you know how to enable and disable aim assist at any time. Do keep in mind that aim assist is only available for controller users. Mouse and keyboard players will not be able to use aim assist to improve their accuracy.

What Is the Best Aim Assist Setting?

The Best Aim Assist Setting in Apex Legends
Electronic Arts via Koby Gibson Ross

The options above Target Compensation are the settings you’ll tweak to change your aim assist works. When it comes to what exact settings you should have, it can really depend on your preference as well as how skilled you are at the game.

Generally, however, it is recommended that you lower the Deadzone to 10%, leave the Response Curve as is, and lower both the Yaw Speed and Pitch Speed. Those last two options control how fast you can move where you’re looking: you will need to play around with a bit to see what works for you. I recommend hopping into the firing range and testing it out a bit, tweaking it a bit until you find what works best for you.

You can also change the Yaw and Pitch speed when aiming down sights: I recommend you leave that is for now and then lower it if needed later. Next, make sure you keep the look sensitivity at default (3). Lastly, make sure that “Melee Target Compensation” is turned. You can pretty much leave everything else as is, unless you feel like something should be changed.

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We hope that you found this aim assist guide for Apex Legends informative! Do you have any more questions? Be sure to let us know them down in the comments. And please be sure to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more content! We offer regular guides and features on all the best games.

Happy gaming!

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