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Apex Legends: Lifeline Legendary Skins, Ranked Worst to Best

Every character shooter tends to have a healer class. Apex Legends is no different, but what’s interesting is that there’s only ever been one healer in the game. Lifeline, a launch Legend, fills the support niche with her ability to recover health for herself and teammates and easily revive in safety. Because of this, she’s been a fan favorite for a while.

Today we’re looking at the best skins for any aspiring or actual Lifeline mains out there, by ranking all Lifeline’s legendary skins in Apex Legends. In step with our usual way of doing things, we’re going to be ranking the skins from worst to best.

Let’s get started!


Peak Performance

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

Peak Performance is one of Lifeline’s default legendary skins, and it and its recolors bottom out our list. The skins give the combat medic a cool visor, but lose points for not actually having her wear it. Beyond that, the skin has color options and a different jacket than her default.

In other words, there’s not much to write home about. Doing the minimum to change up a character is a sure-fire way to make a boring skin.


London Calling

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

Bad news for those new to Apex, but Lifeline’s other default legendary is next on our list. London Calling is the best of the bunch, though, combining a punk aesthetic with a skeleton motif befitting a doctor. The lore blurb behind this one is also interesting for Lifeline as a character.

All in all, this Lifeline Legendary skin isn’t terrible, but the skins they’ve released since up the ante.


Guardian Angel

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

Guardian Angel is the reward for purchasing the Lifeline Edition of Apex Legends, and imbues Ajay Che with a heavenly appearance. There’s no doubt that angelic themes fit the character, as teammates will undoubtedly feel grateful if you play this character.

The main gripe I have with this skin comes down to some texture quality issues. This was more evident in the skin lines released in the first year of Apex, and is less of a problem these days.


Alabaster Titan

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

The first fully transformative skin on this list is Alabaster Titan, which came out alongside Season 10’s Emergence Collection Event. This Lifeline legendary skin makes her fully cybernetic, even down to the buns on her head. As far as transformative skins go, this one is pretty solid, but obviously not terribly high on this list.

Part of my issue with this skin is actually the name. The color isn’t particularly alabaster, and as one of Apex’s shortest characters, it’s odd that Lifeline is called a titan.


From the Ashes

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

The reward for reaching Level 53 in the Season 3 Battlepass, From the Ashes takes Lifeline in the opposite direction from Guardian Angel. This skin gives the medic a demonic appearance, complete with horns and cracked onyx skin. This cosmetic withstands the test of time, but certainly still looks like it came from Season 3.

A red recolor of the skin was made for the Anniversary Collection Event in 2021. Considering the theme, either version looks great.  


My Wave

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

The most recent skin on this list, My Wave, came out as a part of the Dark Depths Event in 2022. This diving getup gives Lifeline an awesome mask, as well as scaly details on what looks to be a cybernetically enhanced wetsuit.

It’s very different from anything else on this list, and the only thing truly holding this skin back is that it’s a bit too much of one color.


Ghost Stalker

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

Season 2’s Iron Crown event was much maligned, but this skin was not the reason why. Easily the best Lifeline skin in the game on release, Judge Jury Executioner was a statement pickup for anyone who loved to get high kills despite playing the “support” legend. Lifeline’s heyday might feel like the past right now but this skin is a good reminder.

Ghost Stalker, a reskin, came out during the War Games Collection event in Season 8. It’s more or less an updated version of the original, so it lands a little bit higher.


Breach and Clear

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via Reddit

The Aftermarket Collection Event in 2020 released a handful of incredibly unique skins into Apex Legends. Lifeline’s Breach and Clear is no exception, as it radically changes the character’s appearance without being a transformation skin. Echoing SWAT vibes as well as changing her hairstyle into something resembling the night vision goggles from Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell games, this skin does a lot almost effortlessly.


Worlds Apart

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

Season 7’s Fight Night Collection Event notably gave characters a chance to wear their fanciest getup to the arenas, and Lifeline certainly dressed to impress. The best feature of the skin might honestly be her makeup, as it’s something that can be amiss on other skins (just ask Loba). The colors on this cosmetic really pop, and it all compliments itself as a beautiful, cohesive whole. The only reason it doesn’t rank higher is because we’re already at the best of the best.


Bad to the Bone

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

The best Battlepass skin for Lifeline and maybe one of the best Battlepasses for skins in general, Bad to the Bone really was a highlight of Season 8. In many ways, this skin takes things a step further than London Calling by bringing the character more into her anarchical side. The skull mask is absolutely the highlight, but her backpack logo also is worth a mention.


Mic Check

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via shrugtal

For anyone debating the placement of this skin on our list, I have two words for you: bucket hat. Released as part of the Apex Legends X Market Store in 2021, this skin succeeds on all fronts. The texture quality is impeccable, and it’s filled with details that really pop the more you look at it. Giving her hair more volume was also a great touch, as there is absolutely nothing quiet about this skin.


Pirate Queen

Image: Respawn Entertainment & EA via HGG / Jake Bosee

Still, after all of that, nothing can dethrone the queen. If it wasn’t already apparent, skulls are a big part of the Lifeline motif. Nothing else quite blends the themes of rebellion and med school like bones. This skin does that and more, transcending its origins as a pirate themed piece from Season 5’s Lost Treasures Collection Event.

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And that’s the list! So, did we do Ajay proud? Let us know in the comments below and be sure to sign up to our newsletter for more sweet lists like these as soon as they drop!

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