While the Japanese-inspired land of Inazuma has been out for a while now in Genshin Impact, you may be a new player looking to figure out how to get there. If you’re following the intended route for your journey, then you’ll visit the land of the Electro Archon as your third major region. After you sort out and save Liyue from its impending catastrophe, of course.
But unlike every other major region in the game, you’re unable to even physically enter Inazuma without clearing its pre-requisite quest. Trying to do so will get you struck by lightning (courtesy of the Raiden Shogun). So today, we’ll be covering how to get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact!
Let’s get started.
Pre-Requisites to Go to Inazuma
In order to gain access to the quest that unlocks Inazuma in Genshin Impact, you’ll have meet the following conditions:
- Reach Adventure Rank 30
- Complete “Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves,” the prologue act to Chapter II of the Archon Quests.
Adventure Rank 30
The first condition is fairly straightforward. As long as you’ve been completing side quests and actively treasure hunting throughout the world, you should have no trouble reaching this.
As a side note, you can’t even begin the second condition until you reach Adventure Rank 30. If you’re finding yourself behind on Adventure EXP, make sure to complete the tasks in the Adventurer’s Handbook for easy EXP.
Turning in the respective Occuli to their Statue of the Seven is also great for Adventure EXP, and (more importantly) gets you much needed stamina upgrades. Trust us, you’ll need that extra stamina to traverse some of the later areas you encounter.
For the second condition, you’ll have to progress through the main story until you fully resolve the situation in Liyue. Afterwards, you’ll have to go through an intermission series of quests (“We Will Be Reunited”) that shed some light on the Traveler’s sibling.
Once you finish doing so (and reach Adventure Rank 30), you’ll be prompted to head to Liyue and find a way to reach Inazuma. This will begin the short “Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves” quest series that introduces you to Kazuha and sets the stage for what troubles await you in Inazuma.
How to Get to The Alcor
Part of the “Autumn Winds, Scarlet Leaves” quest series requires you to reach Beidou’s ship, The Alcor. It’s stationed just to the southeast of Guyun Stone Forest.
If you’ve already been on the ship before, you can simply fast travel to it from your world map. Otherwise, you’ll have to glide/climb onto the ship from the nearby island. Simply clamber up the mountain to get enough of a vantage point to glide over.
If you haven’t even been to the Guyun Stone Forest yet, don’t worry. Simply fast travel to the Sea of Clouds waypoint, just north of Liyue. From there, head to the cliff just east of the waypoint and glide to the closest island.
Setting Sail for Inazuma
Once you have completed the above criteria, you should receive a prompt beginning “Chapter II: Act I — The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia.” This is the beginning of your journey into Inazuma.
Fittingly, you’ll receive a quest from Katheryne called “Setting Sail.” After obtaining it, simply fast travel to The Alcor and speak to Beidou. You’ll be treated to a short cutscene and will find yourself in Inazuma’s port town of Ritou. This should automatically unlock the first fast travel waypoint in Inazuma.
How to Get Out of Ritou & Reach the Rest of Inazuma
You’ll quickly discover that despite reaching Inazuma, you can’t really go anywhere. Attempting to leave Ritou will prompt the guards to detain and teleport you back within the town.
You’ll have to obtain a Travel Permit in order to leave. Unfortunately, that means you’ll have to complete a rather lengthy quest chain up until you finish the “Ritou Escape Plan” quest. Afterwards, you’ll have free rein to explore all of Inazuma.
Yes, this includes the other islands of Inazuma. Simply head to any of the Waverider points to summon your personal mini-boat. You’ll now be able to sail anywhere within the Inazuma region. Later on, once you complete the Raiden Shogun’s personal story quests, you’ll even be able to sail all the way back to Liyue and Mondstadt if you wish to.
How to Get to Inazuma Without Doing the Quest
Under normal circumstances, you cannot gain access to Inazuma before Adventure Rank 30. Attempting to travel via Cryo bridge will ultimately fail once you reach the storm wall. You’ll simply be teleported back to Liyue.
One player did manage to glitch their way into Inazuma, but the process is incredibly difficult and time-consuming (about seven hours in real time). More importantly, the glitch has most likely been patched out since it was discovered. It involved nearly reaching the storm barrier via a Cryo bridge, disconnecting their Internet for a few seconds, swimming for a bit, and repeating the process to trick the game.
If you haven’t reached the requirements to go to Inazuma but want materials from the region to ascend certain characters, you’re unfortunately out of luck as well.
Typically, you could just request to join another player’s world and obtain resources there. However, since you can only join a player whose World Level is equal to or lower than yours, you’ll also have to be at least AR 30 in order to find someone who has unlocked Inazuma already. At that point, you might as well just unlock Inazuma yourself.
Join the High Ground
That concludes our article on how to get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact. Have any other questions or think we should clarify something? Let us know in the comments below! Don’t forget to subscribe for more Genshin Impact content and the latest gaming news.
Happy gaming!
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