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How to Get The Catch in Genshin Impact

Most Genshin Impact players are always on the lookout for new weapons that will help their teams pop off bigger numbers in combat. However, It can be tricky to find good weapons that you don’t need to spend countless Primogems on though – which is where free-to-play weapons come in. Today, we’re going over how to get The Catch in Genshin Impact

What is The Catch?

The Catch - 4-star polearm in Genshin Impact
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Devin Dornbrock

The Catch is a 4-star polearm that was introduced back in 2021 as part of the Version 2.1 update.

The Catch has a pretty simple ability that makes it incredibly handy to have on your team. Shanty increases Elemental Burst DMG by 16% and Elemental Burst CRIT Rate by 6%. Fully refining it can double both numbers, increasing Elemental Burst DMG by 32% and Elemental Burst CRIT Rate by 12%. This is incredibly helpful for characters who depend on their Elemental Bursts for damage. 

The Catch’s secondary stat also increases Energy Recharge by 45.9%, which further compliments its focus on Elemental Bursts. Unsurprisingly, The Catch is great for characters with a high Elemental Burst cost like Raiden Shogun. But if you don’t have her, someone like Xiangling can also make great use of The Catch.

While The Catch isn’t the single-best polearm, it’s considered a very good alternative option for pretty much every polearm-wielding character. If you don’t want to spend Primogems on a 5-star signature weapon, The Catch will more than suffice for most characters in Genshin Impact.

How Do You Get The Catch?

Lumine pondering how to get The Catch
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Devin Dornbrock

Unlike most of the other free-to-play friendly weapons in Genshin Impact, there is no blueprint to find that will let you craft as many versions of the weapon as you want. There is only a single copy of The Catch available in Genshin Impact, and it can only be obtained via fishing. Lots and lots of fishing.

Inazuma Fishing Association

You can “purchase” The Catch from the Inazuma Fishing Association, just outside the main city. As long as you’ve completed the introduction quests to Inazuma and can freely leave Ritou Village, you’ll have no trouble reaching it.

Simply head to the waypoint just northwest of Inazuma City and head south immediately to find Kujirai Momiji, the fishing representative for Inazuma. She not only sells The Catch itself, but also all of its refinement materials (Ako’s Sake Vessel) and some other useful fishing supplies.

Fish Needed for The Catch & Refinement

Fish needed to buy The Catch
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Devin Dornbrock

It will probably take some time before you’re actually able to buy The Catch. At least, if you don’t already have a huge stock of fish on standby.

To buy The Catch itself, you’ll need:

  • 6 Raimei Angelfish
  • 20 Rusty Koi
  • 20 Golden Koi

For each Ako’s Sake Vessel, you’ll need:

  • 3 Raimei Angelfish (12 total for all refinements, plus the 3 for The Catch itself)
  • 10 Pufferfish (40 total for all refinements)
  • 10 Bitter Pufferfish (40 total for all refinements)

While the Koi and Pufferfish can be fished up from multiple spots, the Raimei Angelfish can only be found in one specific location. We’ll go over the details for all the types of fish you need below.

Rusty Koi & Golden Koi Locations

Both Rusty and Golden Koi can appear at any time of the day and are caught with Fake Fly Bait. 95% of time, both types of Koi can spawn in the same fishing pool. There are a total of 6 pools.


  1. North of Starfell Lake (Golden Koi only)
  2. Just east of Mondstadt (Rusty Koi only)


  1. West of Wangshu Inn in Liyue
  2. Southeast of Wangshu Inn by the broken bridge
  3. Just north of the domain in Luhua Pool


  1. Just east of the Statue of the Seven on Seirai Island
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Jeffrey Hsu

Pufferfish & Bitter Pufferfish Locations

Both normal and Bitter Pufferfish can appear at any time of the day and are caught with Fake Fly Bait. There are a total of 9 fishing pools in the world that can spawn them, though some of the spots in Liyue and Inazuma can only spawn one type of Pufferfish.


  1. Just south of Mondstadt
  2. Slightly southwest of the Dawn Winery on a small island


  1. Just northeast of the Qingce Village waypoint, near some wooden pillars (Bitter Pufferfish only)
  2. East of Liyue Harbor, along the shore (Normal Pufferfish only)
  3. In the underground part of The Chasm, south of the center waypoint (Normal Pufferfish only)
  4. In the underground part of The Chasm, you’ll have to follow the path shown below to reach this spot. Make sure to follow the upper cliff-side when you reach the area with water and plant life. (Bitter Pufferfish only)


  1. On the pier of Ritou Village
  2. Along the northside of Nazuchi Beach (Bitter Pufferfish only)
  3. Just east of the Statue of the Seven on Seirai Island (Normal Pufferfish only)

Raimei Angelfish Location

Raimei Angelfish will only spawn at night (between 18:00 – 6:00) and are caught with False Worm Bait. Raimei Angelfish can only be found at a single location in Inazuma.

You’ll have to summon your Waverider and sail east from Tatarasuna until you find the unmarked wreckage of a ship surrounded by electrified water.

This unnamed wreckage is the only place to find Raimei Angelfish.
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Jeffrey Hsu

Nearby the wreckage are a couple Cryo Slimes and an Electro Abyss Mage that you’ll want to take care of before you start fishing. Otherwise, you’ll quickly find yourself constantly frozen or electrocuted.

You’ll quickly realize that getting enough Raimei Angelfish is the only reason it usually takes a while to get The Catch and its refinements. As there’s only one fishing pool and takes 3 real life days to respawn, it can be problematic to get enough.

Fishing up Raimei Angelfish
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Devin Dornbrock

Luckily, you can always join other players’ worlds in Co-Op mode and fish there. Just make sure to ask for permission first. Most players have already obtained The Catch, so they should be willing to let you fish up their Raimei Angelfish (and other fish if need be).

Is The Catch Worth It?

Best Characters to Use The Catch On
Image: Hoyoverse via HGG / Devin Dornbrock

Now that you know how to get The Catch in Genshin Impact, you may be wondering if it’s worth all the work. Yes, yes it is.

The Catch is a fantastic weapon and easily the best 4-star polearm in Genshin Impact. We’ve already gone over its stats and how useful it is for Burst-oriented characters to use up above, but it truly is one of the most useful polearms in the game.

Best Characters to Use The Catch

Raiden Shogun and Xiangling are usually the best characters to use The Catch, as they’re both incredibly meta characters who want to use their Burst as soon as it comes off cooldown (usually). It’s also a fantastic weapon for Rosaria and a Burst-focused Zhongli.

If you’re more interested in just the sheer Energy Recharge you get from The Catch, then you can consider using it on Shenhe or Mika to help constantly maintain the buff effects from their Bursts.

Grit Your Teeth and Start Fishing

Some players may not want to spend that much time getting a single weapon. Especially one that they need to spend even more time fishing to get the refinement materials for. We get it, fishing isn’t everyone’s favorite part of the game.

That being said, we still really recommend putting in the work for The Catch. It’s a great weapon that’s highly compatible with most polearm characters and is free. It literally doesn’t get better than this. Save your Primogems for that one character you really want instead and get this amazing weapon!

Additionally, you can also work on fishing up all of the Toki Alley pages while you’re in Inazuma to kill two birds with one stone. Three, if you haven’t already knocked out most of the fishing achievements.

Join the High Ground

And that’s how to get The Catch in Genshin Impact! Is there another weapon you’re dying to get your hands on but you’re not sure how? Let us know in the comments below!

You can also check out some of our other Genshin Impact guides, like our guide to Wishing. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter 

Until next time, ad astra abyssosque and happy gaming!

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