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New World: Voidbent Armor Guide

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In the MMO New World, your weapon determines most of your characters abilities, and how they play. However, one should not overlook armor choice either. And in this guide, I want to discuss one of the most popular sets of armor in the game. And that is the Voidbent armor. If you’re looking to do endgame content you’re probably going to want to craft a set of this.

What is Voidbent Armor in New World and Why do You Want It?

When deciding what armor to wear in the New World, you, broadly speaking, have three choices. Those choices are light, medium, and heavy armor. This is the main thing to consider with your choice of armor, as the different weight classes of armor have their own benefits and drawbacks. But unlike most armor sets in the New World, Voidbent armor comes in light, medium, and heavy variants. This is because Voidbent armor is an almost necessary transitional armor for those looking to do endgame content. So regardless of your build, you can wear a Voidbent armor set without it harming your playstyle at all.

But I want to be clear on a point. Voidbent armor is not endgame armor. I call it transitional armor because you will use it to help get you to endgame where you will craft other gear. So if it looks a bit weak compared to some other sets out there, that’s because it is. But the armor is still quite strong over all. And it will be one of your best options until you can craft the real top tier stuff.

What are the stats of Voidbent armor? Voidbent armor is a legendary gear set. Each piece of gear from the set has a gear score of 600. So not the best you’ll ever see, but pretty close. And each piece of the set will boost a different attribute, depending on which type of armor it is. Voidbent light armor gives you +25 strength. The medium armor gives you +25 dexterity. And the heavy armor gives you +25 constitution. This means with a full set of the same armor type, you will get a total of +125 to the stat of your choice. That in itself makes Voidbent armor a great pick. But the bonuses don’t stop there. Each piece of Voidbent armor will come with a gem slot, as well as the Invigorated, Luck, and Resilient perks. And these are universal across all the armor types.

The Invigorated perk causes the Disease, Exhaust, Rend, and Weaken statuses to end 4.8% faster. The Luck perk grants you an additional 2.8% chance of getting rare item drops from chests or enemies. And the Resilient perk grants you a 4.8% reduction in critical hit damage. And remember, this is on each piece of the armor. So a full set will give you 24% for Invigorated, 14% for luck, and 24% for Resilient. These are some solid bonuses. But the Luck bonus especially shows why this is great armor for gearing up for endgame content. Not only does the Voidbent armor give you great stat bonuses, but it also helps with your farming so you can craft the true endgame gear easier.

How to Craft Voidbent Armor in New World

We’ve gone over the reasons why Voidbent armor is awesome, but how do you actually acquire it? Well, first things first. As with any items in the New World, you can always buy them at trade posts. But for high-demand items like Voidbent armor, they might be hard to find, and they’ll almost certainly be prohibitively expensive. So, as with most things in the New World, it is better to craft it yourself.

Leveling Your Armoring Skill

In order for you to be able to physically craft Voidbent armor you will need an armoring skill of at least 200. But by the point at which you want Voidbent armor you will have already crafted a lot of armor, so it shouldn’t be that hard to get your armoring to 200. However that is just the beginning.

The next thing you will need is a legendary crafting matt. And of course, once you meet all of those requirements, you will still need all of the resources required to craft each piece of gear. Here is a list from light armor up to heavy armor:

Light Armor

Armor PieceMaterialQuantity
Voidbent WrapsPhoenixweave12x
Runic Leather4x
Runic Thread2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Voidbent RobesPhoenixweave26x
Runic Leather8x
Runic Thread2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Voidbent GlovesPhoenixweave6x
Runic Leather2x
Runic Thread2x
Voidbent Ingot1x

Medium Armor

Armor PieceMaterialQuantity
Voidbent HatRunic Leather12x
Infused Claw2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Infused Fang4x
Voidbent CoatRunic Leather26x
Infused Claw2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Infused Fang4x
Voidbent GripsRunic Leather6x
Infused Claw2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Infused Fang4x
Voidbent LeggingsRunic Leather12x
Infused Claw2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Infused Fang4x
Voidbent BootsRunic Leather6x
Infused Claw2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Infused Fang4x

Heavy Armor

Armor PieceMaterialQuantity
Voidbent HelmAsmodeum10x
Runic Leather4x
Infused Fur2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Voidbent BreastplateAsmodeum20x
Runic Leather8x
Infused Fur2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Voidbent GauntletsAsmodeum6x
Runic Leather2x
Infused Fur2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Voidbent LegguardsAsmodeum12x
Runic Leather4x
Infused Fur2x
Voidbent Ingot1x
Voidbent SabatonsAsmodeum6x
Runic Leather2x
Infused Fur2x
Voidbent Ingot1x

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