New World Waystone

>Games>New World

New World Canon

Release Date: 28/09/2021

Developer: Amazon Games; Relentless Studios; Amazon Games Orange County | Publisher: Amazon Games

Genres: MMO Open World RPG


Official Website View on Amazon   |   View on Steam  

Map of New World Land

Melodies & Mockeries

Behold, High Ground Gaming's resident trolls! The cheerful Gurg and the irritable Grundle — together they bring songs of praise and mutterings of discontent about New World.

The Jolly Troll
In whispers of wind and ancient lore,
Lies New World, a land to explore.
Where rivers run through forests deep,
Secrets and treasures there to keep.

In Aeternum's wild, uncharted span,
Each soul seeks fate, a place to stand.
With sword and spell, craft and might,
We forge our paths in day and night.

Settlers bold, in unknown land,
Together strong, or solo, grand.
Against corruption's creeping tide,
We stand as one, side by side.

So sing of New World, brave and free,
A realm of promise, mystery.
In every quest and battle found,
Our spirits, our stories, profoundly bound.
The Angry Troll
Oh, New World, where to start? It's like Amazon thought, 'Hey, let's deliver disappointment digitally for a change!' The game's about as original as a white-label product from Bezos's basement. The bugs, oh, they're Prime quality, shipped fast and furious. They should've called it 'Queue Simulator 3000' with all the waiting around you do. Exploring feels like you're just jogging through Generic Fantasy Landscape #47. They call it a 'New World'. Not so. It's like they took every MMO cliché, tossed it into a blender, and served it as a lukewarm smoothie of mediocrity.

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