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WoW Dragonflight: The 15 Best Shaman Transmog Sets

Shamans are wielders of the elemental powers of nature, wielding the elements to punish their foes and aid their allies. They are mystics who commune with ancestral spirits and serve as advisors and guides to their people. Naturally, you’ll want a transmog set for your Shaman that is befitting of their wisdom and elemental prowess in WoW Dragonflight.

15 Best Shaman Transmog Sets in WoW, Ranked Good to Best

Luckily, these many aspects are reflected in the gear sets available for Shamans. Many Shaman sets feature elemental details such as lightning effects, flames, or crystals, while others emphasize their tribal roots with bones, feathers, and masks.

Whether you’re looking to blast your enemies with fire and lightning as an Elemental Shaman, crush them with your imbued weapons as an Enhancement Shaman, or heal your allies with water as a Restoration Shaman, you will want to do it in style.

We’ll help you find the best transmog set for your Shaman with a list of some of our favorites in WoW Dragonflight.

Elements of Infused Earth

WoW Shaman Transmog Elements of Infused Earth
The Elements of Infused Earth set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

The first set on our list is also the most recent, added to the game in the current expansion, Dragonflight. The Elements of Infused Earth reflects the aesthetic of the Primalists, the ancient enemies of the dragonflights. Like Shamans, they wield elemental powers, and those powers are reflected in the rocky look of the armor as well as the lightning crackling around it.

This set drops in the Vault of the Incarnates raid, with the purple version pictured above appearing on Mythic difficulty. Other color variations drop from the lower difficulties.

Regalia of Shackled Elements

WoW Shaman Transmog Regalia of Shackled Elements
The Regalia of Shackled Elements set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

The Regalia of Shackled Elements set, or tier 19, originated with the Legion expansion. This armor looks like it was made out of molten rock, somehow held together by iron with a fur and fabric skirt that is miraculously not burning. This is a great transmog choice for any Shaman with a particular affinity for earth and fire – perhaps an ally of the Black Dragonflight.

You can find this set in the Nighthold and Emerald Nightmare raids. The fiery orange version pictured above can be found on Mythic difficulty, but several recolors are available from the lower difficulties and in the Legion Season 1 PvP set.

Ten Storms

WoW Shaman Transmog The Ten Storms
The Ten Storms set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Here we have a throwback from vanilla WoW – the Ten Storms set, or tier 2. This was the second raid set available for Shamans in the game, and many players still have fond memories of it. More recently, you may have picked this set up if you played WoW Classic.

It’s a simple, somewhat tribal-looking mail armor set with some cool wolf details on the shoulder, a nice shout-out to your Ghost Wolf ability. The glowing eyes is also a nice way to showcase the elemental power flowing through you.

This set drops from bosses in the Blackwing Lair, Molten Core, and Onyxia’s Lair raids. A purple recolor is also available through dungeons from the Burning Crusade expansion.

Windspeaker’s Regalia

WoW Shaman Transmog Windspeaker's Regalia
The Windspeaker’s Regalia set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Windspeaker’s Regalia, or tier 17, comes from the Warlords of Draenor expansion, and it definitely looks the part. The heavy metals used in the armor are dead giveaways of its Iron Horde origins. The coolest feature here is the pair of crackling orbs on the shoulders. Despite the industrial look of the set, the leather, fur, and scale accents keep it looking nice and Shaman-ish.

Tier 17 can be found in the Blackrock Foundry raid. The silver and blue version pictured above drops on Mythic difficulty, while a couple of much less impressive recolors (without the shoulder orbs) drop from Normal and Heroic.

Conqueror’s Worldbreaker Regalia

WoW Shaman Transmog Conqueror's Worldbreaker Regalia
The Conqueror’s Worldbreaker Regalia set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Now we have a set from the current WoW Classic expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. Conqueror’s Worldbreaker Regalia, or tier 8, is a set worthy of the Titans, with lots of glowing golden details. It manages to also reflect the tribal and elemental aspects of the class in its chainmail skirt and floating pieces of rock around the shoulders and helm.

As evidenced by the Titan details, this set drops from the Ulduar and Vault of Archavon raids, with the version pictured above dropping from the 25-man versions. There is also a recolor of the set available in the same versions, and two more in the 10-man versions of the raids.

Volcanic Regalia

Volcanic Regalia
The Volcanic Regalia set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

The Volcanic Regalia set hails from the Cataclysm expansion. Also known as tier 12, this armor befits its fiery origins with a vivid, glowing red and orange appearance. The floating crown of fire and flaming shoulders are the highlight of the set, and the jagged neck brings to mind the mouth of a volcano.

This set, of course, comes from the Firelands raid, with the red version pictured above dropping on Heroic difficulty and a yellow look dropping on Normal.

Regalia of the Witch Doctor

Regalia of the Witch Doctor
The Regalia of the Witch Doctor set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

And now we have a very different look from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. The Regalia of the Witch Doctor is aptly named and is a perfect set for a Troll Shaman who prefers their spiritual communion with a side of voodoo. The mask and shoulders both resemble totems, keeping the set from straying too far from the Shaman’s core aesthetic.

This set can be obtained from the Throne of Thunder raid. The green version above drops on Heroic difficulty, while an orange version drops from Normal. There are also matching pants available if you’re not keen on wearing skirts.

Spiritwalker’s Regalia

WoW Shaman Transmog Spiritwalker's Regalia
The Spiritwalker’s Regalia set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Here’s another set from the Cataclysm expansion, which was a great time to be a Shaman given that it was an expansion all about the elements. But the Spiritwalker’s Regalia set strays from that theme with something more primitive, befitting the Shaman’s tribal background.

Like the previous set, this one seems well suited to a Troll Shaman. You can almost imagine your character casting those bones from the hood as part of some voodoo ritual.

This set, also known as tier 13, drops from the Dragon Soul raid. The version pictured above actually comes from the Raid Finder difficulty, with green and yellow recolors dropping on Normal and Heroic.

Frost Witch’s Regalia

Frost Witch's Regalia
The Frost Witch’s Regalia set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Another set from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, the Frost Witch’s Regalia is also known as tier 10. Many players will share a good deal of nostalgia for this set from one of the most popular raids in the game. It’s a set worthy of the icy continent of Northrend, featuring icicles on the shoulders and numerous fur and leather accents, along with some walrus-like horns on the mask.

Tier 10 comes from the Icecrown Citadel raid, and the version pictured drops on the Normal 25-man difficulty. A red version drops on Heroic, and an equally nice green and brown version drops on 10-man.

Garb of Venerated Spirits

Garb of Venerated Spirits
The Garb of Venerated Spirits set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

The Garb of Venerated Spirits is also known as tier 21, which was the last tier to have an official number. This set originated in the Legion expansion, but looks like it could be from Dazar’alor or another Troll zone. This armor set is particularly appropriate transmog for a Zandalari Troll Shaman, given its feathery headdress, tiki mask, and gold details.

Tier 21 comes from the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid. The vivid version pictured above is from the Mythic difficulty of the raid, with multiple recolors available from the lower difficulties as well as from Legion Season 5-7 PvP.

Grievous Gladiator’s Ringmail Armor

WoW Shaman Transmog Grievous Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
The Grievous Gladiator’s Ringmail Armor set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Starting our top 5, we have a set from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. The Grievous Gladiator’s Ringmail Armor set offers a very unique fur look, with the highlight being the wolf’s head helmet, perfectly representing the Shaman’s inner Ghost Wolf. The set looks like it was cobbled together from furs and vines harvested in the wild, which we find rather fitting.

This set originated with Arena Season 14 and can still be bought with Honor, along with two other color variations.

The Earthfury

The Earthfury
The Earthfury set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

No list of Shaman transmog sets would be complete without the very first raid set in the game, The Earthfury, or tier 1. The look has held up well over the years and doesn’t look as dated as some of the other class sets from the same tier. Many vanilla WoW and WoW Classic players may remember this set as the first time their gear matched.

Tier 1 drops from the Molten Core raid, and this armor certainly looks like it was forged there, deep within the Firelord’s lair.

Thrall’s Garb

WoW Shaman Transmog Thrall's Garb
The Thrall’s Garb set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Number three on our list is exclusive to Horde players. Sorry, Alliance – Horde were the original Shamans, after all. Thrall’s Garb, or tier 9, is the third set on our list from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. If you want to pay tribute to the Horde’s original warchief, everyone’s favorite Shaman hero, then this set is for you.

Thrall’s Garb drops from the Trial of the Crusader raid. The Alliance version is known as Nobundo’s Garb and looks very different.

Warmongering Gladiator’s Ringmail Armor

WoW Shaman Transmog Warmongering Gladiator's Ringmail Armor
The Warmongering Gladiator’s Ringmail Armor set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

Coming in at number two is a set from the Warlords of Draenor expansion, Warmongering Gladiator’s Ringmail Armor. This set looks sleek and refined, and is particularly well suited to a Draenei Shaman due to the floating crystals around the shoulders and helm. The chest and skirt closely resemble tier 10, a welcome throwback.

This set originated with Warlords Season 2 PvP and can still be bought with Honor, along with a couple of different recolors. There are also variations available as tier 18 from the Hellfire Citadel raid.

Regalia of the Skybreaker

WoW Shaman Transmog Regalia of the Skybreaker
The Regalia of the Skybreaker set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)
WoW Shaman Transmog Skyshatter Regalia
The Skyshatter Regalia set. (Image: Blizzard via HGG/Sarah Arnold)

And number one on our list of Shaman transmog sets has to be tier 20, the Regalia of the Skybreaker from the Legion expansion. This set was a re-imagining of the Skyshatter Regalia set, or tier 6, from the Burning Legion expansion. Blizzard took the beloved tier 6 look and cranked it up to 11, with stunning results. The best feature of both sets is the lightning that crackles around the shoulders.

Tier 20 can be found in the Tomb of Sargeras raid. The version pictured above is obtained from Mythic difficulty with recolors available from each of the lower difficulties. Its predecessor, tier 6, drops in the Hyjal Summit and Black Temple raids. There is a recolor version of the set available in the same raids, and a vivid red version from Arena Season 3 that can now be purchased with Honor.

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Thanks for reading our rankings of the best Shaman sets for transmog in WoW Dragonflight! We hope this guide has helped you pick out an awesome look for your character. If you have any questions, leave a comment below, and be sure to subscribe to High Ground for more useful guides!

Happy gaming!

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