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WoW Dragonflight: The 15 Best Warrior Transmog Sets

Warriors are the mighty, battle-hardened fighters of World of Warcraft, charging into battle with no magic or tricks, only their weapons, their rage, and their heavy armor. That heavy armor is one of the class’s defining features, so to help you look the part, we’ll be going over the 15 best transmog sets for warrior in WoW: Dragonflight!

Whether you’re a fierce Arms Warrior that overpowers enemies with hefty two-handed weapons, a frenzied Fury Warrior that hacks through everything with relentless dual-strikes, or a stalwart Protection Warrior that refuses to relent to any blow, we have the perfect transmog look for you in our list.

The transmog sets below are ranked good to best.

15. Blackhand’s Battlegear

We’ll start our list with a set from the Warlords of Draenor expansion. Blackhand’s Battlegear, or Tier 17, is named for the brutal chieftain of the Blackrock Clan, and its appearance certainly matches its name.

The black metal of the armor is complimented by red trim that gives it a heated or even molten look. There’s a distinct orcish feel to the set, with its jagged, angular pieces and horned helm. Naturally, this is a great warrior transmog for any Orc

This set can be obtained in the Blackrock Foundry raid. The red-tinged version pictured above can be found on Mythic difficulty, while variations in blue and green – and without the horned helm – can be found on Normal and Heroic difficulty.

14. Battlelord’s Plate

Next we have a set from the Legion expansion. Battlelord’s Plate is obtained through your class order hall, Skyhold, and is one of the nicer class order hall sets.

The armor itself is simple but detailed, with a good bulk to the boots and gloves to make it clear that you’re wearing plate. The helm is decorated with wings to signifiy the set’s Valarjar origins.

To acquire the full set, you’ll need to complete your class order hall campaign and complete lots of other Legion content, including several dungeon bosses and building up your reputation with multiple factions.

13. Destroyer Armor

Destroyer Armor, or tier 5, is a set from the Burning Crusade expansion. The set has a fiery look, from the flame-shaped details on the body to the actual flames that light up the pauldrons. The strange glowing-eyed helm with its demonic horns and the pointed, wing-like shoulder pieces create a distinct silhouette.

This set can be found in the Serpentshrine Cavern and Tempest Keep raids. There is a green recolor available from the same raids. The Season 2 PvP set, Merciless Gladiator’s Battlegear, looks almost identical and can be purchased with Honor Points.

12. Vindictive Combatant’s Plate Armor

Next up we have another set from the Legion expansion. Vindictive Combatant’s Plate Armor is a bit more colorful than our other sets so far, and it features a very cool effect on the shoulders: skeletal, ghostly wings that animate and glow.

This is the Season 1 PvP set from Legion, purchasable with Honor Points. The blue version pictured above is exclusive to Alliance, while a red version is exclusive to Horde. There’s also a yellow crafted version, Leystone Armor, that can be made with Blacksmithing.

11. Soulforged Dreadplate

Now we have a set from the Shadowlands expansion. Soulforged Dreadplate will do more than merely intimidate your enemies – it will positively terrify them.

The horrific mask brings to mind The Maw, a realm of the Shadowlands that is also known as the Wasteland of the Damned, as well as the Jailer who rules over it. The pointed, glowing shoulders and the red-eyed skulls that decorate them complete the ominous look. Perfect for a menacing warrior transmog.

This set drops from the Sanctum of Domination raid, with the extra-scary black and red version pictured above coming from Mythic difficulty, while multiple recolors can be found on the lower difficulty levels. There is another recolor available in the form of Unchained Gladiator’s Plate, the Shadowlands Season 3 PvP set, which can be bought with Honor Points.

10. Armaments of the Infinite Infantry

Next in our list is another set from the Shadowlands expansion. Armaments of the Infinite Infantry is a set that evokes the Wardens, the elite marshals of the night elves, especially with its mysterious helm. The constructed shoulders and geometric patterns give away its true origins in Zereth Mortis.

This set can be obtained from the Sepulcher of the First Ones raid. The golden version pictured above drops from Mythic difficulty, while multiple recolors can be found in the lower difficulty levels.

9. Irons of the Onyx Crucible

Here we have the newest set on our list, originating in the Dragonflight expansion. Irons of the Onyx Crucible is a great transmog set for any warrior who loves dragons, from the dragon insignias on its shoulders and belt to its dragon skull helm. There’s even a wing-like casing to the pauldrons.

This set drops from the Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible raid. The white version pictured above drops on Mythic difficulty, and some more colorful variations can be found in the lower difficulties.

8. Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Armor

Up next, we have a set from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. Grievous Gladiator’s Plate Armor features an asymmetrical helm and shoulders. Two large ram horns emerge from the head, one of them broken, and one of the pauldrons is dressed with a strange creature’s skull. The belt, mask, and boots all glow with a color that matches the skull.

This set originated with Arena Season 14 and can be purchased with Honor Points. The blue-tinted version pictured above is exclusive to Alliance, while a red version is exclusive to Horde. A third, green variation can be found via Prideful Gladiator’s Battleplate, also available via Honor Points.

7. Gravelord’s Direplate

Moving past the halfway mark, we have a set from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Gravelord’s Direplate looks like it was made entirely from bone.

With its asymmetrical dinosaur skull pauldrons, feathered accents, and the ghostly glow around the helm, this set is particularly well suited as transmog for a troll warrior.

That makes sense, since this set drops in the Battle of Dazar’alor raid. The elaborate version pictured above can be obtained on Mythic difficulty, while some less impressive variations can be found in the lower difficulty levels.

6. Cosmic Aberration’s Plate

This is our second set from the Battle for Azeroth expansion. Cosmic Aberration’s Plate is very clearly the work of the Old Gods, with its eldritch eyes and tentacles. The faceless mask is definitely strange and unique, but the most interesting part of the set is probably the tentacle ponytail that emerges from the back of the helm.

This armor can be found in the Ny’alotha, The Waking City raid. The version pictured above drops on Mythic difficulty, and some less evolved variations drop from the lower difficulties. You can also get a similar look via the Battle for Azeroth Season 4 PvP set, Corrupted Gladiator’s Plate, which can be bought with Honor Points.

5. Battlegear of Might

Entering the top 5, we’ll take you all the way back to the beginning with the very first raid set that appeared in vanilla and Classic WoW.

Battlegear of Might looks good for its age, and many warriors will remember it as the first time they collected a complete set of matching gear. The spiked shoulders and helm and muted color scheme remain distinctive and nostalgia-inducing, perfect for a warrior transmog.

This set drops from the Molten Core raid. The chest, shoulders, and helm are also available as heirloom gear items.

4. Warbringer Armor

Moving forward, we have a set from the Burning Legion expansion. Warbringer Armor, or tier 4, is pretty simple and unremarkable except for the helm.

If you’ve ever wanted to cosplay as the creature from the Predator movies, this set is for you. The multiple glowing eyes and mandables on its chin are unmistakable, and the shoulders carry on the theme with matching tentacles.

This set drops in the Karazhan, Magtheridon’s Lair, and Gruul’s Lair raids. There is a recolor of the set available in the form of the Gladiator’s Battlegear PvP set from Season 1, which can be purchased with Honor Points.

3. Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Battlegear

Coming in at number 3 we have a set from the Wrath of the Lich King expansion. Sanctified Ymirjar Lord’s Plate, or tier 10, is clearly vrykul armor, with its heavy horned helm and ornate, glowing runes. This simple, yet distinct look makes for a great warrior transmog, and many players will remember this set fondly from one of their favorite raid tiers.

That raid tier is Icecrown Citadel. The version pictured above can be acquired via Heroic 25-man difficulty, while two other versions are available from the Normal 25 and 10-man versions of the raid.

2. Titanic Onslaught Armor

In our number 2 spot, we have an iconic set from the Burning Crusade expansion that was made even better for the Legion expansion. Titanic Onslaught armor adds a few more details to the Onslaught Armor set, including a much more interesting helm. It also adds an eye-catching fel green glow.

The original version of the set, tier 6, can be found in the Black Temple and Mount Hyjal raids. The remake, tier 20, comes from the Tomb of Sargeras raid, with the fel green version dropping on Mythic difficulty and several recolors available in the lower difficulties. A version that looks a bit more like the original set can also be obtained from Legion PvP Season 3 & 4, purchasable with Honor Points.

1. Juggernaut Battlegear

Finally, taking the #1 spot on our list is yet another set from the Legion expansion, an expansion that is known for its class armor sets. Juggernaut Battlegear is also known as tier 21, which was the last tier to have an official number.

This armor brings to mind something from Warhammer, with its massive shoulders, gloves, and boots. The helm is simple but perfectly suited to the class, and the glowing swords on the shoulders remind everyone what that class is.

This set can be found in the Antorus, the Burning Throne raid. The extra-bulky version pictured above appears on Mythic difficulty, while some less impressive variations can be found on the lower difficulties and through Legion Season 5-7 PvP sets, which can be bought with Honor Points.

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