The Necrom Chapter brings 3 new Mythic items/sets to the Elder Scrolls Online. Mythic items are a special type of gear that you can get for your characters through the Antiquity system. Continue reading to see how each Mythic set or item works, how to use it, and how to get it for yourself! The new Mythic items are available with the Necrom DLC.
Note: Some of the leads for these Mythic items can take a while to farm for. Sometimes they will drop quickly but you may have to kill a world boss, dungeon boss, or farm a lot of nodes before your lead drops.
I’ve ranked the new mythic items below from most to least useful.
Mythic Item #1: Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet
The Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet is a new Mythic Item you can get from collecting and completing leads. The Velothi Amulet adds 1650 Offensive Penetration and increases the damage you do to monsters by 15%. You will also gain Minor Force from the amulet which increases your Critical Damage done by 10%. In return for these buffs, the amulet reduces your Light Attack and Heavy Attack damage by 99%. This is an easier alternative if you do not want to Light Attack weave as your skills now do the majority of the damage.
How to Use it
The Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet is helpful for various builds but specifically for DPS builds because you gain a significant amount of Offensive Penetration. The amulet also adds to the amount of damage players do to monsters and adds the buff Minor Force which is great if you need to increase your Crit Damage.
I use the Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet for my Arcanist DPS and find that it helps me increase the damage my Arcanist can deal. The Arcanist class has Channeled abilities making Light Attack weaving only necessary for Ultimate generation with the amulet. The Velothi Ur-Mage’s Amulet works well for Normal and Veteran Dungeons and Overland content in ESO.
Finding the Fragments
1. Ebony-Crossed-Sword Chain
Location Drop: The lead for the Ebony Crossed Sword Chain fragment drops from reward coffers for killing world bosses in Vvardenfell. You can pick up these Daily Quests in the Hall of Justice in Vivec City. Once you are done with the quest, make sure you return to the Hall of Justice for your reward.
2. Ebony Shalk Mounting
Location Drop: The lead for the Ebony Shalk Mounting fragment drops from killing the Runemaster Xiomara Overland boss. This boss can be found in the Runemaster’s Acropolis in Apocrypha.
3. Gold Mandibular Cradle
Location Drop: The lead for the Gold Mandibular Cradle fragment drops from killing the Camonnaruhn Delve Boss in the Telvanni Peninsula. The entrance for the delve is in the Southern part of the Telvanni Peninsula near the Clamorclap Bowl World Boss.
4. Gold Shalk Clasp
Location Drop: The lead for the Gold Shalk Clasp fragment drops from chests in the dungeon Scrivener’s Hall. The lead can drop in the dungeon whether it is on Normal mode or Veteran mode so you can run it on the mode you are most comfortable with. You can also go to the dungeon location in The Rift and enter it with a friend or on your own if you do not want to queue up for a dungeon.
5. Lucent Cabochon
Location Drop: The lead for the Lucent Cabochon fragment drops from bosses in the public dungeon The Underweave located in Apocrypha. The entrance to the public dungeon is just South of the Apogee Nadir Wayshrine in Apocrypha.
Mythic Item #2: Cryptcanon Vestments
With the Cryptcanon Vestments, you will no longer be able to use your ultimate, instead, when you cast your ultimate it will transfer the ultimate resource to your group members and will divide it equally among them. You will also gain Minor Heroism while you are in combat with the Cryptcanon Vestments Mythic item. Minor Heroism is a buff that grants ultimate points so you will gain your ultimate faster.
The Cryptcanon Vestments Mythic can be helpful to groups running dungeon content in ESO if you are coordinated. Since this mythic item removes the user’s ultimate and divides the ultimate points among living group members, choosing what member of the group sacrifices their ultimate is important. Coordinating ultimates helps when you know one player will not have one, you can prioritize which ones are more helpful for your group.
Finding the Fragments
1. Ancestor Samite Undershirt
Location Drop: The lead for the Ancestor Samite Undershirt fragment drops from killing the final boss in the DLC Dungeon Bal Sunnar. The lead can drop on any mode (Normal or Veteran).
2. Scrib Chitin Padding
Location Drop: The Scrib Chitin Padding fragment lead drops from killing Corlys the Chainmaker, a world boss found at Clamorclap Bowl in the Southern region of the Telvanni Peninsula.
3. Ancestor Samite Stole
Location Drop: The lead for the Ancestor Samite Stole fragment drops from the delve boss Uzur the All-Seeing found in the Disquiet Study in Apocrypha. The entrance for the delve is located West of the Tranquil Catalog Wayshrine and just South of Syzgial Rostrum.
4. Netchbeak Clasps
Location Drop: The Netchbeak Clasps fragment lead drops from looting treasure chests in the Telvanni Peninsula.
5. Ancestor Samite Sash
Location Drop: The lead for the Ancestor Samite Sash lead drops as a reward for completing and turning in Daily Quests in the Telvanni Peninsula. To pick up the Necrom Dailies, travel to the city Necrom and speak to the Ordinators located across from Fortune’s Fount (Necrom’s Bank) near the city’s Wayshrine.
Mythic Item#3: Esoteric Environment Greaves
The Esoteric Environment Greaves Mythic is a piece of Heavy leg armor available from the Antiquities system. While you are above 50% Stamina, the Greaves reduce your direct damage taken by 50%. You will lose 968 Stamina whenever you take direct damage up to once every 0.3 seconds.
This Mythic can be hard to use for beginner players which is why it is ranked last out of the other Necrom Expansion Mythics. If you are able to create a build that allows you to avoid running into issues with Stamina, the Esoteric Environment Greaves can be a helpful Mythic.
How to use it:
The Esoteric Environment Greaves can work for Tank players looking to reduce the amount of Direct Damage they take from enemies. This Mythic does cause you to lose Stamina so having a build that incorporates Magicka abilities or Stamina Regeneration as well will make this Mythic a lot more useful. The Esoteric Environment Greaves can be good in the PVP game mode as Direct Damage is more prevalent but can work Dungeons and Overland content too.
Finding the Fragments
1. Biome-Proof Plating
Location Drop: The Biome-Proof Plating fragment lead drops from killing the boss in the Nchuleft Delve in the Northern part of Vvardenfell. The delve is located close just West of the Tel Mora Wayshrine.
2. Nonreactive Cincture
Location Drop: The lead for the Non-reactive Cinture fragment drops from killing side bosses in the DLC dungeon Graven Deep.
3. Thras-Crafted Breeches
Location Drop: To get the lead for the Thras-Crafted Breeches fragment you will have to kill the secret bosses in the DLC dungeon Coral Aerie. The lead has a chance to drop from these secret bosses inside the dungeon.
4. Tonal Pivot Joints
Location Drop: The Tonal Pirot Joints fragment lead can drop from killing the boss from the Forgotten Wastes public dungeon in Vvardenfell. The public dungeon entrance is located near the Valley of the Wind Wayshrine. If you follow the path West you will find the Forgotten Wastes public dungeon near a Dwemer ruin.
5. Harvester Scale Plating
Location Drop: The lead for the Harvester Scale Plating can drop from killing bosses in the Gorne public dungeon in the Telvanni Peninsula. Gorne is an island located just West of the city of Necrom and can be accessed by boat.
Helpful Tips for Scrying and Excavation
- Mythic Items are Master Level Antiquities so they can be a bit tricky to scry for and excavate so you will need to have your Scrying skill line at max level. Antiquarian’s Insight and Heavy Shovel are my favorite abilities from the Excavation and Scrying skill lines and have helped me a lot while scrying for Mythic items!
- Need additional scrying help? Our guide on Scrying will break down everything you need to know!
Acquiring leads:
If you are farming for a lead in a delve, public dungeon, or at a world boss having a Companion fighting alongside you is a great way to get new gear and weapons for them and have some help in completing the content. This is also a great opportunity to level your Companion up as well.
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