The Nightblade in Elder Scrolls Online can be played in many ways. For the Flames of Ambition patch, we have created a top-tier list of the best Nightblade builds in ESO for each major role you can play. Nightblades excel at single-target damage and can deal some of the highest burst damage in the game on unsuspecting or low-health targets. Nightblades can be used in every role, and we have taken to testing out which works best for each of the major styles you can play a Nightblade as.
We’ll start off with the four major PVE roles, being Magicka DPS, Stamina DPS, Tank, and Healer. Later we’ll cover the best solo builds for clearing content from world bosses to veteran arenas. Finally we’ll finish off with how to prepare your Nightblade to dominate PVP in Battlegrounds, Cyrodiil, or the Imperial City.
The Best Nightblade Builds in ESO: The Top Picks
Let’s get started on the best Nightblade builds in ESO, starting with everyone’s favorite role for the Nightblade: DPS.
1. PvE – Magblade DPS Build
Race: Khajiit or Elf | Mundus: Thief (higher critical strike chance) or Shadow (higher damaging critical strikes) | Food:
Nightblades as Magicka DPS deal great damage and have high survivability in all levels of play. Excelling at burst damage and the execute phase of boss fights, they also deal great single target damage over the course of fights, and can keep themselves healthy with their great toolkits. We suggest using a Khajiit on Magicka Nightblades for the extra burst damage, but other Nightblade races like Dark Elf and High Elf are right behind in terms of DPS.
Main Bar (Medusa Staff) | Second Bar (Crushing Wall Staff) |
For the basis of the best Nightblade DPS build ESO has to offer, the damage rotation is important along with light attack weaving. The general rule is buff up first, then lay down your longer-duration AOE abilities, followed up by your spammable ability. Keep in mind you need to light attack between each of your abilities after the initial buffing stage, and this will increase your DPS by a large amount.
You want to light attack, then cast the skill immediately after before the light attack animation ends. This may feel clunky at first, but your team will thank you in the long haul. Using the (Perfected) Crushing Wall (from Maelstrom Arena) will increase your light attacks by 1353 damage to all enemies who stand in your Wall of Elements, which will make your need to light attack weave even more important.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | Divines | |
Shoulder | Divines | |
Chest | Divines | |
Belt | Divines | |
Legs | Divines | |
Hands | Divines | |
Feet | Divines | |
Necklace | Bloodthirsty | |
Ring 1 | Bloodthirsty | |
Ring 2 | Bloodthirsty | |
Weapon 1 | Precise | |
Weapon 2 | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster or Willpower Set
For our sets, we are using a gear setup that will be successful no matter where you fight, not just in situations where you can stand still and not have to worry about survivability (Looking at you, Siroria). We will be using Mother’s Sorrow (from Deshaan) for the great critical chance it offers us, helping us to crit more often, and for even more damage as a Khajiit.
The second set we will use is Medusa (from Arx Corinium), which boosts our spell critical and increases our critical damage by 10% due to the Minor Force buff it offers. The spell critical chance on this build will be so high that you’ll be making those critical hits most of the time, making for extreme damage, especially in the final phase when you get your execute bonuses.
Finally, for the monster set, we will be using Zaan for the spell critical and heavy single-target damage it gives. With a one in three chance to proc from a light attack, Zaan will deal 300 flame damage and increase by 100% every second for six seconds. If you can stand close enough to have the full duration of this effect, it leads to massive amounts of damage dealt.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 20 , 30 , 50 , 20
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
2. PvE – Stamblade DPS Build
Race: Khajiit (or Dark Elf) | Mundus: Thief (higher critical strike chance) or Shadow (higher damaging critical strikes) | Food: or equivalent (5395 health, 4936 stamina)
Next on our list of best Nightblade builds in ESO is the Stamblade DPS for PvE.
Nightblades do amazing as Stamina DPS, fitting well into all groups with high burst damage executes and overall great damage in general. Nightblades truly shine in the last phase of battles, where they quickly finish off bosses at their most dangerous and help bring the high health targets down to that point with their heavy single target damage. We suggest using a Khajiit for the increased critical damage, but Dark Elf is very close in DPS as well.
Main Bar (Stinging Slashes Daggers) | Second Bar (Thunderous Volley Bow) |
Stamina Nightblades need to get up close and personal when using Dual Wield, so they can be a bit more dangerous to play than their magicka counterparts. Having a self heal alongside your Relentless Focus burst heal will be necessary to use at different points during fights, so be mindful of your placement and how you’ll need to react to it. While up close, you’ll deal a considerable amount of burst damage to a single target, and have a nice range of damage over time abilities that will melt opponents more quickly as the fight goes on.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | Divines | |
Shoulder | Divines | |
Chest | Divines | |
Belt | Divines | |
Legs | Divines | |
Hands | Divines | |
Feet | Divines | |
Necklace | Bloodthirsty | |
Ring 1 | Bloodthirsty | |
Ring 2 | Bloodthirsty | |
Weapon 1 | Nirnhoned -> Precise | |
Weapon 2 | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set or Agility Set
For the sets, we will be using Arms of Relequen (from Cloudrest) as the classic single-target heavy-hitter set. You don’t need to have the perfected set to do well, but it certainly is icing on the cake to have that extra 1000 stamina. With Relequen, light attacks will stack a damage debuff on the enemy, dealing more damage per stack every second, for up to five seconds, dealing heavy single-target damage.
Next, we’ll be using Kinras’s Wrath (from Black Drake Villa), which gives you Major Berserk after light attacking five times, increasing your damage by 10% and creating an aura that gives you and your allies Minor Berserk for an additional 5% damage boost. This is a great set for personal use as well as group use, helping your group burn through fights with ease. You’ll have to focus on your positioning additionally with this set to make sure your group gets the full benefits it can bring.
Finally, we are going for the Stinging Slashes (from Dragonstar Arena) dual wield daggers instead of a monster set, as arena weapons can finally compete with them in this patch. Using Rending Slashes on its cooldown of ten seconds is essential to get the most out of this set, as it increases the initial damage (for both slashes) as well as the bleed over time, which is an overall awesome buff to this skill.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , , 50 , 20 , 20 , 20 , 30 , 50 , 20
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
3. PvE – Stamblade Tank Build
Race: Nord (or Imperial) | Mundus: The Lord (for more health) | Food: and
Tanking on a Nightblade can be more difficult than some of the other classes that are more optimized to do so, but you can still be very successful even in vet dungeons and trials given you use one of the best Nightblade builds in ESO. For this Nightblade build, we are aiming for high survivability, and are matching the class identity of the Nightblade’s “Siphon” skill tree. We suggest using a Nord for the extra physical and spell resistances, but Imperial is a great choice as well.
Main Bar (One-Hand + Shield) | Second Bar (Staff) |
To go over the basics of tanking on your Nightblade, there are some major things you’ll need to focus on. Feel free to skip this if you are a tank main! First and foremost is holding taunt, which falls off after fifteen seconds, so you’ll want to be reapplying this more or less between 11–13 seconds, to avoid being stunned and missing that taunt on the boss, causing your group to fall into chaos. You only need to taunt the high priority targets that deal high damage, such as the Boss(es) or other heavy hitting enemies. Once you have the group taunted, be sure to face the enemies away from your group, so they can group close together and get easily buffed by the healer while avoiding all damage. The armor sets below will allow you to sit in some pretty heavy damaging areas, allowing you to hold the boss over top of your DPS’ damaging AOE abilities.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | Sturdy | |
Shoulder | Sturdy | |
Chest | Sturdy | |
Belt | Sturdy | |
Legs | Sturdy | |
Hands | Sturdy | |
Feet | Sturdy | |
Necklace | or | Infused |
Ring 1 | or | Infused |
Ring 2 | or | Infused |
Weapon 1 | or | Decisive -> Sturdy |
Weapon 2 | or | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set / Endurance Set
For our sets, we are starting off with five pieces of Leeching Plate (from Imperial City Prison) for the great amount of health you get back from each enemy who attacks you. This is a selfish set, but will make it so you don’t fall over while tanking for your group, meaning your healer can focus on more DPS or other buffs instead of casting heals on you over and over.
For the second set, you’ll wear you can go for either Crimson Twilight (from Castle Thorn) for the additional life steal it gives you, or use the set Powerful Assault (from Imperial City) which will increase your group’s weapon and spell damage by 300 whenever you cast an Assault skill. Crimson is honestly more of a PVP bruiser set, but it works great for increasing your survivability in tough fights or when you don’t have a healer in your party. For the Powerful Assault set, your Aggressive Warhorn and healing skill Resolving Vigor will be all the more useful as your group cuts down enemies with all of that extra damage. Keep in mind, giving your healer more spell damage will also increase the strength of their heals, helping you to last longer! For Vet trials consider replacing Leeching with Claw of Yolnahkriin to improve your group’s weapon/spell damage to greater heights.
Last but not least, for your monster set, we’ll be choosing Tremorscale for groups with mainly stamina DPS, Encratis’s Behemoth for groups with mainly magicka DPS, and Earthgore for groups that aren’t living through the fights. Tremorescale adds a unique debuff to enemies that are taunted which decreases their physical resistance by 2400, making your stamina players hit for a lot more. Encratis’s Behemoth causes your group to take 5% less fire damage, and deal 5% more fire damage when you damage an enemy with flame damage yourself. The majority of magicka DPS use a flame staff on their front bar, so this will help increase overall damage by a lot. You’ll want to enchant your main hand with a flame enchantment so you can proc it easily without needing to change your skills up. Finally, when your group just can’t make it through a tough encounter, flip on Earthgore to be able to give one member in your party 30,000 health back over ten seconds, giving them the ability to survive a lot of incoming damage.
Casting a Shadow skill will grant you Major Resolve for six seconds, but this duration is increased by 25% for each piece of heavy armor equipped. With seven pieces of heavy armor on, this buff will last for just over sixteen seconds, letting you obtain 100% uptime easily. Casting a Siphoning skill will give you 2 ultimate, and this passive can activate every four seconds. That means you’ll gain 25 ultimate every minute is great on top of the extra 20 you will get each time you drink a potion, making those ultimates come very quickly.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 20 , 20
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 30 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
4. PvE – Magblade Healer Build
Race: Breton (or High Elf) | Mundus: Mage (More Magicka = stronger / more heals) or Thief (higher critical strike chance) | Food:
Next, let’s check out the most underrated of the best Nightblade builds in ESO — the healer.
Nightblade Healers are not commonly seen in ESO, but this does not mean they cannot be as effective as the more Meta classes healers usually go for. Nightblade Healers offer a unique playstyle that calls on many of the classic skills you use as a healer, but also incorporates Nightblade abilities in engaging ways.
Main Bar (Restoration Staff) | Second Bar (Hollowfang Thirst Staff) |
Positioning is key for healers, and you will have to be even more attentive of this as a Nightblade Healer. Standing behind your group while still keeping in range of the tank to heal them with all of your skills, you want to heal and buff your group up simultaneously while dealing damage after your healing rotations. Nightblade offers a unique damaging heal called Funnel Health, which will act as your spammable. This spell deals damage to the enemy, and then heals you or two other nearby allies for 50% of the damage dealt every two seconds for ten seconds. However you do not need to wait at least two seconds for it to refresh the heal, you can cast again and get the initial heal again, allowing you to continually heal off the first cast.
As a healer in ESO, your main concern is of course keeping your group alive, but equally as important is how you increase your group’s damage output through buffs and resource management is something that many non-healers neglect to think about.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | or | Divines |
Shoulder | or | Divines |
Chest | Divines | |
Belt | Divines | |
Legs | Divines | |
Hands | Divines | |
Feet | Divines | |
Necklace | Arcane | |
Ring 1 | Arcane | |
Ring 2 | Arcane | |
Weapon 1 | Powered | |
Weapon 2 | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set / Willpower Set
For sets, we are using Spell Power Cure (from White Gold Tower) for the Major Courage buff it gives when you overheal a target, giving them a whopping 430 increase to their weapon and spell damage. This will greatly increase your group’s overall damage, and help you cast stronger heals as you are affected as well.
For our second set, we’ll be choosing something that fits the Nightblade Siphon skill line theme perfectly — Hollowfang Thirst (from Moongrave Fane). This spawns a blood ball at locations where you critically heal or critically damage a target, dealing damage, restoring magicka to your team, and applying Minor Vitality to all within increasing their healing received by 8%. This set offers many useful bonuses for your group, but a magicka-focused group will benefit most from its use due to the 1750 magicka return the group gains from it.
As for the monster set to use, you can switch between Symphony of Blades (from Depths of Malatar) and Sentinel of Rkugamz (from Darkshade Caverns 1). Symphony of Blades helps to manage your groups primary resources, giving any who fall under 50% of their main pool to gain either 570 magicka or stamina every second for six seconds. This will make resource management a breeze for the group and give them more leeway to dish out as much DPS as they can without draining their resources up. Sentinel of Rkugamz is more focused on healing, spawning a Dwemer spider that heals for 1000 health and restores 125 magicka/stamina every second for eight seconds. This set can be difficult for some groups to gain the most from, as you will need to sit on top of the AOE to reap the benefits, which can be impossible during some fights that require more movement.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 50
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
5. PvE – Magblade DPS Solo Build
Race: Khajiit or Elf | Mundus: Thief (higher critical strike chance) or Shadow (higher damaging critical strikes) | Food: and
Soloing content requires that you not only deal massive amounts of damage individually, but also that you have great survivability and a toolkit focused towards mitigating damage or healing it. The Magicka Nightblade is a great class to play for solo content due to the self-heal that comes from dealing damage. Of course, the Ring of the Pale Order will always help the survivability of a Solo build for its life steal, but Nightblades have their own built right into their lineup of best Nightblade skills!
I personally prefer to run the Veteran Maelstrom Arena on my Magblade for this very reason, and have mine as Vampire for the benefits you can gain from it. The fire damage from Arena 8 and 9 is hard to overcome, but the overheal healing you get from Nightblade helps offset a lot of it. If you do go Vampire, pick Dark Elf over Khajiit for the flame resistance.
Main Bar (Medusa Staff) | Second Bar (Crushing Wall Staff) |
We’ll be focusing our build and skills on a standard Magicka Nightblade, but if you are interested in making a Vampire character, Nightblades are a great option for this for the many synergies you get with their passives and similar playstyle.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | or | Divines |
Shoulder | or | Divines |
Chest | Divines | |
Belt | Divines | |
Legs | Divines | |
Hands | Divines | |
Feet | Divines | |
Necklace | Arcane | |
Ring 1 | Arcane | |
Ring 2 | Arcane | |
Weapon 1 | Precise | |
Weapon 2 | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set / Willpower Set
For our build, we will be starting off with a similar build to the Magicka Nightblade build above, with some minor changes to make solo play more feasible. First off, we want Medusa (from Arx Corinium) for the extra spell critical chance we get, but mainly for its Minor Force buff, increasing our critical damage by 10%.
Next, we need (perfected) False God’s Devotion (from Sunspire), which you will need to participate in a Trial for. Frustrating that the best Soloing gear requires playing in groups, but you’ll thank yourself later, as this set reduces the cost of all of your magicka abilities by 8%. On top of that, it restores 2454 magicka and grants Major Expedition (increasing your movement speed by 30%) for eight seconds every time an enemy you’ve recently damaged gets killed.
This set helps manage your magicka with ease without a healer to help, and the mobility makes kiting difficult battles all the more easy. Flame staves offer the highest single-target DPS with an increase of 8% damage on single-target abilities, but switching to a Lightning staff can help you clear groups of enemies with higher efficiency with the bonus 8% damage increase to AOE abilities. Which is better depends on what you are Soloing, but both can be useful. Ice Staves should not be used, as they are optimized more so for tanking and do not offer bonus damage but rather blocking bonuses.
Your monster set is more situational, and you’ll be switching it out depending on the content you want to solo. Zaan will be the best choice for taking out bosses, whether it be world, dungeon, or arena. The single-target damage it gives is just too hard to beat. If the fight has multiple bosses though it may not suit your needs, especially if your health bar is taking a hit. Iceheart is a great swap out set for when things get rough and you want a damage shield while also dealing some AOE damage. If you would rather toss out a monster set altogether and use a mythic item like Ring of the Pale Order (from Scrying five mythic leads), you’ll want to use one piece of Slimecraw as it gives the best spell critical chance of any of the monster helm sets. While arduous to obtain, the Ring of the Pale Order restores 20% of the damage you deal as health. Don’t forget to take this off in groups, though, as you won’t be able to be healed by anyone but yourself, and its effectiveness is reduced by 4% for each ally you are grouped with! Your backbar should always be an arena weapon on these types of builds, so be sure to use (perfected) Crushing Wall (from Maelstrom Arena) to increase your light attack damage by impressive margins. Obtaining the Crushing Wall from the Maelstrom Arena will also put your solo gameplay to the test, and will help you learn mechanics very quickly — if you don’t thread the needle perfectly in certain fights, you will die. Veteran arenas will push you even further, but make sure to tackle the normal ones first to get a feel of what to expect.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 30 , 50 , 20
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
6. PvE – Stamblade DPS Solo Build
Race: Khajiit or Dark Elf or Orc | Mundus: Thief (higher critical strike chance) or Shadow (higher damaging critical strikes) | Food: and
Soloing on stamina characters is inherently more difficult than their magicka counterparts due to the fact that you’ll usually be very close to the targets you are fighting. That being said, Stamina Nightblades actually do a great job at this despite the additional challenge, and can use many skills in a pinch to get themselves out of trouble. When soloing on stamina characters, it can be safer to go for a Bow/Bow build, but here we are using a Two Handed/Bow build for the increased damage and shields we can get from the Two Handed skill line.
Main Bar (Merciless Charge Sword) | Second Bar (Thunderous Volley Bow) |
Soloing requires that you have a decent mix of both single target and AOE damaging skills, so our sets and skills will aim to offset the fact that nightblades are mostly built for high single target damage.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | Divines | |
Shoulder | Divines | |
Chest | Reinforced | |
Belt | Divines | |
Legs | Divines | |
Hands | Divines | |
Feet | Divines | |
Necklace | Robust | |
Ring 1 | Robust | |
Ring 2 | Robust | |
Weapon 1 | Nirnhorned | |
Weapon 2 | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set / Agility Set
In terms of sets, the first we’ll be using is Briarheart (from Wrothgar), as it provides a great mix of damage and survivability. Upon dealing critical damage, your weapon damage will be increased by 450, and each critical strike you deal will heal you for an amount based off of your max stamina. This effect lasts for ten seconds, but can only proc every fifteen, so you’ll have some downtime. Keep this in mind during difficult fights where you are relying on the extra healing.
The second set we are using is Tzogvin’s Warband (from Frostvault), which is basically the Stamina equivalent of the Medusa set. After dealing critical damage, you gain up to ten stacks that increase your weapon critical by 177 each. Upon reaching max stacks, you gain Minor Force, which increases your critical damage by 10%. An alternative to this set would be Dagon’s Dominion (from The Cauldron) if you want to focus more heavily on an Area of Effect build, but you’ll need to swap out some abilities to gain the full power of the set with its added 492 weapon damage to all of your AOE abilities.
Monster sets aren’t working as well on Stamina characters this patch, but if you have a golded out Selene (from Selene’s Web), you can use it instead of Merciless Charge. In this build, we’re taking full advantage of what (perfected) Merciless Charge (from Maelstrom Arena) has to offer. When you cast Stampede on a group of enemies, Merciless Charge will cause them to take additional bleed damage over five seconds scaling off of your weapon damage. What’s so strong about this is that Stampede deals damage initially in an AOE, and then continues to damage enemies in the area every second for ten seconds, reapplying your Merciless Charge effect on all within! This means your Merciless Charge bleed can last for fifteen seconds before you need to recast Stampede again, increasing your overall AOE damage by an incredible margin. Casting your (perfected) Thunderous Volley (from Maelstrom Arena) over top of an area before leaping in will further expand this damage, doing more damage the longer the enemies stay within the Endless Hail of arrows.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 30 , 50
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
7. PVP – Magblade DPS (Bomber Build)
Race: Khajiit or Elf | Mundus: Shadow (higher damaging critical strikes) | Food: and
If PvE isn’t your thing, don’t worry. For this segment, we’ve put together one of the best ESO Nightblade builds in PvP.
The Magicka Nightblade PVP build we have chosen for this guide is the Bomber build, fully optimized for taking down everyone’s favorite PVP group, the Zerg. You won’t be able to 1v1 very well with this, but against groups of enemies, you’ll be a terror. The focus is dealing an initial amount of burst damage, then causing a domino effect of group member death explosions that saves your keep or nets you a hefty amount of Telvar. Most people can get salty from PVP gameplay, but nothing makes people saltier than having their group fall to a well done bomber build, which the Magblade pulls off perfectly. We apologize for the hate whispers you will get from using this build, but it will be worth the plays you pull off.
Main Bar (Vicious Death Staff) | Second Bar (Vicious Restoration Staff) |
Your rotation will be unique compared to other builds, as you have to rely on timing much more closely than other builds. If you can, attack some ads with Merciless Resolve until it is ready to proc, and finish them off before heading over to where you want to attack a group. Merciless Resolve will passively increase your critical damage by 10% with the Hemorrhage passive, and when fully stacked will increase your critical damage by another 10%. You’ll want to prebuff from a location where no one can see you with Channeled Acceleration for the Major Expedition and Minor Force it gives, and follow this up with Shadow Image. Make sure you cannot see your target so that Shadow Image doesn’t give away your location, but this will be your anchor you will teleport back to if things get out of hand.
Combat Prayer should then be cast away from the group so that this does not reveal your location, and will give your Minor Berserk and Minor Resolve, increasing your damage by 5% and increasing your resistances by 2974 respectively. Proximity Detonation will be your next ability, and this will determine when you need to set off your abilities. It has an eight-second timer before setting off, and deals 25% more damage for each enemy in the bomb’s radius. You’ll head toward the group with Shadowy Disguise and, right before Proximity Detonation goes off, you’ll cast your Soul Tether ultimate and spam Sap Essence to finish off the remaining people. The other skills on your bar are either to increase your damage or speed while you are in stealth.
If you choose to go Vampire for the extra spell damage you can gain, replace Dampen Magic with Simmering Frenzy to gain that massive 660 spell/weapon damage before going into a bomb. You’ll want to be at least Level 2 for the Strike from the Shadows passive, giving you 300 spell/weapon damage when you come out of sneak. Vampirism at Level 3 will reduce your damage taken by up to 30% based on your missing health, which can be very useful in PVP scenarios. Remember you’ll take a lot more flame damage so you’ll need to be careful after you stealth in and do your job, and Simmering Frenzy will put you to dangerously low health with the benefit of increasing your damage.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | Divines | |
Shoulder | Divines | |
Chest | or | Divines |
Belt | or | Divines |
Legs | or | Divines |
Hands | or | Divines |
Feet | or | Divines |
Necklace | Arcane | |
Ring 1 | Arcane | |
Ring 2 | Arcane | |
Weapon 1 | Sharpened | |
Weapon 2 | Powered |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set / Willpower Set
Our sets are the most essential part to this build. The first set we will talk about is called Vicious Death (from Cyrodiil gear vendor). This set will deal a massive amount of damage in an AOE around where a player you kill dies, but the important thing is that there isn’t a cooldown. Once you can get the squishiest of the group to fall, the rest come toppling down after them.
A perfect set to accompany this is Mechanical Acuity (craftable), as it guarantees five seconds of 100% critical strike chance after dealing direct damage. This means when you come out of stealth and deal your initial burst of damage, every skill for five seconds will critically hit, helping get those Vicious Death procs started.
A set that works well for Nightblade instead of Mechanical Acuity would be War Maiden (from Vvardenfell), as it increases your magic damage abilities with a whopping 600 spell damage. The fire damage from Vicious Death won’t increase, but the rest of your skills are mostly magic damage, so they will hit for more. I prefer using a lightning staff for the extra 8% AOE damage, but many Magicka Nightblades go for the raw spell damage you can get from dual wielding swords.
Most importantly, you will need the monster set Barlorgh (from March of Sacrifices) to give you spell and weapon damage equal to the amount of total ultimate you consume on casting, and also increases your spell and physical penetration by twenty-three times that amount for twelve seconds. The ultimate cap you can generate is limited to 500 as of now, meaning if you cast your Soul Tether with that amount, you will gain 500 spell / weapon damage, and 11,500 spell / physical penetration, which is brutal to put up with on the receiving end.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 30 , 50
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
8. PvP – Stamblade DPS (Assassin Build)
Race: Khajiit or Dark Elf or Orc | Mundus: Thief (higher critical strike chance) or Shadow (higher damaging critical strikes) | Food: and
The Stamina Nightblade is a great ganker and excels in 1v1 scenarios, but falls off when they are fighting multiple enemies at once. Luckily, the ESO best Nightblade builds have a lot of ways to control the tide of a fight, and can excel in taking down targets as well as keeping themselves alive, being one of the slipperiest classes in PVP.
Main Bar (Diamond’s Victory Maul) | Second Bar (Caustic Arrow Bow) |
In situations where you find yourself outnumbered, rely on using your skills to take out targets one at a time and then fall back into the shadows with Shadowy Disguise to prepare another attack.
Armor & Weapons
Slot | Gear | Trait |
Head | Impenetrable | |
Shoulder | Impenetrable | |
Chest | Reinforced | |
Belt | Impenetrable | |
Legs | Impenetrable | |
Hands | Impenetrable | |
Feet | Impenetrable | |
Necklace | Robust | |
Ring 1 | Robust | |
Ring 2 | Robust | |
Weapon 1 | Nirnhoned | |
Weapon 2 | Infused |
Easy starting set alternative: 5 , 5 , 2 Monster Set / Agility Set
For the armor sets we’ll be using on this build, we focused on using mostly medium armor on our body pieces to gain the medium armor passives that give extra weapon critical, stamina recovery, and weapon damage for each piece that is worn. We opt for a reinforced heavy chest piece to gain much more survivability from the bonus physical and spell resistance the piece has, as well as the heavy armor passives that increase our resistances, health, and health recovery. We’ll be wearing Stuhn’s Favor (craftable), as it gives us 5312 physical/spell penetration to enemies who are Off Balance, which our main spammable will place on enemies. Penetration makes a huge difference in PVP, as most players build to mitigate damage in this way.
Diamond’s Victory (craftable) will be our second set, and will give us a mix of bonus weapon/spell damage that works really well with the Nightblade playstyle. When you deal damage to an enemy from further than seven meters away, you’ll gain 437 weapon/spell damage to your melee ranged attacks, and causing damage from melee range will increase your ranged attacks by 437 weapon/spell damage as well.
Our monster set will be Barlorgh for the great amount of penetration and weapon damage it offers, as the best Nightblade builds in ESO can cast their main ultimate Incapacitating Strike so frequently and gain its benefits. If cast on a max ultimate with 500, you’ll gain 500 weapon/spell damage and you’ll also gain twenty-three times the amount of the ultimate you spent, equalling 11500 physical/spell penetration. Incapacitating Strike can be cast for much cheaper at just 70 ultimate, but will only net you 70 weapon/spell damage and 1610 physical/spell penetration. Finally we’ll finish off with our backbar weapon, being the (perfected) Caustic Arrow (from Dragonstar Arena), which gives you an extra 330 weapon damage to enemies afflicted with the Poison Arrow ability. Either morph can be used depending upon your playstyle, but mainly you can use this when you begin a fight, causing you to deal more damage from this weapon as well as activating your Diamond’s Victory bonus damage for you to deal more damage when you close the gap.
Champion Points
Essentials in Order ➡️
Warfare: 20 , 20 , 50 , 50 , 20 , 20 , 50 , 20 , 30 , 50 , 20
Fitness: 20 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 50 , 30 , 20 , 30 , 20
Craft: 50 , 75 , 30
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For MAGBLADE Merciless Resolve don’t increase crit damage and healing anymore but weapon and spell damage.
I’ve noticed that you don’t list armor weights, but all of the equipment can be light, medium, or heavy. Any advice on that?
Most of the armor listed for body pieces have only one select weight possible. For example Briarheart will always be medium, and False God’s will always be light. Weapon and jewelry “armor weight” have no effect on your stats at all in terms of passives. There are some armor pieces that do vary though here, especially monster sets and crafted sets that can come in any weight.
As a rule of thumb, magicka DPS will wear all light armor to maximize their DPS. Stamina DPS follows this same idea with medium armor instead.
Most DPS go for raw damage while tanks and healers try to get more tanky stats as they really need to stay alive. You can always play around with what feels best for you in terms of damage and survivability. Here’s the idea crunched down:
Mag DPS PvE: 7 light
Stam DPS PvE: 7 medium
Tank: 7 heavy, or 5 heavy + 1 medium + 1 light
Healer: 7 light, or 5 heavy + 1 medium + 1 light
Mag Solo: 7 light, or 5 light + 2 heavy
Stam Solo: 7 medium, or 5 medium + 2 heavy
Mag PVP: Extremely situational but 7 light for glass cannon, or 3 light + 1 medium + 3 heavy for brawler
Stam PVP: Extremely situational but 7 medium for bulkier glass cannon, or 3 medium + 1 light + 3 heavy for brawler
With all the commentary and detail I’m surprised that there is no mention of armor enchants. They make a point of stipulating the traits needed and the reason for each piece. They also make mention of weapon enchants but to overlook something as essential as 7 enchant slots seems sloppy.
Thanks for the comment Odinson. I can see why that might be confusing. With most other parts of these builds you can customize a lot of different parts. There are 14 enchantments with weapons, and 20 with jewelry. When it comes to armor you can choose between 4 enchantments: magicka, stamina, health, or a tri-stat of those three. With these 4 options there’s really only one best way to do it (except for in PvP). You’ll want extra of your primary stat, whatever that might be. If your primary stat is magicka, you’ll want magicka enchantments. There’s no need to add more stamina to your magicka toon after all, unless you find yourself running out of that resource and it’s hurting your gameplay.
The reason they aren’t included is because the enchantment each armor piece comes with is generally the best to use. For PvP it will always be situational and you can customize more with armor enchantments to mitigate what resource you are struggling to manage against other players. I hope this clarifies why we didn’t include those armor enchantments!
Umm u have ironclad under fitness… that’s incorrect. So what’s the 4th active ability for fitness supposed to be?