ESO: Luminous Ink Farming Guide

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ESO: Luminous Ink Farming Guide

Illuminate at will.

The Gold Road Chapter introduced us to the new Scribing system, allowing players to create and modify skills. As you work through the new system, you will need Luminous Ink to construct your scribed skills. Whether you want to make a unique skill or stock up on Luminous Ink to sell, this guide will help you farm it.

Stay tuned for helpful tips to make the farming process in The Elder Scrolls Online easier! 

What is Luminous Ink?

Luminous Ink is a new crafting material that was introduced for Scribing. Scribing allows players to customize various skills. To Scribe a new skill you will need access to The Scholarium and need to complete “The Second Era of Scribing” quest. To get started, make sure you have access to The Gold Road Chapter. The Scribing Altar is what you will use to make these new skills and is located in the main hall of The Scholarium. You can view your Luminous Ink at the altar or in your Craft Bag. 

 Each script added or changed on a Scribed skill consumes Luminous Ink. You can spend up to 3 per skill.  Luminous Ink is used to “pay” for your Scribed skill.  

Luminous Ink Related Achievements:

There are three achievements tied to Luminous Ink that players can unlock by harvesting or killing enemies in ESO. Please note that purchasing Luminous Ink doesn’t count towards any achievements related to collecting the material, you have to farm it yourself. 

Ink Acquirer: Achieved by collecting 5 Luminous Ink

Ink Accumulator: Achieved by collecting 50 Luminous Ink (unlocks collectible Skill Style: Force Shock, Onyx Black)

Ink Amasser: Achieved by collecting 500 Luminous Ink

How to Unlock Farming Luminous Ink

To unlock Luminous Ink drops, complete “The Wing of the Indrik quest”. The Indrik Sigil allows Luminous Ink to drop from enemies. Next, complete “The Wing of the Netch” quest to unlock Luminous Ink dropping from harvesting nodes.  Once you have these two Sigils, you can farm Luminous Ink from both sources across Tamriel. You can view all your collected Sigils in the Upgrades section of your ESO menu.

Note: Update 43 will allow Luminous Ink to also drop from Treasure Chests and Heavy Sacks, the update will go live on PC on August 19th and September 4th on Console.

Where to Farm

For farming Luminous Ink from enemies, I recommend heading to a Public Dungeon. There are plenty of enemies around and a lot of room to explore. This will make your farming experience easier because you won’t have to keep searching for new enemies. If you prefer, a Delve is also a good place to farm for Ink.  While farming in these places keep an eye out for Treasure Chests, Sky Shards, and Heavy Sacks. 

For harvesting, I like to farm on Bleakrock Isle because there are plenty of nodes near the Northern coastline and it is a beautiful area. Typically, there are fewer players here depending on the time of day so you can quickly grab resources and Luminous Ink. Additionally, starter zones like Khenarthi’s Roost and Stros M’kai are good places to farm.  Places with a high density of urns and containers are also great for farming Luminous Ink. 

Luminous Ink Farming Location
ZeniMax Online Studios / Ariana Honavar-Hiro

Artaeum is another great location for farming, you can unlock it from completing the Summerset quest “The Queen’s Decree”. Alternatively, you can always ask a guild member or someone who has it unlocked to port you there. There are plenty of containers and nodes for farming, so you can make your rounds as the timers will reset. Make sure to loop back to areas with more containers or nodes.

Helpful Tips

  • Plentiful Harvest is a great slottable Champion Point to invest in for farming Luminous Ink. This double yield is helpful because you will receive more Ink from one node if it drops. 
  • If you purchase Ink from other players, check guild traders in the busier zones to ensure you get a good price.
  • If you have a zone you want to explore, this is a great way to farm for Luminous Ink while also checking out a new area. You can do quests, complete zone dailies, etc. while you farm.

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