The Gold Road Chapter brings us three new Mythic items to use. A Mythic is a rare type of gear with special abilities that can be added to your build to make it even better. This guide will explain what each new Mythic does and how to get it for your characters.
Note: By purchasing the Gold Road Chapter Collection, you will also receive the Greymoor Chapter needed to unlock the Antiquity system. Visit our Scrying Guide if you need help getting started with Scrying and want to learn more.
Mythic Item #1: Rourken Steamguards
What does it do?
Gain Stone Guardian while Bracing for 0.5 seconds, reducing your damage taken by 90%. This effect activates at the start of Bracing and can happen once every 10 seconds. Blocking any attack when Steam Guardian is active will reduce its cool down by 5 seconds (Once per application).
This first mythic drastically changes the tanking play style by allowing you to parry attacks. This is an interesting option for Tank players wanting to try something different by incorporating a fun mechanic based on timing attacks.
- Bthzarki Tonal Pipers
Location Drop: To get this lead you will need to defeat the Assembly General, the Final Trial Boss in the Halls of Fabrication Trial in Vvardenfell. The lead can drop from completing the trial on Normal or Veteran Difficulty.
- Heartland Leather Gloves
Location Drop: The lead for this Mythic item fragment drops from the Delve Boss Deserter Marius Gallo. He can be found inside the Fort Colovia Delve in West Weald.
- Santakian Construct Plating
Location Drop: This next lead drops from Tarrent Herano a Delve Boss in Santaki. Santaki is a Delve located just South of the city Sentinel in the Alik’r Desert zone.
- Tonal Resonation Chambers
Location Drop: The lead for the Tonal Resonation Chambers fragment drops from bosses in Rkindaleft Public Dungeon. Rkindaleft is located to the North East of Orsinium in Wrothgar.
- Volenfell Etching Tools
Location Drop: This lead drops from The Guardian Council, Final Boss in the Volenfell Dungeon. The entrance for Volenfell is located in the Alik’r Desert zone, the Shrike’s Aerie wayshrine or Satakalaam wayshrine are pretty close to the entrance. You can also enter via the Activity Finder menu.
Mythic Item #2 The Shadow Queen’s Cowl
What does it do?
While crouched, you can see Witnesses and Guards through walls. Successfully pick pocketing a Witness or Guard applies Distracted to them for 10 seconds, Stunning your target. Additionally, The Shadow Queen’s Cowl decreases your detection radius in Stealth by 30 meters against Distracted targets.
I think this Mythic is a fun choice and can be useful for Thief builds, perfect for completing Thieves Guild Dailies. The Shadow Queen’s Cowl can also be useful for looting and pick pocketing targets in crowded areas, making your farming experience smoother.
- Crowcaller’s Chapbook
Location Drop: The first fragment for the Shadow Queen’s Cowl drops from a Public Dungeon in Northern Elsweyr. The lead drops from defeating the Plague of Crows boss inside Orcrest. Above are the map locations for the Public Dungeon and the boss’s location.
- Gloamium Rivets
Location Drop: The lead for the Gloamium Rivets fragment drops from Reward Troves from Abyssal Geysers in Summerset.
- Huntlands-Blessed Leather
Location Drop: The lead for this fragment drops from World Bosses in West Weald. Above are the locations of all six of West Weald’s World Bosses.
- Penumbral Oil
Location Drop: The lead for Penumbral Oil drops from Bosses in the Moongrave Fane Dungeon. This dungeon can be entered in Northern Elsweyr or by accessing your Activity Finder in your menu system.
- Shadowy Creatia Stitching
Location: The last lead for The Shadow Queen’s Cowl Mythic drops from the Aggression Root Delve Boss. The boss can be found in Haldain Lumber Camp Delve in West Weald. Haldain Lumber Camp is located South of Skingrad.
Mythic Item #3 The Saint and The Seducer
What does it do?
While you are in combat, gain one of five random Buffs which can change once every 10 seconds. Also, enemies within 12 meters of you gain one of five random minor Debuffs depending on which Buff you currently have.
This mythic is great for creating a luck-based character for role playing. I like to think of it as rolling the dice on the Buffs and Debuffs your character will have in a fight. So far I have only tested it in Overland content but it is pretty fun to use for killing World Bosses, exploring Public Dungeons, and participating in World Events. One cool thing about this mythic is that a ring will appear around your character and changes color based on the Buff & Debuff that is active.
Available Buffs and Debuffs
- Major Berserk and Minor Maim
- Major Resolve and Minor Breach
- Major Force and Minor Brittle
- Major Evasion and Minor Vulnerability
- Major Courage and Minor Cowardice
- Cylarne-Crafted Yoke
Location Drop: This lead drops from reward chests in the Solo Arena, Maelstrom Arena. Maelstrom Arena is located in Northern Wrothgar. If you want to learn more about Maelstrom Arena, check out our guide here for more information!
- Dark Seducer Cameo
Location Drop: Bosses in the Vile Manse Public Dungeon in Northern Reaper’s March will drop the lead for this fragment. You can access the Vile Manse via the Fort Grimwatch wayshrine to the South East or the town Arenthia to the East.
- Enjaen Saltchain Links
Location Drop: This lead drops from Calls to Nature and Dezanu Delve Boss in the Sheogorath’s Tongue Delve. Sheogorath’s Tongue is located in Stonefalls, the Sathram Plantation wayshrine is the closest to the Delve entrance.
- Golden Saint Cameo
Location Drop: The Golden Saint Cameo fragment lead drops from the Staada World Boss. You can find the boss in the Lesser Circle in the Alik’r Desert zone.
- Vitharn-Crafted Bail
Location Drop: Reward chests from Dolmens World Event (all base game zones count).
- The Alik’r Desert has three Dolmens that are pretty close together, I recommend farming these for the lead to save some time. The map above has arrows pointing to the locations for all the Alik’r Desert Dolmens.
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