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The Best Landing Spots in Fortnite (Chapter 4)

The best way to secure a Victory Royale when in Fortnite is to ensure you survive to the last person standing. Whether dropping solo or with a trusted squad, you’re gonna need every advantage you can get. This includes figuring out the best landing spots in Fortnite.

A good gun and some decent healing can win games, but that means nothing if you can’t get them. That’s why where you land is probably the most important decision you make when you’re trying to win. If you feel the stress of finding a  landing spot starting to mount, have no fear. In this guide, we’re going to go over the best places to land in Fortnite.

5 Best Places to Land in Fortnite

Here are the 5 best landing spots in Fortnite Chapter 4. Tap/click on the maps for a closer look!

1. Breakwater Bay

Best Landing Spots in Fortnite Chapter 4 - Breakwater Bay
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

The first location in this guide is Breakwater Bay, a location north of The Citadel. This area is at the very edge of the map so it tends not to be hot when it comes to drop spots. When landing here I also find that the number of teams rarely exceeds three or four in squads and trios.

This means it’s also a great location for players wanting to sharpen their combat skills without too much risk; no one likes being third-partied.

Breakwater Bay in Fortnite ch 4
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

This POI has pretty consistent loot as well. With a decent amount of chests and a few buildings, there’s usually enough loot to equip a full squad. With the surrounding area also rich with loot, this could also be a good drop point for players who want to third-party themselves. 

Just don’t linger for too long. You wouldn’t want your game to end prematurely because you got caught in the zone too far away from the circle.

2. Royal Ruin

Best Landing Spots in Fortnite Chapter 4- Royal Ruin
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

Next in this guide is a small landmark right down the road from Breakwater Bay. Royal Ruin is incredibly remote, resting on the edge of the map.

However, unlike Breakwater Bay, this landmark is often overlooked by other players. In my experience, there are rarely more than one or two other teams that land here if at all. This is likely because this area is between three POIs. POI’s players are more likely to gravitate to. 

Royal Ruin screenshot in Fortnite
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

The remoteness of this landmark does come with some drawbacks.

While consistent, there is rarely a lot of loot that spawns here. If playing in trios or squads every member of the team will likely have a gun, but not much else. The rather loot-rich surroundings and nearby landmark of Kings Launch do make this spot better. Landing here means you’re guaranteed to have at least one vehicle nearby. 

If you’re looking for a safe and easy beginning to a game, Royal Ruin is one of the best landing spots in Fortnite.

3. Slappy Shores

Slappy Shores Map - Best Landing Spots in Fortnite Chapter 4
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

While the previous locations in this guide were more for players wanting a safe landing, Slappy Shores is different. 

This POI is for those who want to enter the fray and come out on the other side. While not as congested as other POIs like The Citadel and Mega City, there’s still an element of risk vs. reward when landing here.

Slappy Shores
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

If you decide to land at Slappy Shores expect a fight. In my experience, whenever I land here I’m met with at least 5 other teams in trios and squads. In solo, I tend to avoid the area entirely. On the other end, this place has a ton of loot. And I mean a ton. There are chests everywhere, loads of houses full of loot, and a bridge with a capture point and Slurp Truck.

I’ve had many games begin and end in Slappy Shores so it can’t hurt to learn this area inside and out. If you want good loot and you’re not afraid to fight for it, then this is the best place to land in Fortnite for you. 

4. Fireglow Sanctuary

Best Landing Spots in Fortnite Chapter 4 Fireglow_Sanctuary_Map
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

Next on the list is a new landmark mark courtesy of the map changes from season two. This Japanese-styled landmark is a great landing spot for players wanting to explore the new additions to the island. Especially if they don’t want to get too overwhelmed. While you’re likely to face a few enemies here,  it’s a far cry from the amount of opposition you’ll face from landing in Mega City. 

This place also comes with a surprisingly good amount of loot for such a small landmark. With three floors of loot, some chests, and a spawn for the new kinetic blade, you can’t really go wrong with this place as a landing spot. 

Fireglow Sanctuary Screenshot
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

Another great aspect of this landmark is the third-party potential. As I alluded to earlier, this is a great place to land if you want to explore the new POIs and landmarks introduced in season two. This also means that it’s an excellent place to get some early loot and pick off some teams that are still weak from earlier fights.

5. Mega City

Mega City - Best Landing Spots in Fortnite Chapter 4
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

Mega City. The big new POI introduced in chapter 4 season 2 that adds a little bit of futuristic cyberpunk to the island. If you haven’t experienced this POI first hand then let me be the first to tell you: this place is dangerous.

If you land here, be prepared for a hard fight. I can guarantee that most people in the lobby will likely be landing here with you. And they are all looking for blood.

Mega City Fortnite Screenshot
Image: Epic Games via HGG / Justin Moniquette

With all that said, why would I add Mega City to this guide? Because Mega City is not as insurmountable as it may initially seem.

Yes, it’s dangerous.

Yes, it’s incredibly risky.

But it’s also rife with rewards.

If you or your team can come out victorious, you’ll be good on loot for whoever is left in the game. Mega City is big. That means there are a lot of places to hide in between fights and heal up. With the addition of rails and the myriad of vents, escaping a fight is not as hard as it seems.

Furthermore, Mega City is surrounded by other POIs. This means if you survive your initial landing and feel like things are heating up too much, you can slip away with whatever loot you grabbed.

While highly dangerous, there’s no doubt Mega City is one of the best places to land in Fortnite with all the options available to you once you hit the ground.

Final Fortnite Landing Tips

While we’ve gone over a couple of good landing spots in this guide, the biggest takeaway from this article should be that experience trumps all. No matter where you land, get familiar with the spot. Learn the loot spawns. Memorize the roads in and out of the location. Claim the spot as your own.

Most times I find myself getting eliminated, I’m in an area I’m not familiar with. I either end up getting out-maneuvered or snuck up on by another team. 

Get cozy with a couple of key areas on the island and it will reflect in your gameplay whether you realize it or not. If map familiarity is the difference between an early elimination and a Victory Royale, then why not use it to your advantage?

Join the High Ground

And there you have it. A guide to the best landing spots in Fortnite Chapter 4. The island is always changing but it’s always good to find a landing spot to call home from season to season.

What landing spots do you swear by when aiming for a victory? We’d love to hear about any hidden gems you might have in the comments below. And if you liked this guide subscribe for more Fortnite content in the future.


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