Fortnite Waystone


Fortnite Canon

Release Date: 21/07/2017

Developer: Epic Games; People Can Fly | Publisher: Epic Games

Genres: Action Battle Royale Shooter


Official Website View on Amazon   |   View on Epic  

Melodies & Mockeries

Behold, High Ground Gaming's resident trolls! The cheerful Gurg and the irritable Grundle — together they bring songs of praise and mutterings of discontent about Fortnite.

The Jolly Troll
Hear ye, hear ye, of Fortnite's great lore,
A realm where the bold come to explore.
On an isle of mystery, so vivid and vast,
Where only the cunning can truly outlast.

Build and battle, in a world so bizarre,
Riding the storm as a bright shooting star.
With skins so many, a splendid array,
Each match a new tale, night or day.

Gather your squad, for teamwork's the key,
In this dance of survival, crafty and free.
In Fortnite's grand carnival, whimsy and fight,
Triumph awaits those who outlast the night.

So join in the fray, with weapons in hand,
In Fortnite's great saga, colorful and grand!
The Angry Troll
Fortnite? What's this nonsense? Running around, building forts like a bunch of overexcited goblins with blocks? A community composed of a delightful mix of wannabes and screamin' younglings. And the fighting – it's like a fairy slap-fest, not a proper battle. Where's the thunderous clash of axes, the roar of dragons? This is just hopscotch with guns. And the dancing – oh, by the gods, the dancing! I've seen more dignity in a drunken gnome. Plus, the costumes! It's like a mad jester's wardrobe exploded. Give me a real, gritty skirmish, not this circus of skydiving clowns and rainbow shotguns. At least when I roar, it's not about who shot me with a glitter cannon!

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