Sub-camps are an important part of Monster Hunter. Just like the main camps, they offer you a place to rest and restock items during a hunt, act as a closer respawn point when you faint, and serve as an easy fast-travel point if you’re trying to get to a specific area on the map quickly.
Unlike the main camps, however, the sub-camps aren’t available by default — you’ll need to find them and complete a few quests to open them up for your hunts. To help you out with this, we’ve put together this sub-camp guide detailing where to find all the sub-camps in Monster Hunter Rise, as well as which quests you’ll need to complete to unlock them.
Let’s get started!
Shrine Ruins Sub-Camp Locations
We’ll begin our sub-camp guide with the Shrine Ruins, the first region you can visit in Monster Hunter Rise. This region only has one sub-camp, and it’s located conveniently at the opposite end of the map for easy fast travel.

Sub-Camp 1
You’ll find the Shrine Ruins sub-camp in Area 10, just north of the flooded area on the map. It sits at the top of a nearby mountain, so you’ll need to rely on wirebugs and wall running to get there. Thankfully, the mountain has a few short “steps” at its base you can use to stagger your stamina consumption.
Head to the path leading to Area 13, then climb up the eastern ledge. Climb to the next shortest ledge, then up the wall to your right. Follow the bamboo candles down the path on the right, where you’ll find a wall covered in vines. Climbing up the vines will take you right up to the sub-camp location.

Once you’ve found the camp, talk to Kagero the Merchant back in Kamura Village to pick up the “Shrine Ruin Sub-Camp Security” sidequest, which tasks you with killing eight Izuchi in the Shrine Ruins area. Report back to Kagero once you’ve taken care of the monsters, and the sub-camp will be ready for you next time you’re in the region.
Frost Islands Sub-Camp Locations
Next on our sub-camp guide is the Frost Islands. The Frost Islands have two sub-camps, both located in the aboveground area. This will be consistent across all the regions in Monster Hunter Rise — you’ll never find a sub-camp in one of the underground areas, so you don’t have to search everywhere like you do with the Relic Records.

Sub-Camp 1
You’ll find the first sub-camp in Area 6. There are a couple ways to reach it, the easiest being simply walking in from the north side. Jump off the right side of the land bridge connecting Areas 6 and 9, which should put you just in front of the tunnel leading to Area 11. There’s a gap in a nearby rock wall — it’s bordered by a few snow-covered rocks, but you’ll have an easier time finding it by looking for the Blue Mushroom that spawns nearby. Walk through the cap, and you’ll end up right in the sub-camp.

The other way to reach this sub-camp will cost you a few Great Wirebugs, but it’s a lot more fun. Head to Area 1 from the Main Camp, and follow it through to Area 3. There’s a group of Jewel Lilies near a rock outcropping on your right — set down a Great Wirebug and sail it to the next area. It’ll drop you at the top of a rock pillar, and you can basically walk straight forward and into the next patch of Jewel Lilies. Use another Great Wirebug from here, and you’ll land right in the middle of the sub-camp.

Once you’ve found the area, you can talk to Kagero the Merchant to get the “Frost Island Sub-Camp Security” sidequest. Slay eight Zamite (the funky little shark-leech things) in the Frost Islands region, then report back to Kagero to unlock the sub-camp.
Sub-Camp 2
The second sub-camp is right between Areas 8 and 10, tucked neatly into the mountain just north of the giant skeleton. If you check your mini-map, it’s pretty easy to see the little alcove that houses it. There’s a Green Spiribird and some Honey just outside of the entrance, so keep an eye out for those to make sure you’re on the right part of the mountain.
(Fun fact: this is the location that inspired me to make this sub-camp guide in the first place. Somehow I managed to finish the entire game without stumbling across it, so you can imagine my frustration upon realizing it was right here the whole time.)

To unlock this sub-camp, you’ll need to complete the “Frost Islands Sub-Camp Materials” sidequest. This is a delivery quest, and Kagero will ask you to provide two Warm Pelts (common carves off low-rank Kelbi and Anteka, both found in the Frost Islands), and four Monster Bone S (found in low-rank Bone Piles in any region). Deliver these items to Kagero to unlock the sub-camp.
Sandy Plains Sub-Camp Locations
Next up is the Sandy Plains, home to some of the most annoying monsters in the game. This applies to both large and small monsters — I’m not a big fan of Diablos, but nothing puts me in rage mode faster than a Rhenoplos who decides it’s hands on sight. Still, fast travel is a must, so here’s where you can find the sub-camps.

Sub-Camp 1
The first sub-camp is located between Areas 2 and 7, sat right in the middle of some ruins. The ruins themselves are pretty easy to spot from either area, so you shouldn’t have too much trouble finding it. Simply head over to the elevated area, climb up the wall, and wander around the ruins until you stumble into the sub-camp locale.

Once you’ve done that, you can speak to Kagero to pick up the “Sandy Plains Sub-Camp Security” side quest. After slaying eight Kestodon in the Sandy Plains region, report back to Kagero to unlock the sub-camp.
Sub-Camp 2
The second camp is located just east of Area 8. If you walk the path between Areas 8 and 9, you’ll see a small gap in the south wall (an Herb conveniently marks the spot where you need to look). Walk through the gap to find a small oasis and the second sub-camp.

This sub-camp is unlocked by another delivery, so pick up the “Sandy Plains Sub-Camp Materials” sidequest from Kagero. This one requires a Lagombi pelt (earned as a carve or capture reward from a low-rank Lagombi) and two Monster Bone M. You can check your Hunter’s Notes and select “Large Monsters > Materials” to see exactly which monsters drop this item, but you’ll find the most luck just hunting monsters from ★3 quests. Report back to Kagero once you have the items to unlock the sub-camp.
Flooded Forest Sub-Camp Locations
The Flooded Forest is another area of this sub-camp guide with only one sub-camp. I know the pyramid in the bottom-right area seems like a pretty tempting place for a secret sub-camp, but there isn’t one (it’s still worth visiting for a few other treasures, though).

Sub-Camp 1
The Flooded Forest sub-camp is in Area 11. Head down one of the paths leading to Area 6 or Area 9 — it doesn’t really matter which one, as we’re just going to be climbing the rock pillar that separates the two paths. You’ll have an easier time climbing if you approach from the southern side, as it’s got a few shorter ledges to start with. Climb up until you reach the level where the Antidobra hangs out, then use the vine wall to climb up to the last ledge. Walk through the gap in the wall to reach the sub-camp location.

Next time you’re in Kamura Village, check in with Kagero to get the “Flooded Forest Sub-Camp Security” sidequest, which asks you to slay eight Wroggi in the Flooded Forest. Do this and turn in the quest to unlock the sub-camp.
Lava Caverns Sub-Camp Locations
Last but not least are the Lava Caverns. This area has a much larger underground region than the other locations, but don’t let it get you down — even though both of the sub-camps are on the upper level, they’ve got easy access to the lower areas for convenient fast travel no matter where you’re headed.

Sub-Camp 1
The first sub-camp in this section of the sub-camp guide is pretty easy to find. Head over to Area 12 and basically just follow the rock path upward, making sure to keep the lava flow on your left. You’ll eventually hit a dead end where the sub-camp lies.

On your way up, you may have noticed a giant hole in the ground. This is the quickest way to get to the underground area and back, and can be an easy way to find the sub-camp if you haven’t already. If your hunt takes you down to Areas 11 or 14, head over to the elevated rocky area between the two (you’ll know you’re in the right place when you find a group of bushes and a few Rachnoids walking around). Head south until you find an Upwelling Wind — let it carry you to the top, then wirebug out the north side to land directly in the camp location.

You know the drill — speak to Kagero for the “Lava Caverns Sub-Camp Security” sidequest, then head back to the Lava Caverns to slay eight Uroktor. Turn in the completed quest, and the sub-camp will be waiting for you next time you’re in the area.
Sub-Camp 2
The second sub-camp is in Area 6. Go up the short vine wall in Area 1 across from the Main Camp, then continue north until you find the Felyne camp. Continue left, and follow the path left across a land bridge to the point where a Honey spawns. You’ll see what looks to be the remains of a stone building surrounded by a few large trees. The sub-camp is nestled in this little area, so you can walk right in to trigger the prompt.

Check in with Kagero to get the “Lava Caverns Sub-Camp Materials” sidequest, which requires a Tetranadon Hide (obtained from a low-rank Tetranadon) and 2 Monster Bone L. Again, check with your Hunter’s Notes to see exactly which monsters will drop this item, but hunting monsters from ★4 is a pretty safe bet.

Become a High Grounder
That’s it for our Monster Hunter Rise sub-camp guide — thanks for reading! We hope these subcamps will make your hunts and expeditions a little easier on you. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social for more Monster Hunter guides like this.
Happy hunting!
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