There are a lot of weapons available to use in Warzone these days. Now that we have access to weapons from BO6, MWII, and MWIII, it’s hard to narrow it all down. Right now, I do prefer the BO6 weapons since they have the strongest builds overall at the moment, and because they’re easier to get for people who didn’t play older games. For Warzone: Resurgence, you’ll want builds that can handle the chaotic speed of the game mode. And since Area 99 is a pretty small map that still has plenty of long-range potential, it’s important to have a good balance of options. Here are four weapons (or weapon types) I recommend for Resurgence on Area 99!
Note: For the recommended attachments, you can choose to use a Wildcard to increase your overall attachment slots from 5 to 8. I’ve made these lists with that in mind, but if you want to switch up your Wildcards, you can lose a few of the less-impactful attachments where needed (or vice versa).
Assault Rifles – XM4 / AK-47 / GPR 91 / and more
Recommended Attachments (8):
- Optic: Whichever you prefer
- Muzzle: Suppressor (keeps you off the map) or Compensator (recoil control)
- Barrel: Long Barrel (damage range)
- Underbarrel: Vertical Foregrip (horizontal recoil control)
- Magazine: Extended Mag I (bonus ammo with no downsides)
- Rear Grip: Assault Grip (sprint to fire speed) or Commando Grip (some bonus sprint to fire speed, but also some ADS speed)
- Stock: Balanced Stock (increased movement speed in general and while strafing, hip-firing, and aiming)
- Fire Mods: Recoil Springs (recoil control) or 5.56 NATO Overpressured (bullet velocity)
Across both Warzone and BO6 Multiplayer, the XM4 is an incredible weapon. I like it a lot for Warzone specifically since it has a perfect balance of range, stopping power, and accuracy. The best thing you can have in Warzone Resurgence is a good mid-range weapon, and ARs are the best at that. Since Warzone players have so much health thanks to armor plates, the lighter ARs just don’t do the trick. With the XM4, you’re going to have the best possible chance to stand toe-to-toe with just about anyone.
Honestly, though, most ARs are pretty solid for Resurgence. Since they’re good at both long and close range, it’s always hard to go wrong with a good Assault Rifle. The XM4 is my favorite, but the AK-47, Model L, GPR-91, or others are also nearly as good. If you get one with a good scope, they’re even better. Since Area 99 is a smaller map, they’re really the best of both worlds. While you won’t be picking up cross-map kills with ARs, you definitely can take out players in other areas near you without being seen. And then you can go right back into a building and have roughly the same level of effectiveness in there, too.
XMG or Other LMGS
Recommended Attachments (8 or 5, depending on what you want to do):
- Optic: Whichever you prefer
- Muzzle: Compensator (vertical recoil control)
- Barrel: Reinforced Barrel (damage range and bullet velocity)
- Grip: Vertical Foregrip (horizontal recoil control)
- Magazine: Extended Mag I (bonus ammo but worse reload speed) or Extended Mag II (even more ammo but worse ADS speed, even worse reload speed, and lower sprint to fire speed)
- Grip: Commando Grip (ADS speed and sprint to fire speed)
- Stock: Balanced Stock (increased all-around movement) or Light Stock (increased general, hipfire, and strafing movement speed)
- Fire Mods: Recoil Springs (recoil control) or 5.56 NATO Overpressured (Bullet Velocity)
I absolutely love LMGs in Resurgence. Since they do so much damage, they’re perfect for destroying armor plates and taking out enemies in an instant. They also have solid range, so you can use them from afar as well. In the fast-paced environment of Area 99, the LMG is a go-to for clearing out buildings with teammates. The huge ammo reservoir allows you to take out entire teams without needing to reload, with the only real downside being that they can be slow to use in really close-range fights.
Of the LMGs we have access to in Warzone, the one I recommend the most is the XMG. It’s incredibly powerful, and the damage it does is more than enough for almost any situation. I’ve been using it a lot while running around on rooftops trying to pick off kills, and it’s even decent at close range if you can outgun enemies with SMGs. (Or if they don’t see you looking.) Regardless of what LMG you pick up or put in your loadout, the weapon type is phenomenal. Whenever I’m in a pinch, they’re the first things I look for in loot caches other than a high-level AR. And even then, there are a lot of times where I’d prefer an LMG.
Sniper Rifles – LR 7.62 or Frostline
Recommended Attachments (5):
- Muzzle: Suppressor (keeps you off the map)
- Barrel: Long Barrel (damage range)
- Grip: Quickdraw Grip (increased ADS speed)
- Stock: Balanced Stock (increased all-around movement)
- Fire Mods: 5.56 NATO Overpressured (bullet velocity)
Sniper Rifles will always be good in these kinds of games. If there’s a long range to take advantage of, you can guarantee someone will be laying on top of a tower sniping. In Warzone: Resurgence, we have several great options. I personally like the LR 7.62 the most, as it has the most stopping power. It’s the best sniper in the game right now, but it does have some tough competition. The LW3A1 Frostline is a great sniper as well, just with a little less power and slightly less accuracy. The Frostline does, however, have better handling. This makes it better for situations where you quickly need to switch to your backup weapon. If you’re sniping from a sketchy area and know you’ll need to switch it up often, the Frostline is the better pick.
On Area 99, we have plenty of good places to snipe from, even though it’s a smaller map. It’s certainly more chaotic, but snipers are in a good place here. You can get on top of major structures in almost every area to have a great view of the map, and you can even try your hand at sniping enemies parachuting back in after respawning (although that’s certainly not going to be easy).
Jackal PDW or Other SMGs
Recommended Attachments (5):
- Muzzle: Compensator (vertical recoil control)
- Barrel: Long Barrel (damage range) or Reinforced Barrel (bullet velocity and some damage range)
- Magazine: Extended Mag I (increased mag size) or Extended Mag II (even more ammo but reduced ADS, reload, and sprint to fire speed)
- Grip: Commando Grip (ADS and sprint to fire speed)
- Stock: Balanced Stock (increased all-around movement speed)
For SMGs, you have several great choices. My favorite right now in both BO6 multiplayer and Warzone is the Jackal PDW. It’s got some serious firepower, is light, and is really just an all-around fantastic gun. SMGs work best for Warzone: Resurgence when paired with a long-range weapon via the Overkill Wildcard. The obvious weapons to pair with SMGs are sniper rifles, long-range ARs, and LMGs. Any of these makes for a great loadout that will destroy enemies at any range.
If you’re not wanting to use the Jackal, the PP-919 is strong thanks to its high-capacity mag. The KSV, C9, and Saug are also good if you’re looking for another one that really excels up close. The Saug is great for ultra-close-range fights, and the KSV and C9 handle mid-range fights a bit better. As long as they’re paired with the right long-range weapon, SMGs are a fantastic source of easy kills.
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