For Zombies, picking your starter weapon is probably the most important thing to get right. There are a ton of viable weapons for Zombies (especially those that have good pack-a-punch effects), but some stand out as the best. In this article we’ll take a look at 7 great weapons for Zombies (in no particular order) and discuss why they stand out and what makes them so good!
- How to Unlock: Level 28
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Explosive rounds.
While a simple pistol might not seem like the best choice for Zombies, once pack-a-punched, it takes on a whole new life. The GS45 (Sally or Sally & Forth once pack-a-punched) starts out as a pretty mediocre, normal pistol. It’s good for early rounds so you can save primary weapon ammo, but it’s nothing special. However, the pack-a-punch effect turns its rounds into explosive rounds. Obviously, this is fantastic for taking out full waves of zombies with ease. And if you have the akimbo attachment (which lets you dual wield) it’s even better. Without a doubt this is the best pistol for Zombies, and maybe even the only one that I’d highly recommend.
- How to Unlock: Level 25
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Shotgun-like rounds when hip-fired, high focused damage when scoped in.
Snipers are already pretty solid in Zombies thanks to their high damage against bosses, but the SVD is the best option due to its equally impressive firing rate. Since it’s a semi-auto sniper, you’ll be much more effective against hordes as well as having high boss damage. When pack-a-punched, however, you basically get a whole new weapon. The pack-a-punched SVD gains shotgun-like rounds when hip-fired, which makes you much more effective in later rounds. You can also still ADS with it to get a more accurate super high-damage shot that’s perfect for dealing huge boss DPS. The SVD is an awesome weapon for Zombies, and a great example of how much a weapon can change after it’s pack-a-punched.
LR 7.62
- How to Unlock: Level 49
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Explosive rounds.
The LR 7.62 isn’t the most exciting weapon in early rounds, so you’ll have to wait until pack-a-punching to really see how great it is. Its slow firing rate makes it hard to use by itself as you make it into later rounds, but the pack-a-punched version makes up for this with explosive rounds. So instead of having to take your time shooting down single zombies at once, you’ll be able to clear waves in no time. This turns a mediocre to bad late game weapon into one of the strongest in the game, and gives life to a weapon that otherwise wouldn’t have had much. I’m a huge fan of clearing as many zombies as possible, and this is one of the best ways to do that.
- How to Unlock: Level 37
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Bonus ammo in the mag.
The PP-919 is one of the more “generic” options on this list, but for good reason. By far, the magazine size you get on this thing puts it over the top. When pack-a-punched you’ll get over 250 rounds per mag. That’s more than enough to clear wave after wave without reloading, and even makes it better at fighting bosses as you won’t have to spend as much time reloading while running away. I know this isn’t an exciting pick, but they don’t all have to be. There aren’t a ton of viable SMGs in Zombies, so it’s nice to see this one be so good. Especially since it’s so lacking in multiplayer. It feels like most weapons in Black Ops 6 are good in at least some game mode, which is always nice.
- How to Unlock: Level 31
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Increased mag size and improved bullet spread.
Shotguns are always a good choice in Zombies, especially semi-auto ones like this. In early rounds, you’ll be able to quickly clear out any zombies that come your way, and bosses are a breeze with such high damage. The pack-a-punch effect gives it an improved bullet spread and more ammo, which is essential on a weapon like this. It’s not hard to run out of ammo or get overwhelmed at such close range, but pack-a-punching negates both of these issues. There’s really nothing at all to complain about with the AGS-89, as it does everything you want it to do.
- How to Unlock: Level 7
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Burst-fire effect on single trigger pull.
I won’t pretend like the AK-47 is going to carry you through the whole game by itself, but it does a fantastic job against zombies themselves. Against bosses it does struggle (although it is very good against Manglers, I’ve found) but it’s not horrible there either. I really just love it for its consistency and for how good it is in the early rounds against basically everything. In the late game, I’d recommend pairing it with a reliable wonder weapon or something that can deal with bosses better, but no matter what, the AK-47 takes care of zombies with the best.
Marine SP
- How to Unlock: Unlocked from the start.
- Pack-a-Punch Effect: Increased reload speed.
There might only be two shotguns in Black Ops 6 so far, but it shouldn’t be any surprise that they’re both on this list. While the faster-firing AGS-89 might be a more popular option, the Marine SP is just as powerful. It’s good on its own, but the pack-a-punched version (the Bakunawa) reloads faster than ever and kicks even harder. Obviously you’ll still struggle with running out of ammo overall since it’s a shotgun, but having a heavy-hitter like this to rely on will make the later rounds feel just as easy as the earliest. You’ll still want something to pair with it for range, but that shouldn’t be an issue thanks to the mystery box and/or wall pickups.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Navigation
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – All Pistols Ranked (Standard Multiplayer)
- CoD: Black Ops 6 – All SMGs Ranked (Standard Multiplayer)
- CoD: Black Ops 6 – All Sniper Rifles Ranked (Standard Multiplayer)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – 7 Best Weapons for Zombies
- CoD: Black Ops 6 – All ARs Ranked (Standard Multiplayer)
- Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 – Latest Updates, Game Modes, Warzone News, and More (Season 2, 2025)
- All LMGs Ranked for Warzone
- The Best Loadouts Overall for Warzone
- The 5 Best SMGs for Warzone Ranked (2025)
- The 5 Best Assault Rifles Ranked for Warzone
- Call of Duty: Warzone – Best Places to Drop In At (Area 99 Map)
- Warzone: Best Weapons for Resurgence – Area 99
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