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Octopath Traveler 2 Money Farming Guide: 5 Best Ways to Make Money

Like in most RPGs, money makes the world go ‘round in Octopath Traveler 2. If you want to outfit your party with the best gear available, you’re going to need a lot of cash. Leaves, the currency of Octopath Traveler 2, can be somewhat hard to come by, especially early on. However, there are a few strategies for earning the funds necessary to equip your party with the gear they need for success. That’s why today we’re looking at the 5 best ways to farm money in Octopath Traveler 2, including how you can get your hands on a lot of Leaves early in the game.

Best Ways to Farm Money in Octopath Traveler 2

Let’s jump right into our guide on the best ways to make money in Octopath Traveler 2 in order to help ensure your wallet is always full!

Utilize Partitio’s Skills as a Merchant

Octopath Traveler 2 Best Money Farm Partitio Skills
Image: Square Enix via HGG / Drew Swanson

Although Partitio isn’t the best starting character in Octopath Traveler 2, you’ll want to recruit him early on. He offers a variety of useful skills for helping players earn money quickly, which can be incredibly helpful early in the game.

Grows on Trees

One of the easiest ways to earn extra money in Octopath Traveler 2 is to simply have a Merchant in your party with the Grows on Trees Support Skill equipped. This Support Skill increases the amount of Leaves earned at the end of a battle. It doesn’t stack with multiple characters, so having only one party member, such as Partitio, use the skill is the most efficient strategy.


Another small benefit of using a Merchant like Partitio is the Collect skill, which allows you to collect money from a single foe during battle. This can be a simple way to earn an extra bit of cash while out and about in Octopath Traveler 2. Pairing Collect with Grows on Trees can help quickly snowball the amount of money you earn early in the game.


Partitio’s Path Action Hire can also be useful when looking to increase your funds. This Path Action lets the player hire NPCs to join you as summonable party members during combat. However, some also have added effects that can trigger outside of battle as well. Hiring a merchant can be a great investment since having them with you can reduce the cost of some goods and ultimately save you money in the long run.

Use the Prosperity Charm

Prosperity Charm
Image: Square Enix via HGG / Drew Swanson

While the Grows on Trees Support Skill is good, one of its major downsides is the fact that it can’t stack. The Prosperity Charm has a similar effect, but it can be stacked. A single Prosperity charm increases the amount of Leaves earned at the end of a battle by 10%, and by 20% if you have two. Even better, you can use two Prosperity Charms and Grows on Trees for a total of 30% more Leaves!

You can pick up two Prosperity Charms in Octopath Traveler 2. The first one is available quite early in the game. Talk to the woman inside the Cropdale tavern at night and she will ask that you deal with a disorderly man. Use a Path Action to knock him out and she will reward you with the Prosperity Charm. You can get the second from The Roque Company: Factory after finishing Partitio’s Chapter 2.

Complete Side Stories

Octopath Traveler 2 Best Money Farm Side Stories
Image: Square Enix via HGG / Drew Swanson

Like most RPGs, completing side quests in Octopath Traveler 2 can be quite lucrative. You can often earn various amounts of Leaves alongside other rewards for successfully completing these tasks. 

Best Side Stories to Complete for Money

There are a couple particularly useful side stories in Octopath Traveler 2 that have the potential to yield a large chunk of change. The first is the “Lingering Love” side story, which can be started by talking to a woman outside the weapons shop in Stormhail. If you can successfully lead her lost love, Eugis (found in Merry Hills), back to her, she will reward you with 14,000 Leaves on top of an Alluring Ribbon.

An even more lucrative side quest for getting money in Octopath Traveler 2 is “The Runaways.” This quest can be started by talking to a woman in front of the stables in Ku, who tells you about some of her missing horses. You can find the thief who stole the horses outside of Wellgrove’s south exit. Simply knock him out with a Path Action and the horses will return to their owner. Head back to Ku and talk to the woman, and she’ll reward you with 20,000 Leaves and a Light Nut (M).

Battle Rare Monsters

Image: Square Enix via HGG / Drew Swanson

A great way to farm for repeated large sums of money in Octopath Traveler 2 is to defeat some of the game’s rarest monsters. While it can be difficult to get them to spawn consistently, they are a great source of funds that you can farm over and over again.

Two of the rarest types of monsters you’ll encounter in the game are also two of the best options for farming money in Octopath Traveler 2. Both Caits and Octopuff drop a ton of experience points and Leaves when defeated. However, they are hard to find and flee quickly from battle.

How to Find Caits and Octopuffs

Both of these monsters can be found all across Octopath Traveler 2’s map. In order to increase your chances of finding these lucrative monsters, you can equip accessories like the Cait Powder and the Octopuff Pot. Additionally, having a Hunter with the More Rare Monsters Support Skill equipped will also increase the odds.

How to Defeat Caits and Octopuffs

Defeating these enemies before they flee can also be a challenge. That’s why we recommend bringing a variety of elemental soulstones along when farming for them. Soulstones deal high amounts of damage without fail, meaning they can bypass these monsters’ evasive nature. Another good option is to bring Hikari with the Merciless Blade skill, as it deals a fixed 3000 damage. 

Sell Items You Don’t Need

Octopath Traveler 2 Best Money Farm Sell Items
Image: Square Enix via HGG / Drew Swanson

The best way to make money in Octopath Traveler 2 quickly and reliably is to sell any unwanted items you’re carrying around. You’ll more than likely collect a large share of items on your journey throughout Solista. As you progress through the game and upgrade to new, better equipment, you can recoup the cost of some of that gear by selling your old, unneeded items. 

Additionally, there are certain items that only exist to be sold. These items will have a description along the lines of “fetches a fair price if sold.” When selling items, be sure to have Partitio in your party in order to get the maximum value out of their sale. If you are really desperate for cash, you can Steal the promissory note from Alrond in Partitio’s Chapter 3, which can be sold for a whopping 100,000 Leaves!

Join the High Ground!

Hopefully this guide to farming money in Octopath Traveler 2 helps you keep your pockets lined with Leaves throughout the game. Let us know your secret for earning in-game cash fast in the comments down below! While you’re there, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter so you don’t miss out on any of our upcoming Octopath Traveler 2 guides.

Happy gaming!


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