Diablo 4 Waystone

>Games>Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Canon

Release Date: 05/06/2023

Developer: Blizzard Entertainment | Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment

Genres: Action Action RPG Adventure Hack-And-Slash Multiplayer Online Game


Official Website View on Amazon   |   View on Steam   |   View on Battle.net  

Melodies & Mockeries

Behold, High Ground Gaming's resident trolls! The cheerful Gurg and the irritable Grundle — together they bring songs of praise and mutterings of discontent about Diablo 4.

The Jolly Troll
Gather 'round, for a tale of dread and might,
Of Diablo IV, where shadows entice and invite.
In realms accursed, where demons dare to tread,
Brave souls venture, filled with hope and dread.

With sword and spell, through darkness, they roam,
Challenging evil in its very own home.
A dance with danger, a test of heart and skill,
Against horrors that would any lesser spirit kill.

In this land of shadow, where nightmares thrive,
Heroes battle fiercely, keeping hope alive.
So, raise your voices for this epic lore,
Diablo IV, a legend forevermore!

In its wicked world, where evil’s roots are rife,
It’s a land where the dauntless carve their story of strife!
The Angry Troll
Diablo 4, or as I call it, Disappointment 4. It's like they took the charm of the old games, fed it to the hounds, rounded up the excrement, and slapped on a shiny coat. The gameplay? A mindless click-fest that'll give your mouse PTSD. Story? More predictable than a sitcom laugh track. They promised innovation but delivered a rehashed loot grind, now with extra monetization. It's as if they aim to extract your soul, one microtransaction at a time. The so-called "dark and gritty" world? Please, I've seen scarier things in a goblin's pantry. It’s all repetition, like a bard who knows one song.

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